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Guest Big Time Software

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Actually, PERL is not a CGI "favor", you can view it as a way to handle requests and responses for your http server. Actually, there are many other means to talk with CGI from the server pov.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:


Thanks for your explanation on Perl. One question: Is PERL a certain "flavor" of CGI? Are there other forms of CGI? It seems CGI and PERL are always brought up in the same sentence as if it's one language. Can you explain their relation?



"When you find your PBEM opportents too hard to beat, there is always the AI."

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While I appreciate that you're being tactful in your suggestions that the Peng thread is the cause of all the BB woes, I think you're both a little off the point of this thread.

BTS wants to keep the BB as is. They don't want to change a thing. They also want the users to use it as they currently are. The mods allow OT posts and the Peng Thread because that's what the posters want. To undergo a policing action to deny all of that in an attempt to get the BB to run cleaner, is IMHO, the opposite of what BTS is trying to accomplish.

They want a board where the Peng Thread doesn't need to crash at 3,000 posts, but can continue ad infinitum.

'can I get an Amen?'

They want a board where the CombaHaiku thread can grow indefinitely.

'Can I get an Amen?'

They want a board where one thread is not forced into disolution because another more important thread takes precedence.


They want a thread where all posts are archived and available to all people at all times, so we can continue to be ugly bastards and tell all newbies to 'Do a search.'


I don't think this is too much to ask. It can only mean a better BB for all of us. For you, for me, even for pretentious gasbags like M.Bates, and Rob/NoOne, and Minimus, and...

And since you're all reading...another plug for Anandtech's forum. Same format, lots of enhancements, though I have no idea about the server specifics and cost.

Thanks for listening.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: You rock, Croda<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Whatever your opinion on the Peng thread, it should be kept, at least for its blackmail value if nothing else. One day one of the participants might run for elected office, and Steve and Charles might be down on their luck. . . hey, instant ambassadorship.

So it should be kept. But how about making the Thread its own board, like the CM-Opponent finder. There it could expand into topics instead of massing into an unmanagable thread.

Also, I agree with the above assesment that the server is having memory leaks. Having a scheuled shutdown (like sunday between 4 and 6 AM) might not be a bad idea. Also, if you are still in NT you might consider moving up to Win2K, as it handles memory alot better.



Before battle, my digital soldiers turn to me and say,

Ave, Caesar! Morituri te salutamus.

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I propose a NNTP server just because I could then easily filter out the Peng thread and all other off-topic posts as well. I don't think that any other solution enables user-defined filters. Then everybody would be happy, even the Peng-posters.

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Fuerte wrote:

I propose a NNTP server just because I could then easily filter out the Peng thread and all other off-topic posts as well.

Actually, I've been thinking for some time to patch some open-source browser to include kill- and score-files for the CM board. However, I don't believe that I have time to do it for a long time.

- Tommi

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Guest Big Time Software

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The Peng thread has less to do with UBB hicupping than with the 150,000 other posts on the board.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Correct. It is a total BBS volume of posting problem. The Peng thread doesn't even register in this respect. However, there is a seperate UBB problem relating to large threads. The solution is to periodically close the thread up. If that were the only problem we wouldn't be looking to replace UBB at all.

As for the suggestion of a memory leak... that is something I have suspected for a while now. However, restarting the server doesn't fix it. I have to shut down the server and, manually, turn off the UBB scripts from within the UBB admin tools. THEN, and only then, does the problem go away (for a while). So I suspect that UBB has got some serious memory management problems.


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I'd like to throw out my professional opinion on this topic. It seems to me that you have three choices:

1. If UBB can run on multiple severs, get more hardware. BTS is big enough now to dedicate a stand alone machine for the BBS. Also, with P4's being released, PIII prices are sure to drop. If you can't run UBB on multiple machines, why not try upgrading the CPU's/Mem to dual ~900MHz and 1BG RAM? Or even do the restart/reboot thing once a week? Those seem to be the cheapest (and maybe fastest) ways to create a temporary solution while you work on a permanent(sp) one.

2. Work with UBB tech support (does it exist?) for a fix/solution. You'd think a portal with this much activity would get some decent support from UBB. Maybe they can provide some archiving tools.

3. Start from scratch with new/better (read: $$$) software. Maybe VB has fixed the memory problems and using VB on a more powerful machine(s) is the solution. Sounds the best so far.

