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CMMOS use with CMBO

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Ok, I've tried a couple times now to get this to work and I'm running into some difficulty.

In particular, I've downloaded CMMOS, I've downloaded the rule sets listed on the same page (i think there were like 4 or 5 covering vehicles, terrain, etc).

I'm now downloading mods from combat mission hq and i'm discovering over and over and over again that the mods I'm downloading are not cmmos compatible even though the page lay out itself seems to imply that the listed mods would be compatible. A page just listing CMMOS compatible mods would seem an obvious soln.

So far, I've downloaded 6 mods (thank god I've got broadband so the fact that I've grabbed 6 mods at 10mbs hasn't really annoyed me in and of itself) and I've gotten exactly none of them to work. I'll freely admit this could be user error which is why I'm posting here for help. All I know is the CMMOSlog.txt says the following about the mods I've grabbed: not properly formatted or not a CMMOS mod.

So, what I need is a list of what mods are CMMOS compatible so I can stop wasting time downloading mods that aren't. Either that, or I need to know if no such list exists so I can reasess the usefulness or lack thereof of this program.

Thx for the help in advance on this one! I'd love to mod in some fashion more organized than just dumping bmp's into the cmbo directory and seeing what happens. That to me has disaster written all over it.

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This is really weird. I've got CMMOS 4.02 ( same version as you I assume ) and all the CMBO CMMOS mods ( except for one of Phillipe's flag mods - bad file that was never fixed ) work as expected. It may be that you have a bad file in your copy of CMMOS ( it's happened to me before - d'l'ed a CMMOS mod which didn't work properly ). What I can suggest is that you email Gordon Molek ( the creator of CMMOS ) & tell him what error message your getting. I can't remember his email address ( sorry :( ) & he should be able to set things right for you. Do a search for Gordon's posts. Hope this helps a little.

Did you download CMMOS ( the core package ) & install it first - then the various rulesets & install them? Like I said before all the CMBO CMMOS mods at Combat Mission HQ should function properly.

[ January 20, 2003, 12:47 AM: Message edited by: Rob Murray ]

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Rob Murray,

Yes, I installed CMMOS, then the rule sets, then the mods with CMMOS in the name - none of them worked.

Pretty disappointing.

Since it doesn't take long on broadband to download anything (especially since I get 4-500mbs downloads) I guess I'll try and grab CMMOS again and install it and see what that does.


Thx for the e-mail, I've sent you a reply. Look forward to hearing back and appreciate the help!

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i wish someone would make it so it worked on a PC smile.gif

i'm totally underwhelmed by it

it takes WAY less time to simply back up my bmp directory and install mods as i see fit than to use this program

which at this point with cmbo requires you to manually open up mods and add txt files to them in order to get them to work - that may sound simple, but of the 6 or 7 at this point i've opened, none have the requisite files and none had a jpg in them so you could preview them - which imho is really the only point in using it in the first place

nice idea, just not user friendly for me

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Originally posted by easytarget:

i wish someone would make it so it worked on a PC smile.gif

i'm totally underwhelmed by it

it takes WAY less time to simply back up my bmp directory and install mods as i see fit than to use this program

which at this point with cmbo requires you to manually open up mods and add txt files to them in order to get them to work - that may sound simple, but of the 6 or 7 at this point i've opened, none have the requisite files and none had a jpg in them so you could preview them - which imho is really the only point in using it in the first place

nice idea, just not user friendly for me

Are you sure you really mean CMMOS ? From the comments that you've made so far I can't say that I understand what you're talking about. Describe what you think you're doing a little more clearly and in greater detail, and someone may be able to set you straight.

I have over a gigabyte of mods in my CMBO, and it takes me approximately 1 1/2 seconds to switch from one to another using CMMOS.

It would probably help if you tried downloading CMMOS mods from the CMMOS pages, rather than downloading unconverted mods and wondering why they don't work.

[ January 21, 2003, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: Philippe ]

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the mods downloaded were from the CMMOS pages at combat mission hq

in fact they were the mods listed directly below the rule set in each case

of the 7 or 8 i've downloaded, exactly zero worked

what description of steps do you need because here's what i followed:

step 1 install CMMOS

step 2 install rules

step 3 install mods

step 4 read error log stating why the mod doesn't work

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Originally posted by easytarget:

the mods downloaded were from the CMMOS pages at combat mission hq

in fact they were the mods listed directly below the rule set in each case

of the 7 or 8 i've downloaded, exactly zero worked

what description of steps do you need because here's what i followed:

step 1 install CMMOS

step 2 install rules

step 3 install mods

step 4 read error log stating why the mod doesn't work

What exactly did you do in each of those steps ? Are you installing to an unusual drive, or to a folder called games, or something like that ? And could you give a really specific example, with one mod, one ruleset, and its file numbers (just one will be sufficient) ? The fact that you're striking out so many times suggests that you must be doing something very idiosyncratic when you're installing. I'd be really curious to know what the error log says.

No two people ever really do these things exactly the same way, so you may be doing some little thing that no one anticipated. If necessary we can always drag Gordon out of semi-retirement (for that matter, this seems to be dragging me out of semi-retirement).

