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A question about the scoring system

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I hope BTS or Fionn or Matt can answer this for me. I understand that the scoring system for the demo is not a accurate as it should be but I need one of you guys to check out this final display and tell me what it would score in the final version. Please.


102 casualties (21 KIA)

3 vehicles knocked out

Men OK: 152



201 casualties (56 KIA)

4 captured

2 mortors destroyed

4 vehicles knocked out

men ok:75


The gamed called it a Total Axis victory. How would the final version score it?

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Oh, just call it a draw. Everyone KNOWS Elvis is an idiot and couldn't possibly score a clean victory, especially against such a FORMIDIBLE FOE as SS_PantyFiller. Yup. I'd have to say that is must have been just pure dumb LUCK on Elvis' part to have even killed a single enemy squad against the MIGHTY SS_WillyBeater. Of course. SS_ExcuseMaker had NOTHING but BAD LUCK on his side so IT REALLY WASN'T A FAIR FIGHT. Especially because one of SS_WUNDERWUSS's Shemans got BOGGED. Imagine that!!! How Unfair could a game be to have a tank BOG almost the entire game. Making it USELESS to the guy who owns it? C'mon BTS. What do you take us for? There is NO WAY IN HELL A TANK WOULD BOG IN REAL LIFE FORCING A COMMANDER TO RE-THINK TACTICS AND ADJUST FOR SUCH A THING!!! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!! By gum, I just bet losing twice as many men and not gaining the required territory really is a draw, or a VICTORY. YEAH, THAT'S IT! SS_LOOOSERLEADER really, in all actuality, WON the scenario by ingeniously having twice as many of his troops die and allowing, most sneakily, the enemy to occupy the contested ground. I'd say that's pretty damn brilliant. Bravo!! SS. Yours is the Superior Intellect. That was a plan so clever you could stick a tail on it and call it a weasle.

Many congrats on your stunning victory over the pathetic and useless Elvis. It is truly astonishing how you did that. I am in awe, sir, of your game play.

Peng completely out of sarcasm. tongue.gif

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FOr the record - I simply stated good game at the final turn - I thought it had been close despite the score ( which I only stated after the insistance of how wonderful he played and how crappy I played) - THe forces I lost were largely by my own doing trying to make up for what had happened to my tank -no excuse pure fact

Apparently GOOD GAME wasnt good enough tho it seemed better to try and gloat in an unsportsmanlike fashion and apparently letting anyone that would listen know that I was making excuses which I was not

HE beat me I said good game Sorry I don't think he creamed me and it's only game which some have failed to notice - Badgering me to kiss ass and feed an ego is a bit rediculous in my book......

As I told him when he expected me to grovel at his knees like he was some kind of COMBAT MISSION GOD - "it just aint gonna happen unless he kicks my ass like FIONN kicked my ass all over the battlefield"

Sorry but IMHO there is taunting and then there is just having an unsportsmanlike attitude - never once did He say good game to me.

PEng I Know hes your bud but that last post wasn't very nice, I was very sportsmanlike about my loss - I only told him what I thought after his insistance that I grovel at his knees an tell him how great he was .... what happened to sportsmanship? what happened to good game ? You know we all taunt each other in good fun but at the end of the match a player should have a bit of dignity win or lose, otherwise it just comes across as a bad attitude. If i mistook your post for something more than your usual banter I apolgize thats jsut how it hit me tho.



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I just reread my post game conversation with Mr. SS to make sure I had never asked him to "grovel". I didn't (transcript availible upon request SS or anyone for that matter). What I did read was me becoming increasingly agitated by Mr. SSs insistence that I was lucky and he lost most of his units in the final turns due to a mad rush on his part. Yes it was unlucky he had a tank bog down in the middle of the a heavily wooded area. It was unlucky that an entire platoon was lost at about turn 26 or 27 (I'm guessing at the turn but pretty close)from running at me in the woods after being out of ammo without hitting any of my men. I never want "groveling" but what drove be crazy was Mr. SSs insistance that I "got lucky". Mr. SS said the same type of things after the first game we played. "No one can win Reisberg when playing a human" (which I think is true) and more infuriating "you should have won it sooner so really I won the game". Sorry I'm going a little MadMatt over here. That is why I posted the question.I am attempting to retrieve my old emails with my turns to create an AAR.I know I will be able to get at least the last 8-10 turns because they are still in my mailbox. If Mr. SS has access to his post computer crash email he may be able to provide the other side of the movies.