I will say that as a matter of preference, I like being able to scroll through the messages on one screen. Clicking my way through a NNTP group would be a HUGE pain in the a$$. I think NNTP would keep people from posting/reading as much and would ultimately effect your sales.

I would suggest starting with option one, while moving concurrently to option three. You really should have a dedicated machine for the BBS. Servers aren't THAT expensive. ;) Just be careful with what you're ultimate solution is. With your product being sold only through the internet, you'd better have a robust and reliable system. Thanks.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fuerte:

I propose a NNTP server just because I could then easily filter out the Peng thread and all other off-topic posts as well. I don't think that any other solution enables user-defined filters. Then everybody would be happy, even the Peng-posters.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What is up with the negative Peng Thread vibes? I dare say that is the EASIEST thread to skip on the whole board if you don't want to read it. Here is what you do:

Don't click on it! tongue.gif

With that said, I just had a thought/vision/episode. Call it what you like, but here it is:

Think about this for a minute... that thread is being used the correct way. It is one continuous thread that people keep posting to. They are not creating NEW threads every day/hour/minute so everything stays in one spot (for the most part).

Think how less congested the board would be if people stopped creating NEW threads using the following reason:

"I just did a search and found a 10 page thread about this subject, but I want to start a new thread talking about the same thing."

(Hint: Post to the exsisting thread. Not only will it keep the discussion in one thread, but it will be easier to follow.)


"I know the other thread was locked because we were flaming about (a subject), but I just wanted to let everybody know why my view on (said subject) is right."

(Hint: IF BTS tells you not to open a new thread on subject, don't. It will only get locked. Sometimes it helps to restate your subject to avoid possible flareups.)


"I have something really important to say about this subject, but my post will be on page 3 of the thread and nobody will read this far down so I'll start a new thread and have the first post."

(Hint: If people are interested, they will read a post even if it isn't on page 1 of the thread. By creating new threads, the subject becomes hard to follow and the discussion losses steam.)

See, there is a lot of cluster on this board. And this was just three quick examples and I didn't even get into the whole "the members are mean because they tell me to search" mess. wink.gif So, trying to imply that the Peng Thread is the cause of the problems is very unfair.

Have a nice day.



[This message has been edited by DanE (edited 12-07-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

COG, thanks for the advice. Upgrading the hardware, or getting another server to help with the load, is certainly the easiest solution. It is also the most expensive one, as well as the hardest to maintain over time. Especially because this problem will not go away. When CM2 comes out this BBS will be even larger, so what are we going to do then? Another server? This is not a good cost-effective solution.

The problem is that UBB was not intended to be a large scale service. Therefore, it is unlikely that this will be changed. UBB's support forums are full of people complaining about speed issues, and the answer is always the same "upgrade your hardware". Knowing what I know about software and hardware, there should be a better answer. VB might have it because it uses an SQL based database, but I am unsure that it will fix our problems. We are trying to contact some webmasters who use it, as much as we use UBB, to see what they think. Hopefully we will hear back from them.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DanE:

So, trying to imply that the Peng Thread is the cause of the problems is very unfair.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It may be, but that thread is the most visible and obvious problem in this forum anyway.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fuerte:

It may be, but that thread is the most visible and obvious problem in this forum anyway.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Since you're having problems following along, let me repost this from a few inches up the page:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BigTimeSoftware:

It is a total BBS volume of posting problem. The Peng thread doesn't even register in this respect.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just in case you missed that little morsel.


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: You rock, Croda<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fuerte:

It may be, but that thread is the most visible and obvious problem in this forum anyway.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

But I ask you, why is it a problem?

It is taking up only ONE space on the list. If it is that bothersome to you, just don't read it. And since everybody stays "on topic" in that thread, you don't have to worry about missing something.

That thread is for CM players to taunt each other as they play games with each other (Combat Mission included). The only thing that thread may be hurting is the people posting to it. (And I think some of them even get pleasure from it.)

For the most part, the cess stays in the pool. And when there is a leak, somebody is there to clean up the mess in a timely manner. I have not documented this, but I believe you would find that most leaks occur in other "useless" threads started by non-poolers. The leaks seem to serve a useful purpose as they tend to get those "useless" threads closed up.

Have a nice day.



