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The file was emailed to you.

Also, I want an event that will trigger the construction of fortifications based on a decision. How can I have the result of adding them to the map if the decision is yes?

I'm afraid that fortifications cannot be added by Decision Events, but the best possible solution I can think of would be to have a Decision Event which fires a unit script, deploying Engineers to build the Fortifications.

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Thanks for looking at the file and revealing that for me. I will have to rework some things. I believe having withdrawal units arrive by script is the best solution. As far as the de Lattre line fortifications, I was thinking about the solution you just offered as a possibility. Your advice confirms that. When this is finished I shall have to share the campaign with you for all your help.

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Scripts are evil and driving me crazy!

I get an error message in surrender #2 and in annexation script sheets telling me that Country IDs and Transfer IDs are invalid. I recheck the numbers and they line up with the countries. Even if they didn't, not sure why it would matter. Should it just make the transaction regarding the country number listed either way?

What am I missing?

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Also, for the partisan scripts the error I am getting is:

Error: partisan.txt

Line (707): found {; expected}

Not sure what this is.

Once these three scripts are fixed, there only remains the AI scripts to complete.

Hi Gustophus

What the editor is saying here is that in Line 707 of the document, where an } should be, instead it is finding an {.

These have to be correct as they denote the start and finish of each particular script.


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Scripts are evil and driving me crazy!

I get an error message in surrender #2 and in annexation script sheets telling me that Country IDs and Transfer IDs are invalid. I recheck the numbers and they line up with the countries. Even if they didn't, not sure why it would matter. Should it just make the transaction regarding the country number listed either way?

What am I missing?

Can you post an example of each script type here so we can take a look?



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This is the first Surrender #2 script that it questions:



#POPUP= de Lattre Line Engineers Return To Metropolitan France


#SOUND= troops2.wav

#FLAG= 0

#TYPE= 0

#AI= 0

#GV= 1[1,100]

#LINK= 113[1]






#DATE= 1951/12/15

; Set variable conditions:

; France politically aligned with French Union and not surrendered

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [100] [0]

; Dummy condition position (always satisfied)

#CONDITION_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] [0]


This is the first Annexation script that it questions:


#NAME= Chinese Civil Ends

#POPUP= Communist China Defeats Nationalist China in Chinese Civil War. Nationalists Flee to Taiwan.


#SOUND= troops1.wav

#FLAG= 0

#TYPE= 1

#AI= 0

#GV= 1[1,100]

#LINK= 0[0]





#DATE= 1949/10/01


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Try these instead with the Flag= 1.

If the Flag line is set to zero then the script won't fire unless it is turned on in the Options when starting the game.

The reason for this switch is so that people can switch off the variable dates we might have some events fire, and switch on their historical equivalents should they wish to.

Regarding the Editor's tests, I've been running the scripts from the campaign you sent me recently and the first Territory script is complaining because there are some sea tiles included in it, e.g. 78,81 and 88,77. There may be more, and may be the case with the Annexation scripts too?

Hopefully changing the Flag and removing all the sea tiles will be enough to get these working. If not, you can send me through updated script and cgn files for the campaign (I won't need the images again) and I'll take a more in depth look.





#POPUP= de Lattre Line Engineers Return To Metropolitan France


#SOUND= troops2.wav

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1

#AI= 0

#GV= 1[1,100]

#LINK= 113[1]






#DATE= 1951/12/15

; Set variable conditions:

; France politically aligned with French Union and not surrendered

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [100] [0]

; Dummy condition position (always satisfied)

#CONDITION_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] [0]


This is the first Annexation script that it questions:


#NAME= Chinese Civil Ends

#POPUP= Communist China Defeats Nationalist China in Chinese Civil War. Nationalists Flee to Taiwan.


#SOUND= troops1.wav

#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1

#AI= 0

#GV= 1[1,100]

#LINK= 0[0]





#DATE= 1949/10/01


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  • 2 weeks later...

Having some issues with AI scripts.

1. ALL garrisons leave their post. When they do it triggers other events which is meant to discourage not having garrisons. The French then get pummeled way too early. Here is an example:



#NAME= Hue Garrison


#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 2
























#GV= 1[1,100]

#LINK= 0[0]


#LENGTH= 300

#HOLD= 0


#DATE= 1947/01/01

; Set friendly positions: Hue


; Set variable conditions: France politically aligned with French Union and not surrendered

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 1 [2] [100] [0]

; Set tactical conditions: (dummy condition)


#ACTIVATE_POSITION= 84,42 [1,100] [1,1] [1]

#ACTIVATE_POSITION= 84,42 [0,0] [1,1] [2]

; Set cancel position (dummy condition):

#CANCEL_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0]


I used two #ACTIVATE_POSITION's. One for proximity of enemy and one for troops occupying the tile right off. I added both hoping it would keep garrisons at the locations.

I initially used the #TYPE= 2, #LENGTH= 1 combo activated by the position listed on the script sheet to keep a permanent garrison. It did not do the trick, so I made the length 300 hoping to hold them.

The have multiple #COUNTRY_ID because all these "countries" are under French command and hoped it would allow AI to use all available forces. Initially I had it listed only for France, but thought this limited garrison forces available.

2. The AI seems geared to attack in all directions outright at any enemy or objectives in reach without any of my prompting by the scripts. This tendency than yanks all garrisons away. I rechecked the #STEAL setting and I have placed a 0 in all offensives to limit this, except for ones I want to happen for sure. Is this aggressiveness a default setting in the game besides the scripts?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Gustophus

Apologies for the delay in replying, I'm now starting my return to work at long last! :)

I'll discuss the GARRISON scripts with Hubert to see what the best solution might be, and I think when that's done it should solve your second question too.

With regards to the Victory pop up, the best thing to do will be to add a Victory script for when France's National Morale reaches zero to trigger a Viet Minh Decisive Victory.

It's this line in the script:



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Hi Gustophus,

I seem to have missed this one while Bill was on his break but just immediately off hand I can tell you that by listing all those country IDs it will not work, or at best it will only work for the first listed country ID which is #COUNTRY_ID= 1.

If you indeed want it to work for all those country IDs then you'll have to create individual GARRISON events for each country.

As far as I can tell, setting it to #TYPE= 2, #LENGTH= 1 should also do the trick for what you are after.

Hope this helps,


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I have altered events to accommodate the inherent AI in the game system and it seems to work better even if it did not fit my original intent. I did remove the list countries and left one. They will not hold their garrison though. They will charge off and attack the nearest threat they find, though there are a few exceptions oddly enough. I have tried to accommodate this action into the design. Hopefully this will work out.

I have been play testing and my latest issues shut the game down in play.

1. The pop up reads: (FAILED) draw_strength_value_on_map_surface): Segmentation violation.

This triggers every time I move the same unit to the same tile on the map. Do you have any insight into this?

2. Also, I have a decision event that happens when all units are destroyed for a country. This is the condition position I use:

#CONDITION_POSITION= 60,6 [0,99] [0,0] [1] [6]

It triggers when the unit is still alive when the script states it should only trigger when there are no units within proximity of the location (in this case none on the map whatsoever). What am I missing?

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I made the change as you suggested with the condition position and will see how it will play out.

I cannot get past the glitch I told you about. It is the tile position itself. Any unit I move to it causes the game to crash. I have advanced turns without moving there to see if I could bypass it, but it crashes no matter how far along. In a prior test game I didn't have that result for the same tile. Not sure what this could be. It leaves me stuck in 1947 and I have to get to 1956! LOL.

I am going to restart another game and see if it happens again or not, though I will save that file to see if it can be corrected or not.

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