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Bloody Gulch

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I must confess I am stumped! This mission has been troubling me for weeks now. I just can't figure it out! Every time I advance up with my starting troops to a little past the bridge when the Ami counterattack hits, and then I just have to hold on for dear life! My starting forces aren't strong enough to repulse the Americans, and while I can hold them off, I have never been able to take the "Road to Le Desert" objective, and I have earned no better than a Draw. Anything I'm missing, or any tips?

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I agree with womble, this is a hard mission. I won on the first attempt but only just and with horrible casualties.


The counterattack caught me completely off guard, 1 infantry company was completely annihilated and the recon platoon was also lost. In the end i even had to have my FO team pick panzer fausts from dead bodys and engage the enemy tanks in close combat.

Anyways, you are going to get unexpected (not mentioned in the briefing) emergency reinforcements halfway into the battle. They should be absoluetly sufficient to crush all remaining american forces on the map.

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The draw landed me the "Kaiserlacht!" Mission...

Oh, sorry. I thought I got a draw; must've been a "slight victory" of some level. Hadn't realised there's a mission I've not tried; must go back and see if I can wangle a draw out of BG to give it a go!

...which I believe is impossible.

Sounds like a challenge. :)

I agree with womble, this is a hard mission. I won on the first attempt but only just and with horrible casualties.


The counterattack caught me completely off guard, 1 infantry company was completely annihilated and the recon platoon was also lost. In the end i even had to have my FO team pick panzer fausts from dead bodys and engage the enemy tanks in close combat.

Anyways, you are going to get unexpected (not mentioned in the briefing) emergency reinforcements halfway into the battle. They should be absoluetly sufficient to crush all remaining american forces on the map.

===== Still spoilering =======

A bit of space....




The counterattack caught me by surprise as well, but the fortunes of war and vagaries of AI plans meant that the AI's infantry rush got badly chewed up by my recon elements. Some overenthusiasm with a Panther in the central copse meant I was one m-kill down and didn't feel I had the punch to start clearing up the left, so I probably wimped out a bit early.

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I did it again, again landing a draw. Grrrr. Anyway, the Amis lost 92 killed, 52 wounded, and 3 missing, along with five Shermans. I lost 33 killed, 27 wounded, a Panther, both Pumas, and four half tracks. I held the bridge, but just barely.

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A draw does move you to the escape mission. I love the Panzers Marsch campaign, but IMO it has perhaps the hardest missions out of all of them, although a bug prevents me from playing "Courage and Fortitude". So far I've got:

Aukflarung: Draw

Stand To: Total Victory

Battle of Bloody Gulch: Draw

@Womble: If you can beat it, I would honor you as a god. Otherwise, the challenge stands

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I did it again, again landing a draw. Grrrr. Anyway, the Amis lost 92 killed, 52 wounded, and 3 missing, along with five Shermans. I lost 33 killed, 27 wounded, a Panther, both Pumas, and four half tracks. I held the bridge, but just barely.

That is not a bad result. I had similar casualties on my side and probably also inflicted similar casualties upon the americans (cant remember exactely, but 5 tanks and 150 infantry sounds like most of the enemy forces you are going to meet in this mission) and i scored a victory. The only difference is that i took the "Road to Le Desert" objective.

---->more spoilers below<----

The "Road to Le Desert" objective is undefended (or at least it was when i played this scenario), so after you have defeated the counterattack, you can just drive up to it and take it. There will probably be no resistance. It is possible though that there may be a smallish force, the briefing mentions that the american survivors of the previous battle take part in "Bloody Gulch" as well but i killed every last one them in that previous battle so i dont know what their AI plan could be.

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Ah. I anticipated bloody hedgerow to hedgerow combat all the way back to the objective, and with 11 minutes remaining, I figured I'd just buddy-aid my guys and massacre the unhorsed Sherman crews and broken GIs hiding by the bridge. Guess I'll give it another shot.

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Huzzah! Did it! Minor victory. American losses were 109 killed, 54 wounded, 7 missing, 5 Shermans down, and two dead Jeeps. Heavier losses on my side, with 44 dead, 28 wounded, 2 dead Panthers, both Pumas, and only two tracks. Took both objectives. Thanks for the help.

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I've managed total victory in this battle several times. The way to do it is to not to move too far forward too fast and not to try to clear the forest on the right side first, but simply bypass it and set up an ambush in the first bocage field past it. The US armour seems to always move to your right flank and by setting up your Panzerfausts at that angled spot you have a decent chance of killing the Shermans even before the Panthers arrive.


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