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h2h helper question

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Not specific to CMBN, but I don't know where else to ask, so, here goes:

I'm using h2h helper on my Win7 system. I have just started a new PBEM game of "CW Keep Calm and Carry On". H2HHelper absoultely refuses to remember the name of my Dropbox directory. Every time I boot, I have to right-click the game, and re-enter the directory name. It has never done that before. Is this a known issue, or is there something I'm missing?

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Hi there!

I do not know the direct answer to your question, but I do know that you can do just fine without H2H Helper. All this programm does is sending your 'Outgoing Mail'-folder files to your Dropbox.

So you can 'emulate' its function by creating a short-cut of your Dropbox and your 'Outgoing Mail' folder right next to each other on your desktop and drag 'n' drop the whole stuff manually. Costs you about ten minutes of work more per week but saves you any more hassle with H2H Helper.

By the way: I did not come up with this simple piece of ingenuity.

It was Slysniper's idea. :)



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