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The HQ supply model for AoD & AoC

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Let me see if I've got this correct, the minimum supply value an HQ can have is equal to the infrastructure tech level of the owning country?

So, if an HQ is surrounded in a resource/supply center and that r/sc has slowly been reduced to zero over the number of turns of isolation required and if the country's infrastructure tech level is zero, the HQ will be unable to reinforce its strength? HQ str = 9 * supply (0) / 10 = supply giving value, which would be 0, so no supply for any accompanying units in the pocket also?

Do the surrounding enemy units(requirement 4 units) need to be adjacent to the supply source or the HQ unit or both or can friendly(to the surrounded HQ) units insulate the supply source / HQ from isolation status, keeping the enemy units from being in an adjacent tile?

Now, if an isolated HQ has been reduced to strength 2 and the infrastructure tech of the owning country is 3 and the supply source the HQ occupies has been reduced to 0, then the minimum supply for the HQ is three and it can reinforce its strength to 6 every turn there after?

If infrastructure tech 2, reinforcing isolated HQ can go to 5 strength, IT = 1, HQ str. max = 4; IT = 5, HQ = 8 strength max., for every turn of potential reinforcement, is this correct?

And of course the isolated supply source's value degradation can be facilitated by units using strategic attack against the surrounded supply source, correct?

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Hi SeaMonkey

Let me see if I've got this correct, the minimum supply value an HQ can have is equal to the infrastructure tech level of the owning country?


So, if an HQ is surrounded in a resource/supply center and that r/sc has slowly been reduced to zero over the number of turns of isolation required and if the country's infrastructure tech level is zero, the HQ will be unable to reinforce its strength? HQ str = 9 * supply (0) / 10 = supply giving value, which would be 0, so no supply for any accompanying units in the pocket also?


Do the surrounding enemy units(requirement 4 units) need to be adjacent to the supply source or the HQ unit or both or can friendly(to the surrounded HQ) units insulate the supply source / HQ from isolation status, keeping the enemy units from being in an adjacent tile?

The enemy units need to be adjacent to the supply source.

Friendly units can protect the supply source by driving away the enemy, i.e. there is a strong incentive to attack before resource strength is reduced too far.

Now, if an isolated HQ has been reduced to strength 2 and the infrastructure tech of the owning country is 3 and the supply source the HQ occupies has been reduced to 0, then the minimum supply for the HQ is three and it can reinforce its strength to 6 every turn there after?


If infrastructure tech 2, reinforcing isolated HQ can go to 5 strength, IT = 1, HQ str. max = 4; IT = 5, HQ = 8 strength max., for every turn of potential reinforcement, is this correct?

Correct again. :)

And of course the isolated supply source's value degradation can be facilitated by units using strategic attack against the surrounded supply source, correct?

Yes, that will speed up the process!

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