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1942 Axis High Tide Campaign AAR (Allies)

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1942 Axis High Tide Campaign (Allied AAR)

Hello again everyone. I decided to start my next campaign AAR and am going with the 1942 scenario and playing as the Allies. Some changes I will make from my last AAR include taking snapshots of the current turn before I make my moves. My next turn AAR will then start with results of that turn with the snapshots included for the beginning of that turn showing enemy counter moves included. I think it will make the graphics more informative. My turn by turn commentary will be a bit longer since I am playing the allies with more countries and I plan to keep that format. Each country has its own strategy and warrants its own section. I will try to coordinate the vast allied war effort and show as much as possible. I will add historical pictures for flavor but do not want to overdue each turn with masses of maps and pictures. I will see everyone on the battlefield!

The fate of the Democratic(and Communist) world is in my hands!


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18Jun42 Turn 1

Initial dispositions and strategy


Strategy for 1942

Take offensive actions in North Africa

Achieve naval supremacy in Atlantic

Prepare land forces for invasion of Europe

Defend Burma/India

Production- None

Tech- None

Orders- Build up MPP resources for upgrades and production. Attack Italian troops in NA despite sandstorms. Sortie light cruisers and destroyers into the Atlantic to clear shipping lanes. Reinforce Burma front.

Initial dispositions in UK


Orders to attack in North Africa despite sandstorms



Strategy for 1942

Build up combat power both land and naval for future offensives

Initiate offensives in Pacific theater land and naval to relieve Chinese pressure

Support UK with air/naval assistance to achieve Atlantic supremacy

Production- None

Tech- None

Orders- Engage Japanese naval forces near Midway. Prepare for amphibious landings in Solomon Islands. Increase combat power in Pacific.

The Japanese strike at Midway. We are ordered to attack!


USSR-Strategy for 1942

Defensive battles against German forces.

Improve command and control of Russian armies

Upgrade forces

Increase armor tech and strength

Production- None

Tech- None

Orders- Relieve pressure on Moscow front. Attempt to form solid front against German panzer advances.

Germans advance on Moscow destroying one of our best Armies.



Strategy for 1942

Hold positions until Japanese pressure slackens

Keep armies/corps intact

Attempt to build combat power and invest in infantry/air technology

Production- None

Tech- None

Orders- Replace losses in existing frontline armies/corps. Strengthen north and south flanks.

Hold the line is the mission in China


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16Jul42 Turn 2


Last turn execution- Heavy bombers conducted raids against Nantes. Minimal damaged reported. US 8th Air force sustained 40 percent casualties. 7th Tank group in North Africa attacked and destroyed Italian army opposite our positions. Destroyers and cruisers patrolling shipping lanes with negative contact reported.

Enemy actions- Japanese attacking Port Moresby in strength. Kanga SF group requests immediate assistance.

We destroy an Italian Army as we get clear weather


Port Moresby under attack


Production- None

Tech- Performed infantry and naval upgrades on selected units.

Orders- Continue offensive actions against Axis forces in North Africa. Reinforce Port Moresby and gain naval superiority in area while bulk of Japanese navy is at Midway.


Last turn execution- Wasp carrier and Juneau cruiser move through Panama canal enroute to Pacific theater. Warrington destroyer group begins patrolling UK shipping lanes. Our carrier fleets and surface ships go in at Midway. The Soryu and Kaga carriers are sunk. USS Enterprise is heavily damaged when it runs into a Japanese submarine. A destroyer groups in the Aleutians runs into the Junyo carrier group while moving south to assist. S42 and Chicago cruiser move into the Coral Sea to spot and isolate Tulagi port

Enemy actions- The Japanese press on Midway landing naval infantry and attacking our airfields. Battleships appear and sink one of our destroyer groups while engaging the Enterprise which suffered massive damage but is still afloat. Our northern destroyer group is sunk by Japanese dive bombers.

Scratch 2 enemy flattops but the Enterprise is in trouble.


Production- None

Tech- 1st Marine tank group receives new tanks and halftracks at Suva. Massachuetts, New York, and Colorado battleships get new guns.

Orders- Disengage at Midway and fight a delaying action to the Hawaiian islands. Abandon airfields at Midway Island. Prep Marines for action at Solomon to relieve pressure at Midway/Hawaii. Mass naval/air power for defense of Hawaii.


Last turn execution- 2nd and 3rd Shock tank groups attack around Moscow causing heavy damage to a German panzer group. We destroy an infantry army and force the other to retreat as we relieve Moscow. More attacks in the south as we push the enemy back from Stalingrad.

