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Submarine warfare

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1. The one big one I can think of is that if there is a convoy linked through the port then if the port drops below strength = 5 the convoy will be disabled.

2. I think this just depends on the in game situation and your ability to do so as well as the cause and effect of the different actions.

In some cases it might just be a matter of which costs you less MPPs in terms of air versus naval damage to achieve your goal, i.e. targeting ports directly versus the convoy routes, while some actions such as targeting the naval National Morale positions can have ideally desired political and strategic effects which cannot be achieved from targeting ports alone.

Using subs to target the various convoy routes also require your opponent to commit resources to counter that type of submarine warfare, it can be a significant distraction depending on the level of targeting additionally costing him MPPs, and that is a consideration as well.

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