Lastly, I never asked him to get down on his knees. It just really under my skin to try to say he lost because of bad luck. If it had been ball busting or just taunting I would have gotten a kick out of it.

If I can get this AAR together in the next day or so anyone want it for thier site?


"Tryin to be so so bad is bad enough, don't make me laugh by talkin tough" EC

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> No one can win Reisberg when playing a human" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I presume you win no-one can win as the Germans when playing a human correct?

You're incorrect. I have two wins out of two as the Germans in Riesberg. It is quite winnable actually.

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I just reread the ICQ transcipt from our conversation which is still pretty damn close to my recolection of it last night

I too have it if someone wants to read it

Basically I had just lost a tank to a panzerfaust ...........NOT SCHREK but faust so I had made the statement that sucked that he got lucky with the faust -- as we all know these are not none to fire in the BETA

combined with my bogged tank I felt he had a better run of luck than I did which is pretty evident i think. I was merely talking not being an asshole about anything

after that initial opening was when the tone of the posts became pretty much as I stated above ... Ok ELVIS you didnt say "grovel"

But the tone and Gyst of it were there.

Let me put this to ya IF you were kicking my ass from turn 1 as you so elequently put it

then why did the game last 40 turns??

I never once said your playing sucked that you won purely by luck only I said you had the run of luck which you did, I was in no way trying to be sour about anything I was merely making conversation when ya got all half-cocked - i didn't go telling anyone oh i lost to Elvis because it was all luck gimme a break, You have made this public in order to further feed your ego

i had two tanks up on you till approx turn 38

(even though one was bogged - you had no armor) I had a 2/3 of my men that hadn't fired a shot that I was positioning to flank with

Did You make my tank bog down? I would call it bad luck ....... You claimed to have made your luck .......... did your SS pixies magically make me through a tread?

When the fausts don't fire because of the bug in the game its normal- yet if I see one shoot its a dman miracle - nevermind to kill tank (this is fixed now tho) the scoring is also messed up Steve said this himself.

And as far as the Damn grovel thing goes

this is what you said:


" and it pisses me off that ya can't say jeese Elvis ya whooped me in that one"

I jsut played Von Schradd and he and I played a very close game -- I marginally won - I emailed him and told good game and also pointed out that he probably would have had it anyhow had there been a couple more turns

But hey I got the attitude right?

Case closed I have no more to say



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 03-17-2000).]

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SS I have always loved you. I want you to go back and watch the last turn again and think of this while you watch it:

You moved your last moving sherman too close to 3 very healthy veteran squads of mine. Watch the movie again and you will see what I did. THe closest squad to your tank I kept where it was. The other 2 squads I ordered to run up to each side of your Sherman. The 1st time I ever saw a Faust shoot in CM was when I ran up to 60m and it fired. This is what I was trying to do on turn 40. You had no one left to protect your Sherman so I figured 1 or 2 of my squads would get close enough to you to get off a faust shot. What happened was you moved your tank CLOSER to my squads. The one I sent to move to your tanks right side you pinned. The one I sent to your tanks left side ran right by your tanks as it moved toward the building my squads were in. The one that stayed behind got a pointblank shot off with a faust and took ya out. It was a play to get a faust shot off on an unprotected tank. And it worked just as I designed it. Where is the luck?

Also I never said I was kicking your butt the whole game. I have the conversation at home but if I remember correctly you said you were winning the whole game and I told you I didn't know how you could say that When I had 3 out of 4 victory positions cover since turn 2 AND at turn 35 or 36 I was still at 76% morale. Never did I say I was kicking your butt.

Maybe if you hadn't kept your 2 tanks out of play until it was too late you could have softened me up so that when you ran across the open at the end you may have had a chance. As it was I had 4 platoons left at almost full strenght when you made your last minute dash.


