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mods - sell full pack

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I have had major problems downloading mods.(lousy computer and i am not a techie) i would pay anyone who could send me bunch of mods on floppy disk is this possible? can you describe what to do once the file is downloaded (just copy into BMP folder or do more? what about zipping?)

why don't they come out with simple add on pack that adds many of the improved graphics and a couple new features instead of making us wait over a year for second game? thanks

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Can't ship anything to you myself, but I can see two problems with what you suggest.

1: There are a LOT of mods... And lots of those overwrite other mods. Basically you do need to pick and choose the ones you like. In addition, some mods will slow down some oldes computers.

2: You mention the second game as consisting of some new mods and a few features; BTS has said that CM2 (Russian Front) is going to be much more extensive than some patches to CM1. Whole different ballgame (wargame).

This said, I do sympathize; it is a bit of a pain picking and downloading mods on slower computers.


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Hehheh, I actually enjoy all that picking and downloading. I even arrange many of the mods in new zips. I combine some, I split a couple. I neatly zip- and file them away into specific subjects. Soon I'll all burn them on a CD to get a decent back-up.

Great fun. smile.gif

One thing, Ketzer; when you mention "they" in

"why don't they come out with simple add on pack," you have to realize that "they" is not BTS, but a lot of different devoted players, and original graphic artists. So one single big add-on pack is simply out of the question. Unless some dude collected them all and started asking money for it. Wouldn't want that, would we?

About the floppy thing: I have about 88 MB of mods on my HD now. That's quite a lot of floppies. I'd be happy to send you a couple via E-Mail though. Just tell me what you'd like and I'll send it over, along with a simple how-to-do-it.

Have fun!



Der ver zwei peanuts, valking down der Strasse, and von vas...assaulted! peanut. Ho-ho-ho-ho.

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Originally posted by Juju:

I even arrange many of the mods in new zips. I combine some, I split a couple. I neatly zip- and file them away into specific subjects.

LOL! Me too. I am determined to put together that oh so perfect combo of graphical sweetness. Oh I do love the Mods so. keep em coming fellas I can handle all you can make!

Mord, a known Mod Slut

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Yeah some "dude" could put one together and ask money for it, 'course he'd have to contribute to my and Tiger's retirement fund,

or something might happen to his kneecaps biggrin.gif



"Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"

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