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I Continue To Be Amazed...

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at the thought and detail that went into this game.

Last night I was just looking at things in the (gold demo) Valley of Trouble scenario. I had one of the spotters in the house on the hill (216?) when the Germans began to bombard it with artillery. The camera was at ground level about 100 feet behind the house when all of a sudden one of the rounds hits right in front of the camera! KA-BOOM!!!, and debris flying everywhere! The volume of the explosion and the debris surprised me so much I almost jumped out of my chair! WOW! Then later, I was flying the camera toward one of the bunkers with machine gun. As I get closer the machine gun sound increases in volume, then closer and I hear a high pitched squeak. Hmmm, what's that?! Then closer and the squeaking noise resolves into a tinkling noise and I realize that I'm hearing the machine gun shell casings as they hit the ground.

Well, I'm totally impressed! That attention to detail is seldom found in a wargame, but I guess that's because a wargame of this caliber (pun intended) so seldom comes along!

Fantastic job, BTS!


(can't wait to get my hands of the full version! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif)

[This message has been edited by John-SJ (edited 06-27-2000).]

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