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PBEM ICQ? help/faq entry/tutorial

Guest brainboy

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Guest brainboy


I've seen people refer to ICQ file transfer ability as *the* way to PBEM.

I did a search and found little.

First: is this the consensus?

Second: anyone willing to write a little tutorial "ICQ + other(s)? for wargamers"

-it would point to down locations for MAC and WinTel

-show how to connect

-show how to 'list' your 'address'

-provide procedures and how to transmit PBEM files if not painfully obvious.

then maybe this can be added to a FAQ somewhere or posted on the CombatHQ site so as to make PBEMing this totally rockin game easier for newbies like me.

I don't know nothing about the above or else I would do it. But, I will do it if no one else does and at least there are some answers/pointers posted here.

P.S. really don't want to be too inflamtory but I can't help myself. (So, Sorry for this) For any/all bad grammer, lousy punctuation, miss-spellings, and typos; O'BG bite me!

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I don't know if ICQ is "The" way to PBEM but it's a good way.

Go to www.mirabilis.com and DL the latest version. It's free and gives you the ability to send "instant" messages, files and so forth. It also has a chat function built into it.

Once you've DLed it, just follow the instructions to register. You will be assigned an ICQ #. Once you have that you can publish it here or on any one of the many CM sites that either exist or will exist once the game comes out.

Generally you will make arrangements with an ICQ buddy to meet on ICQ at a certain time. One of the nice things about ICQ is that it can stay resident on your computer and informs you when your buddies show up.

Once you're both on ICQ, you fire up the game and, when you've completed your turn, you send it via ICQ file transfer. To do that, you just right click on your buddies name, choose "File" from the menu, select the file you want to send and it's on it's way. Once your buddy gets it, he drops it into CM and you're off to the races.

The advantage, of course, is that you're both on at the same time and can send your files immediately. That way you don't have to check your email every five seconds. In addition you can send messages back and forth when you're not working on the game. Actually, with CM's ability to switch back to the desktop you can flip back and forth between the game and ICQ ... if your buddy happens to be the rude type that wants to talk while you're plotting your move smile.gif


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Guest Scott Clinton

And it 'sucks' a LOT of memory. Man-o-man does it suck memory! frown.gif And a good portion of it for all those extras I will never use too. frown.giffrown.gif


Please note: The above is solely the opinion of 'The Grumbling Grognard' and reflects no one else's views but his own.

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Scott is right, ICQ is a VERY big memory hog and on my machine when I played an email game of CM having icq running in the background really made CM choppy and there was an annoying flicker at the bottom of the game screen. Of course it's CM so I played on! smile.gif

I'm going to look into some other things like AOL IM etc... but alot of folks seem to have icq.


"If they are waiting for me to make the first move then I'll trick them and make my second move first."

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