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Beginner wanting PBM game on small or medium maps

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Too late to be noticed I'm sure, but guachi, you are taking two separate posts and imputing a single line of thought. I cannot speak for DEF BUNGIS, but I did not take his comment to imply anything about the gay community as a whole. My own comment was in response to the idea of exchanging files with anyone who identifies themselves by that practice. Yes a joke, but not the one to which you seem to be reacting.


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Quite correct MB (sorry but I can't bring myself to use the complete nickname) you posted a simple request for a PBEM game and got some snide comments as a result. Not too cool. You must, however, be aware of the fact that your nickname is BOUND to cause some of that. Now you can choose any name you like (within reason) but don't be too surprised when it causes ... comment.


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Let me apologize to the forum and especially to "Mr. Bates" for being snide. I did not mean to put anyone down, but just figured that someone who chose such a moniker would be ready for some jokes made about his choice of names. I would never want to make any newcomer feel unwelcome; it's a nice place to visit. I will try to limit my future comments to asking stupid questions and combat wombat trivia.

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OK, sorry MB.

But, sometimes we get these crazy screen names on the forum for the sole intent of trolling.

Example "Gay Lover", who was just on the forum about a month ago. Nothing against gay's, however, we all knew what the purpose of the name was, to get the board fired up.

No harm intended. wink.gif

Hell, lots of people think my nick is a joke too.

But hey! If that's what you want, more power to ya.


The counter-revolution,

people smilling through their tears.

Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.

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