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The walking (soon to be) dead


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One distinct thing I've seen on several occations in CMBS that I never saw in WWII titles, is AI troops casually walking in the middle of battle and in the open, usually getting gunned down.


My interpretation of this is as follows:


Units tire much easier in CMBS due to heavier equipment. If AI plans are set up like in previous games (in which units very seldom got exhausted even from prolonged "quick" movement), AI troops will tire easier as they advance, retreat and then advance again, as they try to get to the next area of the AI plan. Sooner or later they become exhausted and start to walk instead of running.


Maybe AI plans in CMBS need more steps, with shorter intervals, and maybe with pauses in between to work around this behaviour?


Another solution would be that the AI is forced to hide exhausted units unitil the recouperate, but that means changes in the engine. That would be the preferred solution.

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What i would like would be an option to set an - WAIT HERE FOR (X) MINUTES at each waypoint (allowing the designer to set a pause at each waypoint to last the desired X number of minutes).


The only TIMER we have right now is the GAME CLOCK.


It can be very difficult to get the kind of pauses the scenariodesigner wants for his pixeltruppen with only that clock...



- A one hour scenario

- platoon A have an advance movment triggered to start whenever enemy armour enters the designated triggerzone.

- This advance order have 3 waypoints (orders)...

- the designer wants platoon A to advance to its first waypoint once the trigger get activated and wait there for 5 minutes before continuing to waypoint 2...


This gets very difficult !


Dependant on player styles and experience different players will arrive at this triggerzone at different times. Some might be there at min. 25 and some may take longer...maybe min. 40...


Only having the GAME CLOCK to go by setting a 5 minutes pause at waypoint 2 gets VERY complicated....


A PAUSE HERE feature would be nice....

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