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CM Helper or CM2 Helper fix

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I was unsuccessful finding any place where it tells you how to fix common problems with GreenAsJade's wonderful CM Helper program, so I wanted to mention that I have a fix that I need to use sometimes.

Computer Crash Breaks CM Helper

If a computer crash (such as due to restart after failure to recover from sleep mode) breaks CM Helper in Windows 8.1, simply open a File Explorer (the little file that you click on and it allows you to navigate through your files on your computer) or go to This PC/My Computer or whatever you want to call it, and search C:/ GreenAsJade and delete the cmh_log and maybe AppState too. That fixes it.

You'll have to "Edit Game" for most of your current games and direct the game files to be placed in the correct dropboxes, but otherwise this will solve the problem.

Also, if you have any old files left from games long ago ended, they could start showing up in CMHelper as Ghost Games that CM Helper can't find or close out. All you have to do is go into the game file folders for incoming and outgoing mail and clean up any old files from games no longer being played and this will get rid of ghost games.

Hope this helps somebody.

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Hi Guys,

The best way to help me work on problems like these, without loosing track of them, is to use Help->Report Bug in CMH (as long as CMH is actually working).

Then I get a ticket and we get to work through it together till it's solved.

And you might have to remind me by email if I seem to be taking too long :)


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GreenAsJade, is there somewhere where you keep a list of your bug reports and conversations that eventually leads to fixing them or a FAQ for the more common problems people have? Because I know other people have had this problem that I posted about here, but I couldn't remember how they fixed it and couldn't find the fix so I figured it out with my tiny brain. I'm sure if you don't already have some kind of list and fixes of bug reports, starting to keep one would really make your life easier. You probably have one, I'm just not finding it anywhere.

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The "list of bug reports" is maintained at h2hh.fogbugz.com.

Only I can see the list :)

But that is where you submit your bugs reports (this is where the Help->Submit Bug Report menu item takes you).

There isn't an FAQ about what to do when things go wrong because usually I try to fix things so they don't go wrong :D

I'm trying to get to the bottom of why a computer crash cases AppState.txt to get corrupted - it's pretty crappy if you have to re-set-up CMH after a computer crash.

However, since this likely won't get fixed "overnight", I've added your tip about recovery to the User Manual.


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