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Pershings, Jacksons and Fireflies, oh my!

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Well, its New Years Eve and I have a horrible flu > frown.gif. I likely won't be drinking anything stronger than Nyquil today, and my sole companion today will probably be the Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant. Perhaps someone would like to take pity on me and slap up some nice screenies of Allied Heavy Metal in action. Why should the Hun have all the fun?

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Yeah it does but it didn't change my schedule anyway. My girlfriend is a journalist so she had to work so I couldn't be bothered to go party. Saw some fireworks had a little Cognac (for my sore throat heheh) and played Unreal Tournament into the new year.

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Guest R Cunningham

"Killing Spree!"

I was having a good time with UT last night too. I have to run it in 512x384 software because my card in "not worthy."

I've got the UT demo. It's pretty cool, but I like TFC better because of the different classes that you can play.

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Yeah my hardware is getting kind of dated too these days. Still dragging around with a Hercules TNT, luckily it's easy to overclock so UT is barely hanging in there. Wonder if I should wait for another Nvidia card or just buy the GeForce?

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howardb, take a good look at the rest of your hardware. Video cards these days are so powerful, they're actually limited by the power of the CPU they're attached to. If you're running a CPU lower than say a P3-500, the GeForce would be overkill. Lower processors just can't produce enough work for the card.

Me, with my 450 mhz (o/c'd) Celery, I'm fine with the 16MB PCI Erazor2 I just installed. It'll be enough for CM, and strong enough that at my next rebuild (new mobo, CPU, hard drive this spring; it's good to work for a reseller) I can keep the Erazor until the GeForce cards are as cheap as TNTs are now.


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Yeah I got a Celery @450mhz too with 128mb ram but it just doesn't cut it anymore frown.gif You could be right about the cpu's but the fact is that I can't dish out the money for a new cpu (athlon), ram and mainboard just now... God I hate this life why couldn't I be born rich ???? WHY GOD... TELL ME WHY !!!

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Guest R Cunningham

It's funny how this all works. I got a 4MB STB Velocity with a RIVA 128. It works fine for Half-Life and CM. It is useless for UT and it apparently has great difficulty with CC4. Though CC doesn't require any 3D acceleration for some reason it requires a 4MB card. I've been wanting to upgrade to a TNT2 board, but I keep fritting away money on books.

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