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im must be a newbie

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I just recently got into wargaming after reading a colum written by "general" trotter of PC Gamer. He made the wargame Steel Panther WAW seem so interesting when he plotted out a scenario he played. That's the first time ever (been playing computer games for 6-7 years now) that i even was interested or learned of this genre. Anyway i never played any other wargames(board or computer) the first mission in CM seems so freaking hard to me. I can't even beat it. Does any of you "grognards" have even a slight problem with that first scenario. The reason is i got so discouraged by that experience and i wanted to know if im really bad to have a hard time on that scenario. Just give it to me straight, you dont have to sugar coat it guys.

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I'm not sure which scenario you are refering to, but I can assure you that your playing ability sucks ass. Any player coming from nothing to Combat Mission will have a great deal to learn about playing not only a strategy game, but a *3D* strategy game. It took me a while too.

Keep at it. The tactics forum is a good place to review. Stick to basics first. Check out the "After Action Reports" at http://combathq.thegamers.net The Combat HQ and practice practice practice.

Welcome aboard, you've choosen the right game smile.gif

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First of all, don't even look at it as the "first" scenario. CM isn't in any kind of order.

As far as gameplay, you have to use real world tactics. In other words, don't use the typical RTS tactics of just building up a huge force and gang-rushing an objective.

Just have patience, check out each units armaments, etc, and try to figure out what they could be used for.

Since you haven't been into wargames before, you probably don't have the knowledge of the units and what they do. Just take some time and check them out. ie. Select a unit and then hit "Enter" and a Info box comes up and describes just about everything you need to know about a unit.

If you've got the full game, do yourself a favor and read the manual. It contains a lot of good information and its written in layman's terms. Some "editor's comments" have come directly from this forum and its discussions prior to the game's release. Kinda neat really, when I read some of those comments and could recall which discussions they stemmed from. smile.gif


"Rule#3: You must be a member of my Meta Campaign to take

part.(doh!)" - Rob/1

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Give it time, give it time...

Think real world. Someone around here was working on a tactics FAQ for all the basics.

Keep you infantry near their leader.

Infantry protects the tanks.

Tanks protect the infantry.

Wander the battlefield in view 1 for a while. Where can you move that is out of sight of the enemy. Where can he move that you cannot see. Try to think from both sides of the battle.

Most importantly: have fun. Hell, we all get whupped sometimes, though never by Croda or PeterNZ.

If you'd like, we could try a Play by Email with no fog of war and lots of dialog for explanation of plans.

Let me know.

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Guess it depends on how you look at it. I've been "wargaming" since the 50's yet got waxed by the first scenario I jumped into (this was with the Gold Demo). And you know what? That beating I absorbed at the hands of this game's AI is what convinced me to log right back on to the Battlefront site and place my order. I then went back into the demo and tried that scenario again. Of course I had the edge this time since I already knew what to expect from the Germans, but I must say that getting some of my own back at Jerry's expense did help my morale some. wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Tris (edited 11-07-2000).]

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Guest *Captain Foobar*


Welcome, you are like many of us, when I played the FIRST scenario I got totally destroyed.

I learned a whole lot of tactics advice from reading this forum, and especially from playing other people. There is nothing like a good arse-whoopin to teach you those hard lessons. wink.gif

The most important 3 tips to start with, in my opinion, would be these.

1) Your infantry must protect tanks from being close assaulted. Your tanks must protect your infantry from being blown to bits by high explosive. If your tank(s) are within 200m of buildings, woods, or any terrain capable of hiding squads, you are in danger. Your infantry needs to protect your armor.

2) Don't be so eager to die. There is plenty of time on turn 25-30 to perish, you don't need to do it on turn 5. Now you dont want to be too hesitant, and give up the initiative, but BE CAREFUL. Keep some fresh troops for the endgame. There is nothing more confounding to an opponent than a Tiger out of nowhere that was not involved during the first 20 turns or so, or better yet a Tiger accompanied with a platoon of PanzerGrenadiers!

3) Most importantly, don't get psyched out. In your head, it is easy to see your own losses as crippling, compared to vague enemy losses. "They're just as scared of you, as you are of them." When both players are bloodied, it is often the one with the guts to persevere that wins. When you are down on your luck, suggest that your opponent surrenders!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by fdevassy:

I just recently got into wargaming after reading a colum written by "general" trotter of PC Gamer. He made the wargame Steel Panther WAW seem so interesting when he plotted out a scenario he played. That's the first time ever (been playing computer games for 6-7 years now) that i even was interested or learned of this genre. Anyway i never played any other wargames(board or computer) the first mission in CM seems so freaking hard to me. I can't even beat it. Does any of you "grognards" have even a slight problem with that first scenario. The reason is i got so discouraged by that experience and i wanted to know if im really bad to have a hard time on that scenario. Just give it to me straight, you dont have to sugar coat it guys.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hi there partner,

There's a bunch of good advice here. I have a CM page dedicated to newbies where you might be able to find more useful info.


