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AI Infantry and Mine Fields

Guest Scott Clinton

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Guest Scott Clinton

I noticed the AI moving infantry through my minefields even after it walked squads into the same mine fields earlier in the game.

It appeared to me that the AI continued to plot paths for infantry through this same mine field even after it has sustained losses (I assume, I saw the mines explode). I zoomed in several times and watched the mines going off...so I know that they triggered at least three mines on three different occasions...but they kept on coming through this SAME minefield.

Was this repeated movement through known mine fields a 'tactical decision' by the AI to choose the 'lesser of two evils' (my mines were in the only good cover nearby smile.gif ) or did the AI 'forget' about the mines?

On a side note: Has anyone seen the AI 'Clear Mines'? The AI did not in my game, but then again, I never really gave it a chance to either... wink.gif


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

[This message has been edited by Scott Clinton (edited 05-19-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

In my infamous battle against Fionn I had an Engineer team inadvertantly explode a hidden mine (taking 1 casulity IIRC) as they crossed it. They then walked a little bit further (to get OUT of the field I would assume) turned around and after just a few seconds (maybe 20) they threw a satchel charge unto the field and cleared it for my other units to cross.



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Guest Scott Clinton

Yes, but has anyone seen the AI clear a mine field?

This would be a fairly complicated task (logically) for the AI to accomplish IMO:

1.) Locate the mines

2.) Decide the mines were worth clearing

3.) Move engineers to the site while...

4.) Providing covering fire (if needed)

5.) Finally, clear the mines

We all take these steps in stride...for the AI a 'stumble' at any point dooms the sequence to failure. Anyone seen it yet?

But I am more concerned about the AI continuing to move through 'known' mine fields.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

[This message has been edited by Scott Clinton (edited 05-19-2000).]

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Guest Madmatt

Ok, I see your point. I would have to assume it 'could' as to be perfectly honest I did NOTHING to make the above happen. I had given the Enginer squad a move order that was supposed to terminate PAST hidden minefield. In this instance right after the mine went off the TacAi kicked in, stopped the squad, turned around and cleared the field utilizing one of their stachell charges. So in the tactical sense it is very much in the AI's ability to do this. Now then, in the strategic sense, I do not know if the AI will route Enginer units over to a mine field and clear it. I have not played to often in a defensive role where I had minefields AND Enginers were present. I have not, in my experice, seen the AI repeatedly cross a mine field though as it did in your game. It usually tends to avoid them.



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Guest Captitalistdoginchina

How do you clear minefields? Do you move your engineers onto a mine field and they do it themselves or what?


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Guest Scott Clinton

To clear a mine field the engineer must have demo charges available (can't be done without demos right?) and then move them ADJACENT to the mine field. If you move them INTO the mine field then they may take casualies themselves IIRCC.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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Black Sabot,

No, I didn't, but others could. Thing is some people here don't get certain peoples sense of humor and/or understand English very well. Also lots of newbies that may have taken you seriously not knowing any better. So I just thought I'd mention it for those that didn't know. wink.gif


[This message has been edited by Mike D (edited 05-19-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

The AI shouldn't move its troops through known minefields. But I'll keep my eye out for that behavior in case there's a bug.


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In my VoT game, I vividly recall the Tac AI re-ordering my units to avoid a newly discovered minefield. Actually, I intially didn't realize what was happening when I saw my men begin to deviate from the path I ordered them along. Upon playback, I realised what happened: my point half-squad triggered a mine, and the follow-up squads had their course re-plotted by the AI accordingly. I was quite impressed.


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Guest Scott Clinton

> The AI shouldn't move its troops through

> known minefields. But I'll keep my eye out

> for that behavior in case there's a bug.

Don't spend too much time on it...like I said it was in the only cover nearby. So, perhaps the AI just chose the lesser of two evils.


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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Guest Big Time Software

Scott, you might very well be correct here. I had a similar thing happen with barbed wire. The AI chose to move a unit through it, in spite of plenty uncontested ground on either side. Charles took a look at it and determined that the AI had, in that particular instance, decided that the safest route was to try and make it through the barbed wire (in woods) instead of moving through neighboring open ground. Unfortunately for the AI, I had a hidden HMG42 at about 100m from them. The entire squad, to a man, was wiped out in about 40 seconds. And some people think the HMG42 isn't deadly enough wink.gif


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Just FYI, I too have seen the AI move infantry through the minefields after another unit had previously detonated them. Placed two minefields east of hill 198 in the scattered trees. First unit to enter was a 60mm mortar (!!), followed a turn or two later by an infantry squad. The mines definitely detonated when the mortar first triggered them. Of course, the area was being platered by my 81mm's firing on the TRP I had placed nearby, so maybe the AI thought charging through the fields to get out of the mortar fire was the correct decision.

Great game.

The Dude

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While we're on the subject of mine fields...

Is there any way you could take out some mines by using arty? If you had enough I would imagine it would detonate a lot of mines and perhaps uncover others. I really have no idea that's why I'm asking. smile.gif


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Another minefield question:

Is it possible for an engineer unit to _think_ that it's cleared a safe path through the mines when in reality it hasn't?

My first time through VoT, I didn't really know how the engineers were supposed to deal with mines and I sort of guessed at the proper procedure.

I had engineers on each side of the road advancing ahead of the Shermans to make sure the road was safe. They stumbled upon the minefield on the road so I moved one squad as close as I could to it (he was still off to side of the road under cover though - I may have forgotten to rotate him towards the minefield though) and just left him there for a turn or 2. The minefield disappeeared as I expected and I decided to move my Shermans past. The first one got through without any problems, but the second one got blasted.

Kind of cool actually.


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I had something similar happen: Marched an Engineer sqd up an down that same road because I just knew there had to be an AT minefield somewhere on it. Never found it --- with the Engineer. The Sherman I rolled down the supposedly clear road found it right quick tho!

Is there something about AT mines that makes them harder for Infantry units to spot --- like maybe it takes more pressure/sq.in. to set 'em off, so a leg unit won't key 'em by walking over 'em?

[This message has been edited by von Lucke (edited 05-20-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

OK, bunch of questions here smile.gif

Nope, artillery does not set off mines. In reality it would certainly detonate a few individual mines, but experience has show that artillery is not a good and safe means of neutralizing a minefield as a whole.

AT mines can not be set off by footsloggers. They can be detected, but it is much harder since it usually takes a tank getting whacked first smile.gif

I am pretty sure that when a minefield is cleared it really is cleared. This is an abstraction, because in reality you would have only a very small path cleared, but we can't simulate that. What I think a couple of you guys saw is the difference between the Daisy Chain AT mines and those that are burried. My guess is that your engineers found the Daisy Chain (above ground) mines and missed the burried ones further down the road. Funny enough, even though I designed the scenario and placed the mines myself, I made this mistake once too wink.gif


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Speaking of mines.

I had an enemy mortar team lingering in a mine field of mine and take NO damage.

No one had been thru that mine field before.

This mortar team wanderd around at the center of the mine field (next to the marker ) avoiding fire from various sources, moved out of it then back into it then finally out of it again. This went on over a period of about 5 turns.

Qusetions are:

Can some mine fields be duds?

Can you plat a mine field in the trees?

(this mine field was in the trees, maybe thats why it didnt work)

Is a mortar team small enough that they could be 'Lucky' and just missed them?

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