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New module 1941-1942

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hello Battlefront, im an old cm player since cmbo and i remember the very good times when i enjoied cmbb with 1941-42 period where Kv1 and t34/76 were the beasts to kill with 37-50 mm pak or with Haft Hohl Ladung handled by dare men.

Please Battlefront next module i hope will be around this period.

See you on the mat....

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You may have wait a while for that. BFC's announced plan is to bring out a module or two to round out the summer '44 to summer '45 time period. Then the next family will cover summer '43 to summer '44. Next after that will be a family that covers summer '42 until summer '43. Finally, after all that is done, they will begin releasing the final East Front family that will cover summer '41 to summer '42. Assuming a release rate of one family a year, that means it may well be three years before we see Barbarossa. However, the stuff in between hither and yon should provide lots of entertainment value.


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Yeah, Michael is right. As things stand now 1941-1942 family is the last in line for the Eastern Front. The next family will be 1943-1944 and modules/packs for CMRT to expand to 1945 eventually. The number of things in the pipeline of BFC is huge:

- CM Black Sea

- CMRT patch/fix

- CMRT module(s)/pack(s)

- CM Kursk family

- CMBN/CMFI 3.0 upgrade

- CMBN Pack(s)

And who knows when the CM Bulge family will start. In any case, things will not be boring at BFC HQ.

Mind you, I am not in the know in what order/timeframe all this will be released (if at all). This is just based on what BFC has publicly voiced in this forum.

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I can't help wishing for something totally different though........like CM: Stalingrad.

We'll get there eventually.

On the plus side, Stalingrad being later in the release schedule means that more new capabilities will have been incorporated into the game engine by the time we get there. The urban combat modeling has steadily improved since CMSF first came out, and as it is right now I think it's pretty good, but this is one of the hardest types of combat for the engine to model well and there's definitely room for improvements and additional features.

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Personally, I have to admit that the enthusiasm for large scale urban combat a la Stalingrad escapes me. For me, the most interesting parts of that campaign came late with the Soviet attacks on the flanks of the position that reintroduced mobility to the fighting and resulted in the surrounding of 6th. Armee.


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Personally, I have to admit that the enthusiasm for large scale urban combat a la Stalingrad escapes me.

I think the "game of inches" aspect is appealing, and best brought out in a campaign game where you're fighting over the same ground again and again. Close Combat did that part pretty well, even if there were other issues with its urban combat (the half size maps were really unsuitable, for one).

That said, games like ASL (where Stalingrad is one of the most popular settings) tend to have a lot of special rules to cover urban combat, like sewer movement, which wouldn't fit as easily into CM.

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While Stalingrad on its own does not appeal o me that much apart from the occasinal game there was a lot more going on over the winter of 1942 - 3

For example

Operation Mars and indeed a whhole range of other Soviet offensive operations along the front

Third Battle of Kharkov

Another Red army operation to relieve Leningrad

German attempt to relieve Stalingrad

Operations in the Caucasus

Earlier in 1942 there is 2nd Kharkov, Operatiobn Blau, the battles outside Stalingrad over the summer, Soviet offensives in Army Group North and Centre, the Crimea etc. Sure, extra urban combat features will be nice but they are only a smallish part of the whole

Stalingrad can still be the working tite but the game itself needs to cover all the 1942 battles from May onwards and early 1943 fighting up to the end of March

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