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Low budget in quick battle

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I've been trying to do a quick battle with a few Tigers as a defender but I'm meeting frustration instead. I cannot purchase a single Tiger without going over budget. The only way I see to change my budget is to change the battle type from medium, to huge, but even then it's far too low to purchase a Tiger. How do I add more to my budget?


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I'm not entirely sure I understand the question.

Points for Quick Battles are typically :

Tiny : 951

Small : 1547

Medium : 2560

Large : 4282

Huge : 7209

Now as a single vehicle a regular/0/normal Tiger I(mid) costs 363 points, so you should theoretically be able to purchase one even in a Tiny battle.

In a formation, the same Tiger costs 348 points. Are you perhaps buying an entire Battalion and not deleting most of them ?

Note that buying an entire formation, even if you delete most of them, carries an administrative overhead of 50 points, so in this example, you really need to be buying 4 or more Tigers for the formation to be the cheaper option.

Eg. 2 Single Vehicle Tigers would cost 726 and a formation with all but 2 Tigers deleted ( which is the most you could delete ) would cost 746 points.

3 Singles is 1089 and 3 in formation is 1094, but after that the 15 points by which the formation Tiger is cheaper starts to kick in :)

Hope this helps.

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You're almost certainly only overbudget on rarity points. Costs depend on what month you're in, but for June '44 (this is BN, innit?) a Tiger E (late) at Green, Low, -2 Leadership only costs you 291 of your 2068 points as the defender in a Medium Probe. However, it costs you 828 in Rarity, using Standard Rarity settings in the QB parameters screen (where you set the battle size, time/date etc) so you can only have 2 of them.

If you're not managing to afford even one, you're possibly trying to buy the more restricted (Limited as opposed to Uncommon) IV-E (mid) type, perhaps with high grade crew.

So, your options are:

  • Change the rarity settings to loose or off, which will give you all the Tigers you could desire.
  • Use lower quality crews
  • Use less rare models of the Tiger
  • Find a month where the Tiger is less rare.

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Strange, I click Heavy Panzer group, or something like it, and it costs near 20,000 points!! Hmm, maybe a corrupt installation?

Yes, but that's the entire formation - once you've "bought" it, it will move across to the right hand side of the screen ( where everything you've purchased will sit ).

You then need to click the little plus signs next to it to open the formation up and you will see it comprises several companies of tanks. You can continue to drill down to individual tanks, but you can delete entire companies as long as you select the HQ unit.

A few pictures will maybe help :

Here I'm selecting the Tiger Battalion


Having purchased the Battalion, you then "open" it and delete according to need/points/taste :)


Note also the possibility of subtly adjusting vehicle type and other things at the bottom of the screen when you have a unit or HQ selected.


Have a play around in the unit purchase screen and you'll quickly get the hang of it.

Note that each level of a formation needs an HQ so you can't always delete these ie. you can delete an entire company, but if you want just one platoon in a company, you're stuck with the Company HQ as well.

This is good though as it keeps units "in command" ( usually referred to as "C2" ).

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Have a play around in the unit purchase screen and you'll quickly get the hang of it.

Note that each level of a formation needs an HQ so you can't always delete these ie. you can delete an entire company, but if you want just one platoon in a company, you're stuck with the Company HQ as well.

This is good though as it keeps units "in command" ( usually referred to as "C2" ).

Awesome job explaining it. Just one correction. If you want a single platoon you *can* delete the company HQ. Just first delete all the single vehicles in the HQ formation. In this case delete the "1 Heavy Tank" under the "HQ Heavy Tank": for the Company formation. Then you will be able to delete the "HQ Heavy Tank".

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