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My scenario crashes PC

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I hope Hubert or one of his colleagues might be able to offer advice although I am using a quite heavily modified version of Axis High Tide.

To test my scenario I set it to play itself and use functions F1, F2, F3 to monitor what has happened. I found today that my PC had crashed after it had been running this way for about 20 minutes. I had had some PC trouble with defective RAM which I thought was fixed so just restarted and set it off again from the last turn where Axis would play (I am being Allies so need to start at an Axis turn to get F3 to have the AI control the allies as well). It played the Axis turn and the following Allied turn but crashed on the next Axis turn after about 20 more minutes. I tried again and this time it managed 4 turns but yet again crashing during an Axis turn. I set up my phone to video what the AI said it was doing and it appeared to be a Combat J Bombers followed by Thinking (Combat ??) then the screen goes blank as the PC dies. Unfortunately my phone video resolution is not good enough for me to read the ??. I did it a second time and it seems to be the same sequence but I still cannot read the ??. Unfortunately during the second attempt at videoing it lasted 23 minutes before crashing and I had stopped watching the AI messages by eye before then.

I am using Quick logic, Quick animation etc etc every setting to make it fast.

I do have modified bombers with very long ranges e.g. equivalent to 3,000 mile round trip for an IJN Emily (AP = 18) which is historically reasonable. However, this has been working fine for many months and my recent changes have been minor tweaks to starting forces, a couple of extra towns in Finland/Norway to represent Banak and Petsamo and some use of Morale as a victory condition modifier (no decisive Victory if Morale near zero). Anyway nothing to do with Bombers.

Any suggestions as to what I should look at to fix this? I will try playing it as a human again to see it still crashes but, even if it does not, I do need the AI to be able to play itself for testing.



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Yeah, check the error file for insights. I would usually save all turns, so that way I could go back to the turn in question and watch exactly what was happening at time of crash. If it's reproducible and you can't figure it out, Hubert can. ;)

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Hi Guys

Unfortunately as it crashes the PC there is nothing in the ERROR folder, I guess it has no time to do that. It is not reproducable in the sense that I restart from a Save and it will not crash in the same place/time interval but it will crash within about 20 minutes of my restarting it, so seems to go round the cycle of the Axis turn then an Allied turn and then crashes in the next Axis turn. So it will do one Axis turn OK in which it previously crashed but usually crashes the turn after but once has gone to 3 Axis turns before it crashes but always in the combat resolution phase.

I am using a Beta version of the S/W that Hubert gave me which fixed a couple of faults I found but those faults would not appear to be related to this problem.



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A brief update - I tried the scenario with the AI not operating in quick mode and it still crashed my PC so it is not that.

I should say I have made minor changes to the flags and some of the unit icons but that was some time ago and seemed to work OK at the time.

Unfortunately I had got a bit lazy and made changes to the scenario without keeping the most immediate previous version as I thought the changes were relatively minor. I would have to go back through about a month's worth of minor changes to get to a previous one.

I am surprised that whatever the problem is can actually crash the whole PC - any thoughts as to what might be able to do that?



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Hi Mike,

It could still be an OS issue or something related to your modified campaign... difficult for me to say for sure without seeing the issue first hand.

Send me your campaign file, scripts and any modified BMPs to support@furysoftware.com and I'd be happy to run a test on my end to see if an AI vs AI game produces the same error.

Perhaps send me the files in separate emails if it is a big package.


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Hi Hubert

Thank you for the offer. However, I have run some further tests and discovered that the standard High Tide scenario also crashes my PC albeit after 6 turns. I am now thinking about whether I have messed about with any of the media files that the standard campaign also uses or what changes I have made to my system software. The funny thing is that the PC happily stays running all night doing other things but now seems to crash after about 20 minutes when running SC.

My son runs an IT support team looking after a network of schools so I will ask him if there is any system debug tool I could run that might intervene when SC crashes the system to see what is going on.



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I am very pleased to report that my PC crashing issue is clarified if not yet resolved. It seems that some extra RAM I installed a couple of months ago has enabled my SC to go even faster than before really thrashing the CPU. This has resulted in my PSU overheating because it has a dodgy fan. Thus when the Mk 1 brain is engaged thinking about a turn my PSU had time to cool down but when I had Ai v AI the CPU draw on the PSU just kept on until it cut out. I encouraged the fan to work by means of judicious pokes with a biro and the system continued for about 90 minutes running AI v AI. Thus I am convinced this is the cause and will not bother you anymore whilst I get myself a replacement PSU.

Thank you for your interest


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