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Movement Commands Available?

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Just curious if there is an option to move a team as stealthily as possible to ambush enemy positions/vehicles? I've seen "Move Fast", "Hunt", "Move", and "Reverse". Is "Hunt" the equivalent of this for infantry?


Dar Steckelberg

[This message has been edited by Dar (edited 08-30-99).]

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Imagine this situation. You feel that an enemy tank may appear if you move forward, so you order your tank forward in "Hunt" mode. As it moves forward it spots some enemy infantry.

Is there any way I can order my tank to not to engage the infantry with its main gun as I want it to be able to fire AP at any enemy armour that might appear. Machine-gunning the enemy troops would be fine...

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Guest R Cunningham

It just occured to me that these move commands are completely wrong! They are so sanitary and simple. What we need is a greater variety of more realistic commands. Anyone with military experience knows that soldiers do not respond to commands spoken in normal tones. They need a little extra motivation:

"move your a%%"

"get the F%^& down"

"I said crawl dammit"

"go, go, go"

"move it"

"run away"

"haul a$$"

"let's get the f&*^" out of here"

we also need multiple commands to truly capture the nature of command:

"kill that tank, breach that wire and get to the top the hill, now!"

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HAHA! I laughed my @$$ off, R Cunningham!

Major Lardlad - the decision which targets will be engaged at which time is taken by the tactical AI (in other words, the guys in the tank). You as the player cannot micromanage this during the action replay turn. The AI evaluates the perceived threat level coming from these two targets (based on what it knows, e.g. if it can see the enemy tank, if the tank is identified, if the infantry is known to have AT weapons etc.) and takes its own action.

You can "help" the AI a little by, e.g., issuing a target order to fire at the enemy tank. This makes the AI a little more reluctant to change targets and engage the infantry first, but again, this depends on many factors.

BTW - tanks can of course also engage multiple targets, e.g. fire with its mounted MGs at the infantry while using the big guns for armor. I've seen this happen in the game often enough, and this is the most probable course of action the AI is going to take in such a situation I'd say.

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Yeah - I thought that would be the answer, and I do accept it as you'll end up with loads of specialised orders.

It's still a bit annoying as I'm sure (for example) playing as a German commander you'd radio your Panther "I can see a Sherman coming down the road, whack it when it appears from behind that tree-line that's currently blocking your view to it."

I'd want my tank to sit there with AP up the spout waiting for the Sherman, and not firing HE at some infantry running about in the distance.

Come to think about it, I guess I could achieve what I want by setting up an ambush at the end of the tree-line. That way my tank should ignore the infantry unless they got too active, right?

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That's one possibility. But (and I forgot to mention this above) tanks in general are rather reluctant to fire their main gun at "crunchies" and will often hold their main gun fire until you order them to use it. So unless the infantry is a direct threat to the tank (e.g. within Panzerfaust range etc.) it is entirely possible that the tank will open up with MGs only and keep the AP round loaded. I've had exactly this happen several times in testgames already and it really gives you the feeling that there is a tank commander in this thing...

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Correct. That is exactly what ambushes are for.

I was just commanding a platoon of Shermans closing in on a town when a fountain of earth shot up beside my tank making me think a mortar barrage or something was nearby.

Well, my tank was engaging infantry in the town about 300 metres away with its co-ax, hull MG and main gun but the accompanying infantry platoon (I try to accompany each sherman with a platoon of infantry at all times.. gives me some extra spotting ability and anti-PF firepower) spotted a Panzerschreck which had been hidden in a copse of trees and had fired without being spotted. The tank rotated, fired some HE, a few bursts of tracers and my infantry platoon opened up from no more than 80 metres.

That is an excellent example of the AI putting in a very good anti-tank ambush forward of its MLR.

BTW if you want to see multiple target engagements then use the Crocodile wink.gif.

I've seen a crocodile spewing flame at one unit, firing the hull MG at another and firing the main gun at another ninety degrees to its side while the others were all to the front.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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BTW I forgot to say that the AI's dastardly plan was to fire a couple of rounds and run. As soon as I started firing at it it got up and started running for cover wink.gif

Obviously 40 angry US infantrymen, an MMG and a tank firing as rapidly as it can were a bit too much for those two plucky infantry and their lives were cut short about 4 seconds later.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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