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about 4 or 5 messages above i list a couple of the mods i attempted to install (bldg mods with cmmos in the name by mike duplessis and panzertruppen - to name but two)

yes, i also mentioned above that all of this is going on the F drive

Alsatian sent me a mod he had "fixed" so it would work, and it did - in fact it's the only one that has worked

the rest are supposedly CMMOS mods, yet when i unzip them they are missing either info.txt or description.txt or both - or if both are present CMMOS doesn't recognize them as CMMOS compatible mods anyway

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Originally posted by easytarget:

about 4 or 5 messages above i list a couple of the mods i attempted to install (bldg mods with cmmos in the name by mike duplessis and panzertruppen - to name but two)

yes, i also mentioned above that all of this is going on the F drive

Alsatian sent me a mod he had "fixed" so it would work, and it did - in fact it's the only one that has worked

the rest are supposedly CMMOS mods, yet when i unzip them they are missing either info.txt or description.txt or both - or if both are present CMMOS doesn't recognize them as CMMOS compatible mods anyway

The problem is that you're in too much of a hurry and are making assumptions about what you should or shouldn't be doing with CMMOS. These assumptions are obviously wrong. Asking me to reread your thread misses the point entirely: the information that you allude to was always incomplete, to fill in the gaps I have to make assumptions about what you did, and I make different assumptions about installing CMMOS mods than you do. Whatever it is that I (and most other users) do with CMMOS manages to get the mods installed, and whatever it is you're doing clearly doesn't work. If I knew what you were actually doing, as opposed to what you think you're doing, I could tell you what not to do.

I can't figure out what you're doing wrong unless you tell me, and I shouldn't have to guess. Don't say you installed CMMOS, tell me that you downloaded and ran the program, that you installed it to a certain path, and that you put a check mark in the corresponding rule set, etc. And tell me what your control screen looks like. Are your icons lit up, or do you have any icons at all ? Tell me exactly which mods you downloaded and where you got them from, and mention a file number on one of them. I just want a soup-to-nuts example of what you did with one mod and its corresponding rule and ruleset.

There are two styles of CMMOS mods: old-style CMBO mods and new-style CMBB mods. Old-style doesn't work if you don't unzip it. From your comments about text files (there's really not supposed to be anything in a CMMOS bmp file) you could be mixing the two. But I can't tell, and it's not fair to make me guess.

What did your log say ? You never mentioned that, and its crucial. And is your CMBO in the same drive as CMMOS ? You're quick to say that you installed the mods, but where did you install them to, and what do you mean by mod, in this context ? You're supposed to be putting renamed bmp files in the CMBO bmp folder, and you make no mention of that. Again, if you quoted a single bmp file number it would immediately eliminate several large categories of possible errors. And because you never mentioned what folder you put those bmp files into, I have no way of knowing if it is even possible for the mod to work.

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rest easy - i appreciate your efforts, but go gently into the night of retirement - CMMOS wasn't meant for everyone, i'm one of them

in the time it would take me to type up all that you've requested, i could (and actually have) installed literally dozens of mods in mere seconds per mod by simply creating multiple directories and calling them mod1, mod2, etc

when i want to use a particular set, i rename the dir i want to use and off i go

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Having recently comitted the highest sin any CM fan can do...I uninstalled CM about 1 month ago. This was the first time since I received my beta copy that my computer had been without the game. When I got my new comp...WinXP was the first thing on, then I put on Combat Mission.

CMMOS was never all that intriguing to me since I never had a problem manually doing the unzipping, running the batch files, and sometimes reworking them because they didn't work as advertised...

Here is what I did

D/L CMMOS and the rule sets.

Install those.

Now download the mods you want. I downloaded all of em because sometimes you have to use mulitple files to get the terrain CMMOS rules to work right.

Now...download pkunzip.exe NOT WINZIP

put a copy of it in each directory you downloaded MODS to. I split mine up so that they make sense when I back them up this time.

Now click on Run

type in cmd

You are in at a system prompt now

go to the folder you downloaded your mods to and have pkunzip.exe in


pkunzip *.zip C:\path to Combat Mission\BMP\

That will unzip everything. You'll have some readme files, just hit 'a' when those come up and walk away. A minute or so later your comp will be done extracting everything.

Repeat this until all mods have been put into the BMP director in CM



Go through and select your mods

Start CM

Test a scenario..I use a few different ones. Check out some winter ones, some falls ones, some with armor, some with different kinds of inf.

If everything looks fine...you're all set.

Usually it doesn't. That means 1 of 2 things

1) You didn't apply the mod, you just selected it and hit done or you didn't complete installing all the mods you wanted.

2) You messed up unzipping your files and they went to the wrong place

Usually it's number 1, though 2 has happened on occasion.

Do not give up. This isn't rocket science. Understand that what is taking place is file renaming. If you get that, the program should be self-explanitory.


Read the instructions. They are pretty explicit on how to do this. CMMOS posts are all over the boards to help, and it looks like you've had great help here.

I just used 4.02 to install my mods about 4 days ago. So I know it works. Make sure you downloaded the FULL version.

Let us know how it is going!

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