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I'm really not sure why there have been a rash of 'Close the Peng Thread' posts lately. It seems that there's a large group of people who feel that friendly jesting about the game is worthless while analyzing and scrutinizing the game is of supreme worth.

I appreciate DanE's defense of the Peng Thread. Even more, I appreaciate BTS' defence of it. This forum is a fairly close-knit community who voraciously support this game. Without the grogs or the Cesspooligans (and virtually everyone here is one or the other) the community would be far less interesting than it is now. They counterbalance each other quite nicely and take the experience of playing CM to a level I've never thought possible.

So stop the assaults on the Peng Thread, if you would. If that's closed you'll see us descend on your pretty little 88mm accuracy thread, and boy will you be sorry then. smile.gif


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: You rock, Croda<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda:

I'm really not sure why there have been a rash of 'Close the Peng Thread' posts lately.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well the obvious reason is this:

"Couldn't connect to server 'www.battlefront.com' (port 80) !

Either the server is down or your network is not properly configured. Maybe you have to use a proxy to connect to the internet. Perhaps your modem is switched off / your network card disconnected or the address wasn't entered correctly. Please check if the URL is correct."

If you visit here:


Then you see that that forum has at most 60 posts in thread at the moment.

Perhaps there should be a Peng forum, so that the thread would not be so big (and the rest of us need not see it always in the beginning of thread list).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Binkie:

But I got locked down when I tried to start a discussion about it (although I suppose I could've been a little more tactful with my topic title... biggrin.gif )

I guess the Pengers have friends in high places.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You did not discuss. You whined and told dozens of Board members, many of them of very long standing indeed, to take themselves elsewhere. You might keep in mind that frequent posters on the Peng Challenge Thread include beta testers, scenario designers, grogs, and Mr. Peng. Your contributions to the Board, while appreciated, are not paramount.


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Guest Big Time Software

Again... the Peng thread is NOT causing the problems. At least until it reaches at least two thousand posts. We have had MANY non-Peng related threads that have exceeded 60 posts, and quite a few that have gone well over 100. A couple that come to mind even topped 500.

The problem we are hoping to solve has to do with the total quantity of posts on this BBS. We could ban Peng and his motely crew from this BBS and we would STILL have the same problems since they have nothing to do with the Peng thread.

I also don't buy the "I'm sick of seeing the thread in the list" point of view. If this were a valid reason to lock down threads there would be more than a few that would have qualified at one time or another. 88 accuracy or Jeep recon anybody? smile.gif


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I used to think the Peng threads were silly and useless too, until I started playing around in their mulch for awhile.

It's a lot of fun and for me helps counterbalance the "I read three books so I know more than BTS" whining and the "the extra .00005 mm of penetration through the rear toolbox when the Panther's crankshaft is at theta X and angular momentum Y is not modeled and is really wrecking the game for me" babbling diahrrhea that some others seem to get off on so much.

The Peng Thread doesn't need defending so I won't defend it, I'll just go back there, where I'm hated with style. Toodle-oo.


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Guest AbnAirCav

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software:

We could ban Peng and his motely crew from this BBS and we would STILL have the same problems since they have nothing to do with the Peng thread.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yeah, but we could then start in on harassing the Hamster threads, tho, right? smile.gifAltho I dunno if they're as sensitive as those Pengers ... smile.gif

Seriously, other diehard & active communities that I know of (such as "Aces High", "Warbirds", etc.) have separate forums for "off-topic and less serious discussions", such as The O' Club & The Wingless Cafe where the members can go to chat and create long never-ending threads. As has been suggested earlier in this thread, would this help the UBB code, to split some of this forum's activity into some sort of "Canteen" forum? It would also give the folks who want to post, as the Penger's say, "about the luck of their (insert unit here)" a place for their topics, too.

I do agree that those Penger's are too entertaining to lose ... maybe it would help if we just move the cesspool over to the marshy section, under the dead sycamore? smile.gif

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Hey, Seanachai, now that Steve has clarified that the huge-thread issue is completely solvable with an occasional restart of the thread, I'm happy to back down. That maintenance serves my interests, and I believe the interests of the majority of unique board visitors (who I don't think are Pengers or Grogs), in keeping the board healthy and accessible.

P.S. Strong language (what you call "whining") is a GREAT way to get a discussion going. Sometimes you need extremists to get people to consider the middle ground.

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