The best advice I can give here is to put yourself in the shoes of your men. They are scared and are deathly afraid for their lives, OK? Now, if you were a real commander, what orders would you give them if it was YOU who had to obey them?

Hey, there is no way around it, orders are orders, the objective must be taken, and some men are gonna have to die. But, you must balance that fact against the desire to protect your men and find the best compromise.

There is a ton of help on this board too. Take a look around. Don't worry, you'll get better real soon, I'm sure of it.


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what is the name of that "first scenario" you refer to?

if you can give us an idea of exactly which scenario you are refering to and which side you are playing and then I'm sure some one here can give you some scenario specific advice


Welcome aboard, and good luck smile.gif

-tom w

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I heartily agree with all the other posts so far and I'd like to add one thing,take a close look at the terrain,check for your enemy's likely avenues of approach,the best places for cover and concealment,the high ground,choke points and any other things to make your fight work and his more difficult,remember this is LAND warfare. After you have done this do it again and than again. Be sneaky, remember the phrase "alls fair in love and war"? It's true.

Above all keep at it,I've found the more you play this game,the more it draws you in.

Good Luck! smile.gif


Nicht Schiessen!!

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Here's another basic technique: bounding overwatch. When you're moving into unscouted territory, move one of two groups of troops forward. If it's clear, then move up the remaining group to the position of group one. Then move either group up again. Try to keep them within sight of each other so they can support eacher. Think of it as a leapfrogging movement. The various overwatch and infantry movement procedures and tactics get far more sophisticated, but that's a good one to remember at the beginning. Check out the Articles section at CMHQ, the Tactics section at Games of War, and many other good CM-related sites.

I had a little wargaming experience before CM, but not on the computer, so I can relate smile.gif My first few times around with the demo were tough, since I was basically taking an RTS mentality into it (don't! RTS "tactics" usually don't apply!), treating CM like another abstract game. Had I tried to apply my middling knowledge of military equipment and history to things, I would have fared better smile.gif (And for the record, I don't particularly like RTS's much.) You'll quickly learn just how realistic CM is compared to most games. It's as much a sim as a game. Like someone said, put yourself in the troops' shoes. You'd want your back covered, you'd want to stay in groups for security, you'd want to use natural cover like forests, walls, houses, etc. to move up to the enemy without getting your head shot off, etc.


Hope you got your things together,

Hope you are quite prepared to die. --CCR

[This message has been edited by Samhain (edited 11-07-2000).]

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If this is your first wargame the first thing I would recommend is to grab a beer, sit down and peruse the excellent manual. Please don't think I'm being a smartass. Reading the manual will give you some valuable insights that will help you master Combat Mission. I'm 56 years old, been playing wargames since I don't know when. Combat Mission is absolutely the best game I've ever played -bar none!

It's not an easy game however. As mentioned in one of the previous replies, you've got to hang in there through a couple of loses, try to use "real world" tactics, while at the same understanding the "rules of the game".

This game puts a premium on "Command and Control" (keep those C&C lines red!). As you probably found out, your troops will not move instantaneously, there's usually a delay time. Basically keeping your troops in C&C reduces the delay time.

On board mortars, if in C&C of a HQ unit, can have that unit spot for them. You can "hide" the mortar unit and use the HQ unit as its "eyes".

There are so many thing Combat Mission incorporates it would be impossible to list them all.

One other thing you could try would be to play as the DEFENDER. I found this is an excellent way to " get into the game ".

Keep your manual handy, access this forum ( these guys do know what ther're talking about )anf HAVE FUN!

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Hey thank you all. im really touched by your helpfulness. I am glad that the wargaming community is so helpful and polite. I play Counterstrike and Firearms(which are FPS games) anyway lets just say those communities could use a lesson in respect and helpfulness from you guys. I appreicate you giving me these tips. I'll check thos websites out. I don't own the game yet i was playing the demo. Once i can get a little better i'll be buying this game.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by fdevassy:

Hey thank you all. im really touched by your helpfulness. I am glad that the wargaming community is so helpful and polite. I play Counterstrike and Firearms(which are FPS games) anyway lets just say those communities could use a lesson in respect and helpfulness from you guys. I appreicate you giving me these tips. I'll check thos websites out. I don't own the game yet i was playing the demo. Once i can get a little better i'll be buying this game. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


its just the demo

warning Spoiler below here if you have not played VoT as the Allies

in VoT (Valley of Something)


Pick the Allies and sit back and use the ALL the ARTY you have, (they are the FO's) sit back and wait, let them call in the arty and let it rain on the bunkers and Pill Boxes, unitl they go BOOM. Hold the tanks WAY back until the 75 mm anti tank gun bunker is knocked out. Then advance the infantry using that bounding overwatch technigue they spoke of earlier. Fan our your Sherms out and pound all the biuldings in the city.Until they falls to rubble.

And in this one (like most of them) you need to be VERY patient in your Allied advance toward the town.


any one else, Any comments on how to hang on and win as the Germans in this one?

-tom w

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