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Question regarding unit behaviour in AI plans

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I was under the impression that units that all belong to the same group and the same plan, would move in unison toward the next "map zone" of the plan. In the case I have, there is one HQ unit and two rifle squads. The rifle squads sometimes move together to the next map zone, but the HQ remain stationary and wait for the next new turn after the squads have reached their goal. Sometimes just one squad move and the other squad and HQ wait for their turn.


Is there any way of making all the units move together? Would making shorter distances to the next map zone make it better?

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Is there any way of making all the units move together? Would making shorter distances to the next map zone make it better?


This depens on  what ordertype you use for the next orderlocation...


some movement orders will have them move in bounds like you describe...


using DASH will have them all move together...

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But they will tire very quickly. In the case I'm working on they have some distance to cover.


This is true unfortunatelly...but in my experience this is the only option avaliable right now to get them to move together...


With longer moves you might try to use a few more ORDERS and mix what kind they are...


Part of the move might work well with them moving in bounds and at the crusial point use a DASH order...


I don't really remember right now if the halt-rutin that aplies to veichles when they reach a new 'waypoint' also aplies to infantry...This is another problem...(veichles will only move one orderlocation/turn as a maximum and wait there for the next turn...before continuing)


I have found however that using DASH as a attack/assult order often work better simply because the fact that all units in the group move together...



This has beeni my experience with the editor so far...hopefully some other guys have another way you can achive your desired results...

Edited by RepsolCBR
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I don't really remember right now if the halt-rutin that aplies to veichles when they reach a new 'waypoint' also aplies to infantry...This is another problem...(veichles will only move one orderlocation/turn as a maximum and wait there for the next turn...before continuing)


Seems like it applies to infantry as well.

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The AI wants the HQ to hang back hence it will follow the sections rather than go with them. Depending on the size of your scenario you can either use different AI groups for your HQs to get them to behave as you want or use shorter orders. Either way this generates its own problem - you can run out of orders quite quickly or run out of AI groups.

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