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Sounds and screen shake

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Does what the player hears vary based on where he has the camera placed? For example, in Fionn and Martin's battle, if I were in the middle of town during an arty shelling, I assume I would strongly hear the boom boom boom of HE explosions and my screen would shake. If I then started to move my camera east over the river and past the wall line, would the booms begin to fade, the screen shake less and the rat a tat of the machine gun fire out on the plain start to grow louder? If so, cool.

Now for the clincher -- any doppler effect based on the change in perspective? wink.gif If the answer to this is "yes", I can only conclude that, in the words of Heinlein, "Thou art God". smile.gif


The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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Guest Big Time Software

Figuring out what sounds you should hear, on the fly, from a given location on a given microsecond would require a HUGE number of calculations. Also compounding things is the shortage of sound channels (big battle could probably fill 100, but average computers have about 4-6 available). Threfore, this is not supported (A PIII 500 probably could do it fine, but still with limited channels).

Instead, CM carefully predetermines which sounds you will hear on the battlefield during playback. No matter where the camera is, these are the only sounds that can be heard. HOWEVER, the sounds are played using dynamic stereo panning, so as you move the camera around the sounds do change "location" and "distance" from the camera.

One of the cool things is being very far away from something big shooting you. It is very interesting to see a tank (for example) fire its gun at 1000m, barely hear it, and then have the tank next to the camera blow up a couple of seconds later. Since CM's balistics are relaistic (including drop) you get a really unique opportunity to see this stuff at work.


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Thanks Steve. The dynamic stereo panning sounds like it will achieve the effect I had in mind, i.e. a sound getting louder or softer according to distance from the camera. I had no illusions about the Doppler effect -- it was a silly question from a silly man. Waiting for this game to come out while having to watch a battle is making me silly. smile.gif However, there was a secret reward for you and Charles -- a case of your favorite beer each if you had said yes to the Doppler. Oh well, at least you are close to Molson Bradour (the real stuff) country up there, so I am sure you aren't dying of thirst. wink.gif


The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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Guest Big Time Software

"Bradour (the real stuff)" SHUDDER!! I have some BAD memories from drinking WAY too much of this stuff in Quebec back in college. Let's put it this way... what goes down must go up smile.gif

More than anybody needed to know, but less than there was to tell. I am the man of compromise smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 09-03-99).]

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And Thomm wins the new "Combat Mission Forum" prize for giving us "Embarassing Insight into his Life" wink.gif..

PS. As a medical personage I also must state.. It happens to everyone and is perfectly natural wink.gif

Fionn "It's all to do with superelevation" Kelly.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Thanks for your words full of sympathy and comfort, Fionn ! Of course I would NOT have made such a confession if it had happened more often than just once in roughly 15 years to me ... and if it had NOT been alcohol induced !

The problem is: She was *really* cute (sports student, too ... yes, exactly what you might think) !

Anyway, I am glad to be given this possibility to come to terms with my past wink.gif !

Regards, Thomm

PS.: No, BTS, do not ban me ! You started it, anyway !

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