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Problem with Chongqing capture?

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So I am playing a PBEM game of 1939 World at Arms (that is the name of the main campaign, right?). When I took Chongqing, the Chinese capital, with Japan, it gave a message saying "Axis plunders 25 MPPs from Chungking". I thought to myself, Awesome! However, I was looking at the MPPs, and there was no change. The thing is, this particular campaign I am playing on my old computer and it's 1.02; however, upon looking in the 1.03 changelog, I saw no mention of this. The fact that it says "Axis" is a bit strange. Do the MPPs go to Germany? I wasn't watching their MPP count. It usually says specifically Germany plunders or Japan plunders after a national surrender. (Though I guess this is not a national surrender, but a special case.) Do the MPPs merely get destroyed and removed from China's MPPs, but not added to Japan's? If this is the case, it should be made more clear. Thanks a lot!


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Looks like there might be an error in the script where the message immediately appears but the collection does not happen until the end of the turn.

I can change this so that the collection occurs right at the same time that the plundering message appears for the next build but the good thing is that the MPP is not lost, just slightly delayed until you see the MPP collection window.

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