"Tryin to be so so bad is bad enough, don't make me laugh by talkin tough" EC

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Elvis - it was the last turn of the game and you had managed to take the flag back. Of course with the only available unit close enough to alter the status of the flag, Im gonna use it... as far as the fausts go I knew they were there as I was shooting at them - it doesnt change the fact that they don't shoot 98% of the time ........ we were struggling for control of that last flag it was due or die, that is why you rushed it on the third to last turn -hoping I could'nt change it back - that worked but as far as that last tank kill goes, I put my tank there it aint like you flanked me or something eek.gif

As far as the statement goes you did in fact make it .... Reread the ICQ when ya get home I can publish it all here if ya like but this has gotten silly.

We have gotten along until now - I am sorry that you felt somehow slighted by me analyzing what went wrong - I never once took anything from your play, you sat on the flags which was the ground I let you take, A bit of bad luck screwed me up and you prevailed, I do think you got a bit lucky but someone has to have the luck - If you had creamed me the game wouldn't have lasted that long - it woulda been over in less than ten turns not the forty that it lasted. So it was my opinion and still is, that you didn't spank me in anyway shape or form, but you did win which I acknowledged.

I have never said "Elvis the only way you win is by luck" which seems to be to me what you have been implying. you capitalized on some errors in my play and some luck went your way, It was essentially a one tank to one battle with infantry skirmishes the whole game, UNTIL about turn 30 when I decided I was gonna gameble on a win rather than try and whittle a points draw - which After I nuetralized 2 of your three flags I couldve done or possibly gained a minor victory, but I didn't want to be cheesy so I went all out hence the casualties rose at THE END PORTION of the game.

With regards to taunting I have never participated in it until this forum, It can be quite enjoyable to read some of the taunts; but IMHO there is a difference between taunting and gloating, the latter is something I just don't care for personally

it tends just rub me wrong. I had no intention of our conversation going any further, I was suprised when I saw this thread and that you took my observations so personally :EEK:



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 03-17-2000).]

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OK everyone cool down. Losing or winning a game doesn't represent the charactor of the individual playing. Sometimes things get out of hand, with the fun insults being taken the wrong way by other people. I have taken things the wrong way from other people, all you have to do is make sure it is all in good fun. I have never sent a taunt that was meant to be personal, or even serious, just to unnerve my opponent. Sometimes people forget to add the little happy faces at the end of their sentences. Possibly some of this taunting has gotten out of hand. Just use your judgement on what you would like to hear from your opponent, read back what you write and replace his name with yours, and see how you feel afterwards.

Personally, I don't like to knock a guy when he is down. It doesn't feel too good. Also, I really dislike stating who I have beaten in my PBEM games, even Goanna :). Telling everyone you beat the snot out of someone (although 90% of my victories were just minor victories anyway) is just rubbing their nose in an already bitter defeat (no offense Elvis, as everyone including me has done this). It might not seem as a direct beotch slap, but, there are always bitter feelings at the end of a disasterous game, 100% directed towards themselves for doing some stupid moves. Any game I lose is purely due to my incompetence and my opponents good playing abilities, but, if they rub it in your face (unless it is VERY good natured) it can become very uneccessarily bitter.

[This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 03-17-2000).]

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Yup. I was intentionally being sarcastic and just plain MEAN to SS because it is my nature to kick someone when he is down.

It helps to puff up my fragile ego to belittle others and poke fun at those less fortunate than me. My absolute FAVORITE thing to do tho is to beat the living snot out of people with physical disabilities and then throw garbage on them.

Anyone who has read my posts can certainly tell that to be horribly mean is my nature, and should not show any surprise that my last post in this thread had that very tone.

If at this point you think that my posts ever have any sort of lighthearted good natured banter taunt fun don't give a care not at all nasty but merely poking a rib or two tone to them, instead of mean-spirited evil and just plain horrible rat bastard scum, then you are obviously a microcephalic mutant thinskinned little wussbag that should be put down with arsenic and prejudice.

I hope this helps to clear up my position on taunting.

Peng. Mean and Unrepentant


Peng sez "die a lot now."

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