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Mac sound manager status report

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Listen up mac users!

after all the gripen I've been getting smile.gif, figured I'd stay up late this weekend and see if I could add sound support into MCM3.

Here's the good news:

I got it to work! smile.gif

the not-as-good news:

right now, it only works on MAC SOUNDS. If I cant figure an easy way to convert, you'll have to convert .wavs into mac sounds before you put them into the resource files.

I figure that's not elegant, but given limited time right now may be the best I can do. I'll know more later this week regarding the .wav support, but I figure you'll want the update anyway. And sooner, not later!

Anyway, It's getting closer. I need to do some testing on it this week and next with my beta team, but figure it will be out in about 2-3 weeks barring a major issue cropping up.




History is made at night

[This message has been edited by aikidorat (edited 10-15-2000).]

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Guest Lord General MB


Thank you!

Can't wait for it to be done!

(Send me the beta PLEASE.... sniff..)



Lord General Mr. Bill,

1st Army

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Great news!

There's a freeware application called "Soundapp" that works great for converting wav files into snd files. However, It gives them resource ID numbers starting at 128 and goes up sequentially from there. I've not had problems converting and using wav files, but after converting them with soundapp, I've had to then go into each file with resedit and give it the proper ID number before pasting it into a combat mission sound file.

Also, since you're making a revision to the mod manager, I do have one suggestion. Would it be possible to store all winter Allied vehicles in Graphics 13 and all German and shared winter graphics in Graphics 11? The reason for this is that there is not enough room in graphics 13 for all possible winter textures in the game.

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in regards to the sounds:

I use the title of the file, not the 'resource' number given by soundapp to paste them in the correct spot, so that isnt an issue with the mod manager (it is if you do it manually though).

However, I am using the reference ID of 128 to find the sound resource, open it, and then paste it into the correct resource. This works for when you convert .wavs to .sfil (sounds) with soundapp. I'm going to test this week into breaking it, or finding a better way to do it, just in case someone out there plays with the sound files and changes it. smile.gif I think I just figured it out as I type this...

as for the winter cammo, I'm working on something similar in concept, but this is the first I've heard of not being able to load them all in so it was a low priority. It would mean providing a utility to allow you to transfer / change the existing resources...

Have you had it fail to convert, or the game fail to load? If so, *please* email me and let me know how you did it (include OS rev, etc). I haven't had any other reports of breaks in that regard.




History is made at night

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