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More C2 Observations

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In a PBEM quick battle, where I command the Russians, I have a three man scout team that was assigned to a tank platoon. The scout team is in a wooded area and positioned on top of one of the tanks. The platoon HQ tank is positioned about 70 meters away in the same woods. The scout team and its tank have no visual or voice contact with with the HQ tank. However both the scout team and its tank have radio contact with the HQ tank.

This is interesting because the scout team was selected from specialty teams during the QB purchase phase and has no radio assigned to it. Apparently the scout team is able to use the tank's radio to stay in C2? With the scarcity of radios in the Russian TOE this could be useful.

I dismounted the scout team and positioned them next to the tank. No more radio contact. The scouts must be on the tank to use the tank's C2. If this is working the way I think it is, another possibility is for the scout team to dismount, move 50 meters away from the tank, observe the crossroads, then return to the tank and report up the chain of command? Cool game.

In the screen shot below it seems the scouts can use the radio even when the tank is buttoned.

<a  href=%7Boption%7Dhttp://i89.photobucket.com/albums/k208/kas4107/CMRedThunder2014-07-2619-40-34-93_zps5c67c8d6.jpg' alt='CMRedThunder2014-07-2619-40-34-93_zps5c67c8d6.jpg'>

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With good C2, a partial hull down position, wood line concealment and luck the IS-2 Tank in the opening post was able to spot and get off the first two shots at a Panther Tank. The first shot missed. The second shot destroyed the Panther with a weapons mount penetration at 900 meters. Of course my PBEM opponent will now do his best to turn my IS-2 into a smoking pile of scrap metal.



Did I mention this is a cool game?

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