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Tweaked Textures v2.0 Status

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I'm losing patience with the beta demo, and the HD crash didn't exactly help either, nothing drops your motivation faster than having to go back and redo a texture that you did pretty well in the first place mad.gif

anyway I may release the tweaked tetxure in its uncomplete form at the end of this week, I'll clean up the semi-completed stuff. there are quite a few things that are still from the original - I would have prefered to change everything, and go back and redo the Stug, but the time for beta demo is drawing to an end so a desicion has to be made...plus its something I do in my free time, and that's something that I don't have a lot of frown.gif

Sorry to dissappoint.



aka BLITZ_Force

My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj

Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there, or grab a CM Wallpaper! :P

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Guest GriffinCheng

Never a disappoinment CCJ, you have done very well indeed and spend a lot of your time.

I can say for the rest but myself, I have been waiting for your work since you have posted your version 2.0 textures. Just post the files and I will get it.

Let's look at this issue from another angle: we are less than 8 weeks from The Real Thing, just look forward to make it better.

I hope for the same thing too.

Cheer up! biggrin.gif

Griffin @ work

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Sorry to hear about the HD crash. That really sucks.

On a positive note, I have liked what you have done so far and definitely look forward to seeing what you come up with for the final game.

Hang in there, it will be worth it. I think many of us will enjoy trying out your hard work.

All the best,

Mike D

aka Mikester

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well just don't your hopes up to high :0 They probably don't look as good as you think they do smile.gif

I wanna get back to writing music, and there not enough hours in the day to do both graphics and music, plus I can make money from my music wink.gif


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Guest PeterNZ

yeah, bud, release man smile.gif

any change will be fun for us seasoned, (read bored?) beta demo players! Give us something to talk about for a couple of weeks till we have other stuff to talk about!

We all love what we've seen and it's been great fun to watch developments!

So don't beat yourself up too much man, just do what ya need to do! smile.gif


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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

CCJ, are we there yet? wink.gif

What's the status of TTv2.0?

Waiting for Gold Demo or what? confused.gif

[This message has been edited by Ol' Blood & Guts (edited 04-10-2000).]

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Well with only a month to go, I figure there is no point me releasing my tetxures now, I will use them in my CM gold version enhancement package. I one of those people that doesn't like to release unfinished stuff as it would directly reflect my reputation biggrin.gif sorry

Anyway when the gold demo comes out - you will most likely forget about my textures and most probably never need them wink.gif


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Guest PeterNZ

come on coolj wink.gif

Um, just release all the finished textures for us please! Some of us would love to liven up our well-tried scenarios with some pretty new graphics.

pleeeeaseee pretty please with cherrys?



.C O M B A T. .V I S I O N.

* Film From The Front *


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The beta is dead wink.gif - I suggest you people erase the beta demo from your HD and clear your thoughts for the impending Gold demo biggrin.gif

No point living in the past - you must plan for the future, and that's what I'm doing.

I still plan to do a take no prisoners Texture upgrade for CM - if your video card doesn't support at least 16 megs of video ram you may not like it wink.gif I'm after nothing short of maximum grogish realism smile.gif

I will definitely remaster all the games sounds too - but you may not be able to download these, I suspect it will end up at a couple hundred megs, audio data being the pig they are tongue.gif

I suppose the best thing is I can burn a CDR for people who want it. You pay for the CDR media and postage off course smile.gif

That's what I'm planning, if nobody wants it, fine - doesn't bother me, its all for my personal satisfaction. I have very high personal graphic and audio tastes. Especially audio, since I master CDs for my friend's record label biggrin.gif



aka BLITZ_Force

My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj

Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there, or grab a CM Wallpaper! :P

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Sounds like a great deal to me. smile.gif

What do you expect the graphic down load to be (size), and if I send you the cash, will you put both sound and graphics on the CD?


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

[This message has been edited by DEF BUNGIS (edited 04-11-2000).]

[This message has been edited by DEF BUNGIS (edited 04-11-2000).]

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That's the idea - both sound and GFx on the CDR - the GFX will most probably be downloadable. the Beta demo's textures were about 8 megs uncompressed (4 compressed) and at one stage my Tweaked Textures were around 12 megs smile.gif The gold version will have almost 4 times that many I suspect, with almost 10-15 times the amount of vehicles in the Beta demo! biggrin.gif SO I suspect there would be at least 30+ megs of tetxures in the gold version. I won't be modifying every tetxure, but most vehicles will be changed. I will have a summer and winter cammo scheme set hopefully.

This will take a long time I suspect wink.gif In between Cm gaming sessions and music writing - I'll wait till the honeymoon period is over before I tackle this mega task smile.gif

Off course if you live in my city you are welcome to hop over for a autographed CDR tongue.gif

DEF BUNGIS - if BTS keep the same file formats as the beta demo, which I suspect they will, then there should be no problems here. It will be fully tested for sure smile.gif


[This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 04-11-2000).]

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Coolj (aside to Colin) Once you undertake the Megaproject do you (or Colin) anticipate having a Mac version anytime soon thereafter? I have really enjoyed what you did for the Beta and it really enhanced the experience. I look fwd to your future efforts.

Also, you talked about burning a CD of graphics/sounds. Would it still be available as download for those w/ sufficient download speed?

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I suspect this will be a PC only affair - unless someone is willing to convert 50 odd megs of textures, and 100+ megs of audio data wink.gif

The textures will be available to download - well maybe, it depends on if I can get enough hosting space. But the audio is a definite no. Compassion has given me some space, but with a few people downloading 100+ megs of data - that means bandwidth will be hogged, and since I don't pay for this hosting, the paying customers will be pretty mad biggrin.gif Also I don't fancy uploading 100+ megs of data at 15k a sec. Even though I have cable, Compassion's site has a slow connection to me.Too many hops I suspect.


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Well I'm glad I didn't release Tweaked tetxures v2.0! After seeing the 8 pic special by MadMatt, I've noticed BTS has changed the infantry tetxure system for the better, by having a proper side texture! biggrin.gif You won't believe how much better this will make my job at tweaking!

In the beta demo, the infantry texture just had the arm texture stretched over the side of the infantry model. So you couldn't do belts on the side, and SS cammo patterns would look awful frown.gif But finally BTS has fixed this smile.gif I'm happy - 2 thumbs up! tongue.gif

Now all we need now is mipmapping.... smile.gif



aka BLITZ_Force

My Hompage ----> http://www.geocities.com/coolcolj

Double your immersion with my Tweaked Textures and Saving Private Ryan sound set mods for CM!! Check out my new Textures V2.0 photo Gallery and my music while your there, or grab a CM Wallpaper! :P

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