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Have recruited a new wargamer--for a game I don't own!

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Unexpectedly earlier today, after catching a part of an antitank ambush vid, a friend of mine, Keith, got interested in what he'd seen, which led to a discussion of the CM games, their scope and features. As a result, my friend, formerly a wargaming virgin (plays Diablo II and Farmville II), is totally digging the CMFI Demo and the, so help me, CMBO Demo!

He's been informed both constitute E-crack and that he may need a Twelve-Step program as a result, but he brushed this vital news aside. Therefore, I now consider him to be warned. What happens after that is his responsibility.

Also, I rediscovered a principle I should've long ago internalized. "The best way to learn something is to teach it."

When I fired up CMBN (my iMac's got much bigger, brighter screen than his laptop) to show him the basics, I swiftly found that, without being totally in my head because I was in deadly serious Earnest Wargamer Mode™, it was quite easy to teach the basics, and oh, was he impressed when the Shermans lit up the low hedgerow one field over with MG and HE fire, while the 60mm mortar shells looped slowly toward their targets. Mr. Hasn't Been Able to Play in Months was able to show how to set up, move, shoot, create fire arcs, turn trees on and off, run hotkeys, maneuver the camera, save game and much more.

Thus equipped, Keith sallied forth, his life forever changed. I feel safe in asserting this newborn wargaming thing's going to cut into his spud production--and his sleep!

(VO Maniacal cackle I can't spell)


John Kettler

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Unexpectedly earlier today, after catching a part of an antitank ambush vid, a friend of mine, Keith, got interested in what he'd seen, which led to a discussion of the CM games, their scope and features. As a result, my friend, formerly a wargaming virgin (plays Diablo II and Farmville II), is totally digging the CMFI Demo and the, so help me, CMBO Demo!

Outstanding. Don't worry about CMBO; I recruited my Dad recently (this probably doesn't count as an achievement on the same level) and his computer's so knackered that's the only CM game he can run.

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