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Trouble Installing CMRT


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Hello all, looking forward to playing this. I played quite a bit of CMBB and CMAK back in the day. Bought CMFB a couple years ago and I don't remember such problems. When I click on the file I get a "page can't be found" or "destination file can't be found". I'm not much good with PC's other than pointing and clicking, so not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've created a Support ticket, but if one of you fine fellows can help I'd greatly appreciate it. Is there anywhere that lists the steps to follow?  Thanks,  Robert

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I assume that you have logged into your Battlefront Store account (https://www.battlefront.com - click on the 'Login' button in the upper right) and you're attempting to download the installer file for CMRT, is that correct ? Or are you clicking on a purchase confirmation email that has the download link in it ?

If you're trying to download the file from the Battlefront Store, then once logged in, click on the 'My Orders' text link. In here you will have to browse your orders, clicking on either the 'Order ID', 'Order Type' or 'Click to view' text to see the details of each order. Within these orders should be your license key (unless it was a 'mail delivery only' order) and a link to the download. For the original, Engine 3 version (game version 1.03), click the 'checkmark' on to the above left of the folder icon for the Windows or Mac version and then click the blue 'Download' button to the lower right. This will download a file named 'Files.zip'. Extract this file with either the built-in zip decompression of Windows (or Mac) or possibly use a 3rd party compression/decompression utility like 7zip/WinZip/Bandizip. Using a 3rd party utility to decompress the files is sometimes necessary because the decompression might end up with corrupt files and the 3rd party utilities seem to have fewer instances of this.

If you purchased CMRT AND the 4.0 Upgrade for it, then download the 4.0 Upgrade installer INSTEAD. You will NOT need the original (1.03) version of the game to be installed. The 4.0 Upgrade installer has all of the needed files to install the latest version of the game.

If your purchase of CMRT was fairly recent, then you will have the 4.x version of the game in the download link in your order for it.

When it comes to activating/licensing the game you will need the license key that is in your order. For the 4.x only (recent purchase) you will need only that license key to activate the game. If you purchased the original version and the 4.0 Upgrade, then you will need both the ORIGINAL (v3 Engine) license key AND the 4.0 Upgrade license key. Typically you'll want to activate with the original license key and then the 4.0 Upgrade license key.

If you purchased the Fire & Rubble module, then the 4.0 Upgrade download (or the 'recent purchase' download) will have that module's content already included in the installer. You do not need to download and install anything else with this installer to get that module's content. You will however need to activate it with the license key for that module. Typically you'll need to click on the 'Activate New Products' link that MIGHT be on your desktop, or the Start Menu bar group under 'Battlefront' or you may have to browse for the link in the Windows Explorer File Manager. The file will usually be found at (with a 'default' location install):

C:\Program Files(x86)\Battlefront\Combat Mission Red Thunder\Activate New Products - CMRT

Double-clicking this file should bring up the licensing dialog box to type in or copy-and-paste your license key(s).

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