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Armor Weak Points

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After my Stuart (regular crew) took out a Tiger by striking a weak point in the turret at <50m I wonder: Do tank crews aim at weakpoints so that at close range such hits become more likely or is the chance of hitting a weak point pure chance?

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Personally I'm starting to doubt my knowledge about WW2. I didn't know that the mighty Stuart where so good as they are in the game. Hang on I'm not saying it's something wrong in the code or anything I'm saying I didn't know.

Anyone got any real life stories of the mighty Stuarts? Could be interesting to revise my view on them.

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I think that part of the apparent superiority of the Stuart is that CM models engagements on a scale small enough that the Stuart's good points really shine; ie speed, maneuverability.

I sure as hell wouldn't want to go toe-to-toe with a Tiger at 2km in one, though.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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I've seen accounts of US tankers in Stuarts taking out Panthers. One incident happened when a Stuart rounded a building, saw a Panther's flank less than 100M away. The person being interviewed said that his gunner put seven rounds into its side, finally knocking it out, before the Panther could turn it's turret and get one shot off.

The Tiger, on the other hand, had a pretty thick hide all around and would most likely only be defeated by hits on a weak point or a turret ring jam, etc. I don't have the 37MM penetration table in front of me, but I believe it would have a hard time getting through almost any part of the Tiger's armor.

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I'm pretty certain that there's a flat % chance (1-2%?) of hitting a weak point regardless of range, facing or target type. I know Steve and/or Charles have addressed this on the forum in the past; a search would turn up a definitive answer.


Leland J. Tankersley

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I believe that weak spot hit is a 100 - 1 shot

1% if I recall correctly.

A search might turn it up.

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Remember that no dumb bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

G. S. Patton


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Personally, I love the Stuart. In N. Africa, the British "Honey" was used as a main battle tank. Of course, this was in 41 and 42, where they were up against the pitiful Italian armor and German MK IIIs and early MK IVs..They shouldn't be too effective against Panthers and Tigers.....except 'lucky' shots, I haven't seen much of this..


Land Soft--Kill Quiet

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I love this Feature.

Even when all seems lost there is always a chance (1 in a 100) of that lucky fluke shot "critical hit" to the weak spot. ka-boom!

I Love it!

I think it is highly unlikely but to see a .37 round out of a little Stuart tank down a Tiger or a Panther with a critical hit to the turret but when it happens it really thrills me!

if you play alot you might be surprised how often 1-100 comes up. Not once a game but if you play alot maybe once a weak. :)

Great Game!

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> "Remember that no dumb bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

G. S. Patton


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by howardb:

Personally I'm starting to doubt my knowledge about WW2. I didn't know that the mighty Stuart where so good as they are in the game. Hang on I'm not saying it's something wrong in the code or anything I'm saying I didn't know.

Anyone got any real life stories of the mighty Stuarts? Could be interesting to revise my view on them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

lol i got a great screenshot of my mighty stuarts stats if anyone is intested.. it was a killing machine.. takers?

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

Any Americans every used to read those old WW2 comics? Remember J.E.B. Stuart and his little tank, that crew killed more Tigers, Panthers, and Nashorns then the germans ever produced hehehe. Remember the one where thry whitewashed the little tank, and airdropped into Egypt, the germans thought it was a ghost. (not the most historicaly accurate comics)

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Guest Scott Clinton

Remember the one where thier Stuart FINALLY was KOed and they took over a Sherman? Thier guardian spirit (ie Jeb Stuart) deserted them! smile.gif

Only to come back later. Of course later they ended up in another Stuart.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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Guest Big Time Software

Just so you guys know that our 1% figure wasn't chosen out of thin air, check this out. In "Germany's Tiger Tanks" by Jentz, p.168 describes how the King Tiger has small vulnerable spots to 6pdr (57mm) and 17pdr (76mm) guns. Yes, the six pounder!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The only part of the turret front that was reported as vulnerable to the 6 pdr. APCBC attack were areas on either side of the gun mantlet, each about 12 inches wide by 8 inches tall<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Now, I realize that two 8"x12" areas are pretty small on a King Tiger. That's equal to 0.124 square meters.

But consider that the total frontal area of a King Tiger is (very approximately) 8 square meters. 0.124 divided into 8 equals 1.6%.

Even though more spots should probably be considered, like the turret ring, or possibly the ball-mount MG in the hull, we rounded this down to get our 1% figure for weak spot likelihood.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 08-25-2000).]

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All I know is that in one PBEM game I only received 3 AFV's total and they were all Stuarts. I bout poo'd my pants when near the middle of the game the other guy brought out his Tigey that he got in the draw and started whacking my infantry with impunity from beside a mansion on top of an all-seeing hill. My only hope of winning the game now was to cage that Tiger. I finally streaked an zigged an zagged one of my Stuarts to the base of the hill under great tactical prowess and stress, then:



* (suspense)



* (more suspense)



The next turn I picked the wrong side of the mansion to go around to get behind him and was staring that beast down at point blank range...lol. I managed to get two shots off and the second finally hit. Yes!, Yes! I cried, I snapped that sucker in the "weak" spot!! Then I noticed the barrel continue to traverse towards me and hoped only the machine gun was still working (please, please!). Wrong answer, and with a puff, it was lights out and a surrender was in order. I only had knocked out a crew member and the thing just laughed at me. smile.gif So I guess the moral is that even if you get that 1 ina 100 shot, you still might not have finished the job.


Thanks for Athskin!

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