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Most Effective HT Tactics

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After playing a few games of Last Defense from the German side, I'm having trouble arriving at the best way to use my HT's. I've managed to pull off major victories on a number of occasions, but I always seem to get my HT force chewed up.

First I tried using their mobility to try and rush up the greatest possible concentration of infantry. That worked ok, but cost me a few squads when they got cooked.

Then I tried using them empty as scouts. This was nice, as it allowed them to flush out some bazooka teams before the could threaten my StuG's and Tiger. Of course this also led to the demise of the HT's.

Then I tried using them as support for my inf assaults, but this necessitated more stationary action which led to losses from mortar fire.

There may actually be no answer here, and the HT's are just falling prey b/c of an inherent vulnerability. If not, I would like to know how they were employed in real life and if that may provide a solution.



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Use your terrain, for ALL troop movement, HT, Armor, Infantry, etc.

I often mask my HT movements against a treeline, etc. or use smoke to cover a dash across an open space. Then I use them to support my dismounted Infantry. I will move them behind my Infantry and insure that nothing can get an LOS to a flank. Again use trees, smoke or buildings for this. Use their MG's to suppress any opposition so the Infantry can assault. I often keep them together as a unit, so they can mass their fire, and cover each other. Splitting them up is asking for trouble.

Or have I given too much away to my PBEM opponents? wink.gif

I have yet to lose more than 2 HT's in a battle, and then only to Mortar fire. They do not need to close with the enemy Infantry to be effective.

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I use my HT's like mobile machine gun nests. Using them to support infantry assaults, I tend to keep them back away from the enemy no closer than 200 meters. When they run out of ammo I move them off the battlefield. I have used this tactic very effectively without losing 1 HT vs the comp or Humans.


"Armchair Generals never lose any men"-Darstand

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RV, here's what I do (no fair reading this if you're going to PBEM me!)

I put the HTs on the left-edge of the map and charge them fullspeed to the treeline to the left of the house, then drive them til they're about 150m away from that house on the road, unload the infantry and take the house and that point of the tree area. Then I reload the infantry, and drive further down the road to take the house-row that sticks out at a 45 degree angle from the center of town. Then, hopefully, I have enough time to rush the HTs further forward into the shelter of the houses just behind the wall-line so the Hellcats can't get them. (Usually only 2 make it)

From there they can continue to support the infantry with close-range MG fire, and the Hellcats can't get a shot cause of the buildings.


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Guest Captain Foobar

There isnt a magic way to keep them alive. If its not an arty shell landing inside, or a hellcat ripping it in half, its an infantry squad making a 3-point shot with a grenade! I like the mobile MG nest analogy, they are great for cover fire. Just imagine having to use a normal transport truck though, I'm sure ther weren't enough HT's to go around for every unit in the war...

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