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SAA T-72's in action


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Hello all,


I'm downloading the demo for this game at the moment. In the meantime I thought I'd share something the community might find interesting.

Below are links to footage captured using HD GoPro cameras mounted to SAA T-72's and other AFV's by the Abkhazia Network News Agency (ANNA). Most of the footage is captured in the cities of Daryaa and Jobar engaging terrorists from the Nusra Front.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mv9DJRvuHyI : 8 Missions from Daryaa


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bsDP5DznDQ : Jobar


There's many more that you'll find recommended in the sidebar. Of note is how resilient the T-72 is to RPG-7 fire. Also of note is how devastating the RPG-29 is, versus any tank, really.

Googling rpg-29 vs m1a2 reveals a trove of images for those unfamiliar with what a tandem warhead does.


Very Respectfully,



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Welcome aboard!


We've seen lots of footage out of that neck of the woods, but I think I haven't seen anything of such razor sharp clarity. I sit in my chair and shudder as I watch those tanks sans infantry screen blithely trundle from one claustrophobic ruined, dominated from above street to the next, knowing full well it'd take about one second to turn a tank into a funeral pyre--which happens a lot in vids of this sort. I really don't want to think about being in a tank and doing that! ANNA does some great work when it comes to really showing the realities of modern wars. I'm saying this based chiefly on footage I've seen. ANNA's reporters aren't sitting back in the rear with the gear; they're up close where their world can instantly end in an explosion, shell fragment or bullet. 




John Kettler

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