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Church of New Scenarios Reopened

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The time has come...time to resurrect the Church of New Scenarios from the deepest depths of this forum!

As Madmatt has been turned by the dark side of the Beta-Testers, there will be no eloquent prose from him as before, but just myself and anyone else who cares begging, whining, snivelling and grovelling for another demo scenario.

I haven't seen the dreaded padlock in days, which shows we have been good little grognards,just waiting for the postal equivalent of Santa to bring us our most wished for toy.

I have been (relatively) quiet up till now, thinking I would have the game in days, but now I keep hearing the word "weeks" and I just can't take it anymore.

So how about it BTS? Just one more itty-bitty download for the huddled masses? smile.gif

Craig (yes, I know. I'm still a waste of bandwith)

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