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PBEM File Naming Convention

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Searched, but did'nt find anything (maybe we can start shortening that to: SBDFA or SBTWTMBPTR: Searched But There Were Too Many Bloody Posts To Read)

Anyway, had some problems with some of my opponents in that we don't know if or when we can discuss a round - has he seen it yet or am I going to spoil his fun?

Then one of my opponents came up with:

DDMMMynameRoundPhaseRoundPhase eg.; 1812Johan14M15P - the date helps for sorting purposes; 14M (movie) 15P (plot).

And then if you're playing a mirror game and have several games going against various opponents you can have:

DDMMMynameYournameSideRoundPhaseRoundPhase, eg.: 1812JohanGaryAxis14M15P

Over the top? Does help though in showing you exactly what your opponent has seen or not and it also prevents you from sending the wrong file (theoretically frown.gif ) Anybody else got a simpler system?

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I just use Turn X M (out), where X is the turn, M indicates movie, and (out) indicates that the file belongs to my opponent.

Turn X O (in) denotes a file my opponent sent me in which I need to plot orders for Turn X.

My CM save-file folders look something like this:

Setup (in)

Turn 1 O (out)

Turn 1 M (in)

Turn 2 O (out)

and so forth. It really does help keep things straight in case a file transfer gets lost somewhere, or my system decides to a)send the wrong file, and then b)murgle the real file as it's being sent (as happened between myself an Bil H this morning.) I always alt-tab out of CM and grab newly-minted files to make a copy for the archives; I always have a clean copy of every file that gets transfered. It's also good cause I can go back and watch old movies, or send them to Matt for posting.


[This message has been edited by Doug Beman (edited 12-18-99).]

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I just simply do pbem allies or germans then number starting with the first pbem file and thats it. Course im not into multiple pbem games at once either. and once tcp/ip is out that will pretty much be the only way I play. Pbem is fun but it takes way too dang long. That's just my opinion though.

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In/Out will be confusing though when playing mirror games (also reminds me of a bossy girfriend I had).

Just talked to one opponent and the best we came up with is to go without the date since most browsers will sort by that in any case and the rounds should tell you what's last.

So for mirror games where Gary is playing Axis, he will send:



or AxisGaryJohan16P17M

If you just say 16PM you dont know if the 16 refered to the Movie or the Plot since the round changes between the two phases.

For normal games you will know which side your playing, but since you might still (more than likely) be playing multiple opponents use:




or shorten it to GJ16P etc

I create a directory for each of my opponents and when playing mirror: two sub directories: Axis and US. After playing I rename the PBEM file and move it into the relevant sub-directory from where I mail it.

That's the best I can come up with now - any other ideas?

Uh - Gary just send this:

"OK - How About This


some-7-Blue-Sgt Earnhardt-cpl wolfgang-sgt Norton-Last


This will have the following:

* Today's date, hour, minute and second (military time)

* The date the scenario took place

* The opponents

* The feeling after the latest movie watched

* My favorite number

* My favorite color

* Bravest soldier to date in the game

* First to die in the game

* First to crack under fire

* Favorite released scenario to date

* Expected hours playing final game without a break

* Current leader of my country

* Favorite General

So what do you think of this naming convention? Perhaps I missed a few

pertinent details?

[This message has been edited by Johan Brittz (edited 12-18-99).]

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