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"Armor Mission" option

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I am playing chance as germans against the computer seeing if theres a good way to handle the opening couple of moves. I am trying to see what works best for the stugs.

I am not really bothering with the german infantry and wonder if that could be an option in the game. That is, let the AI control your sides infantry (or tanks)also? FOW would only let you know whats going on where your human controlled units could see.

I guess maybe for CM2. After the "dave dial" post, i wouldnt want to suggest delaying/hurrying/marketing/pricing/anything lest I bring the wrath of keyboard banging slugs on me.


PS I did develop some effective openings and tactics. One is called the "sneaky peeks". Very effective. Also MGs and infantry ARE needed to suppress tank commanders and divert sherman fire away from the stugs. I wish the game had a "shoot and scoot" command.

PPS It would be really fun to have one player control one sides armor and another control infantry from the same side.

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Phewwwww! You open endless options here ...

Just imagine there would be an user interace for all three layers of the AI. It could go from taking over the strategic AI down to only controlling one individual unit. You would receive orders from the higher AI levels and give orders to the lower AI levels. As a low commander, you would not see the big picture, but just try to fulfill your orders and survive ...

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Username I actually think thats a neat idea.

There are a few bones that spring to my mind (in complete ignorance of how BTSes AI system is coded.)

Assuming you could "flag" certain units that you wanted controlled by the AI at the start of the scenario that would mean that all reinforcements would also have to be listed. Also it might be kinda frustrating as you launch your massive thrust at one objective while the AI decides it prefers one on the other side of the map smile.gif

Sure would be a kewl option though. I would love to play just an infantry company in the middle of a battle.

I pity BTS if they do put it in though. Imagine the greif they would get if allied forces didnt behave "properly" when controlled by the AI. At least when the enemy AI does something dumb it is to the players advantage and the player can just congratulate himself on having such cunning deployments smile.gif

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Of course this system would also allow for a career system: you start commanding your infantry squad and end up as a battalion commander!

In my humble opinion the most difficult part of this multi-level of command approach is already implemented: the AI!!!! It is certainly less complex to create a user-interface than write an AI for the same task.

All this might be hypothetical, but it is some really nice food for thought. Great idea, Username!

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Guest Big Time Software

Dumbo said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I pity BTS if they do put it in though. Imagine the greif they would get if allied forces didnt behave "properly" when controlled by the AI. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Exactly why we aren't going to do it smile.gif Gamers have a long history of not liking what they asked for in this regard. The coordination between what is going on in the player's head and with units is hard enough even when direct orders are being given. The thought of having the AI act independently of the human in a way that would be acceptable to the average gamer is beyond our capacity to program. Probably beyond anybody's smile.gif

Having said that, we would like to eventually have cooperative play with humans on the same side. This is easier to do in some respects, much harder in others. It is a huge undertaking and can't be slapped in. We have had this particular discussion several times so a Search of this BBS will turn up some lively discussions. Certainly something we are keeping in mind for the future.


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Exactly why we aren't going to do it smile.gif Gamers have a long history of not liking what they asked for in this regard. The coordination between what is going on in the player's head and with units is hard enough even when direct orders are being given. The thought of having the AI act independently of the human in a way that would be acceptable to the average gamer is beyond our capacity to program. Probably beyond anybody's smile.gif

I would imagine there being a pre-game way points for platoons not under the direct human command. So an armor commander would have an idea where everyone is heading. As for artillery ..who knows.

I think multi-same-side play would be great. It would simulate a situation with poor tank-infantry cooperation fairly accurately.


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Guest Big Time Software

Yeah, especially if Fionn is commanding the infantry biggrin.gif

The multiplayer team concept is really cool and we look forward to the day we can finally include it for sure. But MAN, it is a *lot* of work. To do it right there has to be a whole infrastructure that currently doesn't exist within CM to handle this stuff. Certainly not out of the question technically, but mucho work that could be instead spent on making the next version of CM 6 months or more faster. At some point we will bite the bullet and do this, but when that is we don't really know.


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