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Help buying/picking game

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Made an account here because I'm thinking of getting one of the Combat Mission games, but which one? I'm exclusively into single player and read somewhere that CM games has lots of content from skilled modders. 

All of the CMx2 games are based on the same engine? So maybe Final Blitzkrieg would be the best choice since its the latest and possibly most polished game yet?

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23 minutes ago, kenskog1 said:

All of the CMx2 games are based on the same engine? So maybe Final Blitzkrieg would be the best choice since its the latest and possibly most polished game yet?

That is more or less true. But consider that for most players, which campaign is being depicted has a lot to do with their interest. If you have a particular interest in one area of the war, you are more likely to be able to sustain interest in the game that deals with it. If you, on the other hand, are just looking for a game to play, then I suppose one is as good as another. CMBN by virtue of having been around the longest, has the most user-generated mods, scenarios, etc. CMFB by virtue of being the latest, currently has the most refinements to the game engine, but those will be back dated to the earlier games pretty soon, so not a huge advantage there in the long term (i.e., more than six months).


Edited by Michael Emrys
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Welcome aboard!

There is an additional factor you may wish to consider, and that is what's already out for your eventual game choice. CMFB is presently just the newly released game, whereas CMRT is not only out, but is already slated, I believe, for a Module. This option to have new content, forces, scenarios and maybe a different locale will greatly increase your gaming horizon and experience. By virtue of the way BFC handles what it does with a given game after it's released, CMRT, the senior game, as it were should have its Module well before CMFB does. Ultimately, it comes down to where you like to fight, against whom and with what.


John Kettler

Edited by John Kettler
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Well, don't forget to ask yourself the question what you really want.

The setting of each game has a lot  of impact on the the liking.

Some people like early war, others prefer late war. The technological difference between CMFI and CMFB is vast.

Consider weather and landscape. BN is mostly poor Western European summer weather (aka disgusting) and confined bocage terrain.

FB is disgusting European winter in wooded, hilly terrain. No tank country.

RT mixed weather in flat, wooded country. Quite often perfect for tank battles. And with fairly advanced equipment.

FI is sunny Italy in extremely hilly country. Pretty strange on the equipment side, but perfect for tense infantry battles with a little armour support.

Of course, the add on's like CW, MG, GL change this picture a little for each title.

So, the basic question again: What are you looking for?

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