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Malmvig's input

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The last five years has been a disaster being a simulation gaming player. Lots of expectation to both hardware and computing gaming software was at stake but the later felt sort of most of its objectives. Software developing teams used most of their resources dealing with how to make best use of the hardware present and did not bother digging into the most important part of computing gaming - Playability. Companies like Hasbro hired hundred of 1st class engineeres for developing - what should had been the greatest simulation game ever, but instead they ended up with one of the most buggy games ever. Microprose - with their TPII, shiped a game that many of us had waited over nine years for - fully of bugs and was it not because of the effort of their QA department it would never had been playable. All most evey body had their focus on costbenefit and none what so ever on - quality. Well - Combat Mission had showed the path through next centenary. Showed the path for many who had their doupt in computer gaming. Showed the path for many computing games to come. You do not need a billion to create a good game and you do not need a billion to earn one...What you need is simple a couple of good gentlemen who uses every effort to listen to their customers and how is willing to bring as much as possible of their customers influence into the game. What is the result you ended up with then - you ended up with pure quality, lastability, goodlooking, greate playability, enhenched AI and all those nice sweet'n details. Enough talk about buying multiple copies - instead, go out spreading the news.

With you since Tank Platoon I

Best regards

Henrik Malmvig

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IMO the big games developers/publishers only seem to be interested in making money (and why not) but all to often they only develop a game after joining in on the latest fad, hiring talented programmers and marketing men who are technically very good but is their heart in the projects they are working on? - i would suggest not most of the time. BTS on the other hand are obviously passionate about what they've got going here and they have produced a masterpiece of a game in Combat Mission that fully deserves all the praise that it has received. Also, how often do you see the guys who are developing some of the 'major' titles answering questions and making themselves available for us to chat to?.

[This message has been edited by Manx (edited 06-08-2000).]

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