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Death, Dying and the Dead Soldiers

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BTS I was wondering if the the kill/death animation has been redone, or will it stay the same as in the beta demo? I just find it really cheap looking when a kill is just registered with a ugh and a tugged back soldier - or a squad just disappears whne eliminated.

How about a a death animation - so at least we know at a glance when watching the movie that casualties are happening. Have an animated soldier fall to the ground and dissappear - no dead bodies needed just a nice animation for casualties . Have one anim for light casualties, and another one for large casualties or a squad elimination.

This type of polish is needed -





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[This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 12-03-99).]

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I agree; in contrast to my earlier post, this is an area where we need more data, not less. There are instances where units may simply vanish, but for the most part they leave some trace of their fate, or at least a witness or two...

I also think the presence of some sort of marker (cross/star of david? The old 'gun with a helmet on it?) to show casualties can be more than just eye candy. I don't want blood and gore - it is useful to SEE the effects of fire lanes and arty barrages as the battle rages.


No marker needed - yet

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I know that Pham was being facitious about the shoveling guts anims, and while I don't thikn that kind of detail is needed, I would like to see bodies... and have them effect terrain. It's not much of a terrain modifier, but it might add up when an attack goes particularly bad. The first time I played Last Defense, the Germans lost all their armor about 10 minutes into the battle. They had done enough to leave me with only 1 operational Hellcat. They had been able to push through my first line of defense fairly quickly but got bogged taking the center of town. Much of their infantry strength came from the 'right' of the main road and was cut to ribbons as it attempted to move into the victory hex in the middle of town. It would benice if visible bodies (especially when they start to pile up) cause a morale check to stop units from rushing into the street during turn resolution.

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I think you'll see, if you read Moon's post again, that he hasn't actually said yes to ANYTHING you mentioned.

Don't go reading into it things that aren't there wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Captain Foobar

I can see it now... this has the potential of being the "I want Dead Bodies!" thread all over again! Let's not go down that road again...hehe

But seriously, a slightly more exaggerated or noticable infantry "flinch" might be helpful.

Moon. You can't just say stuff like that and leave it. Now you have to explain further (Or risk having me shake my fist at you!!! wink.gif )

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