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Forthcoming battle - La merveille à Merville


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Screenshots for an upcoming battle, the Paras assault on Merville Battery in the hours before the D-Day, landings.

After the drop, everything went wrong. The mission was planned for some 700 men, but only about 150 made it to the site. Due to time pressure, the battery would shell the Sword Beach landings, the assault was carried out anyway. It was brief, bloody and intense, for both Allies and Germans. The battery was surrounded by barbed wire and minefields, and the Germans were on high alert.


More info coming up soon.















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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a side note, being french I suggest to name the mission "Merveilles à Merville". We never use "la merveille" to describe those kinds of events but "merveilles" (plural).

But it's just a suggestion ^^

Can't argue with a native speaker can I? Will change it. Glad you find it interesting. It is on temporary hold - I need to get the initial rush of CMBS out of my system first  ;) .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on the project:

Progress on the map is slow but steady. Had to rework some parts due to new knowledge about the battery. The main features are in place and some of the details. But needs more. I have placed like a gazillion tiles of mines, barbed wire and craters. The forces are more or less in place. However, there are some uncertainties. I have contacted the museum at Merville and the author of "The Day the Devils Dropped In" - but has received no replies so far. Guess I have to make an educated guess and balance so it will be playable. Next up is to do a rough playtest to check the balance and placement of forces and then do the finishing touches on the map. A rough estimate is that it will be ready for playtesting in about a month.

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  • 4 weeks later...


The project has run into a bit of a stumbling block. I didn't realise that if you have placed units and fortifications on the map, and the crop it in the editor - they all move. Unfortunately there are a lot and trying to mark all and move doesn't work properly. Since doing all that work again would take more time than to finish all the details on a larger map, I'll stick to the second alternative. The only good thing about it is that I have an idea for a fictional follow-up battle that can make use of a larger map. But this delays my intentions with a few weeks. Now I'm doing some full battle tests during new conditions (thank you Chevalier Bayard for the info) to see if it works out as intended. Prevous tests have been promising. But all in all, it won't be an entirely historical battle, for several reasons, gameplay being one - but as close to real life as acheivable.

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