Enemy actions- German armor penetrates our lines southeast of Moscow and attacks airfields. Heavy attacks and we lost Rostov as the enemy has penetrated our lightly defended southern front.

Moscow is saved but our south flank is wide open


Production- 43rd, 13th, 2nd Armies are formed and deployed to defend Moscow and the southern oil fields.

Tech- None

Orders- Continue to attack targets of opportunity and stabilize the Moscow front. Build the southern front to hold the southern oil fields.


Last turn execution- Replaced minor losses. No major movements or attacks

Enemy actions- Minor attacks across the front as heavy rains slow down enemy offensive actions

Defending the moutains


Production- None

Tech- None

Orders- Hold the present line. Begin construction of fortifications northeast of Chungking by our engineers.

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13Aug42 Turn 3

(admin note- I will play each turn and then post the graphics for the end of that turn along with orders for that turn. It is just easier that way then trying to keep track of two turns in a one turn narrative. So the orders and graphics you will see will be end of turn for 13Aug42 and so on. Sorry for the confusion.)


Enemy actions- Two German sub groups surface and sink the Renown cruiser while patrolling off the coast of Portugal. The Tirpitz battleship appears in the Norwegian sea and engages the Suffolk cruiser. More attacks on Port Moresby as our troops hold on.

Orders- We dispatch two destroyers and two cruisers to go after the subs near Portugal but so far negative contact. We sortie two battleships and engage the Tirpitz sending her to the bottom of the ocean! North African theater quiet as heavy sandstorms ground our air forces. We support the defense of Port Moresby with cruisers providing offshore bombardment. Replaced and upgraded infantry units across the Empire.

The South Pacific theater heats up


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- The Japanese secure Midway Island as their navy disengages for the time being.

Orders- The battered Enterprise makes port at LA for repairs. We bring the Wasp carrier and two cruisers up to the east of Hawaii as more troops are enroute to defend Hawaii if need be. Our main fleet posts off the north shore awaiting the Japanese navy if they dare to come further. The 1st Marines land at Guadalcanal and engage enemy forces at Kukum. Upgrading our troops on the east coast.

The defense of Hawaii


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- Attacks on Leningrad and Moscow front. We lose the 14th Army east of Rostov and enemy forces press on the south in strength.

Orders- We attack and destroy a Finnish corps north of Leningrad to relieve pressure and get supplies in to the embattled defenders. Our tanks attack and destroy a German corps south of Moscow.

Shoring up the southern front slowly


Production- 18th Army is deployed at Tblisi as we strengthen our weak southern front.

Tech- Upgrade our 3 fighter units with new airplanes (aerial warfare 2)


Enemy actions- Attacks against our south flank. Japanese tanks attempt to assault our fortress at Yenan in the north but are beaten back.

Orders- We attack in the south to keep the enemy off balance. No major movements

Production- Replaced losses in existing forces

Tech- We invest in infantry warfare 1

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10Sep42 Turn 4


Enemy actions- German destroyer engages our cruiser in the Norwegian sea with little effect.

Orders- As our northern fleet moves back to ports for repairs we engage and sink the German destroyer. Bomber command goes into action against the ports at Brussels destroying them as our fighters engage the Luftwaffe in heavy dogfights. We will attempt to disable/destroy enemy ports in France to force German submarines out of the Atlantic.

Reinforcements head to the Burma front


Production- The 224 Fighter wing is formed in India along with the 254 Armored Corps.

Tech- None


Enemy actions- No enemy actions against our forces.

Orders- Our fleet moves to contact west of Hawaii. Our sub group contacts the Fuso battleship and our dive bombers sortie sinking the ship as Japanese fighter cover intervenes. More Marines and tanks come ashore at Guadalcanal as the enemy hangs on to Kukum. Our ragtag group of allied cruisers and destroyers attempts to keep the sea lanes closed to Japanese ships in the area. USS Enterprise receives much needed repairs.

Battle of Midway Phase II


Marines engage in the Solomons


Marine tanks at Guadalcanal


Production- None

Tech- We invest in armored warfare lvl 3


Enemy actions- Heavy enemy attacks against Leningrad and Moscow front again.

Orders- We counterattack heavily in the north to relieve Leningrad. We destroy a German armor corps and infantry army. In the center we push on Kursk and our tanks destroy a German corps west of Stalingrad.

Heavy combat around Leningrad


Production- General Konev takes command of the southern front

Tech- None


Enemy actions- More tank assaults against Yenan but no effect as we hold.

Orders- We attack the Japanese SNLF with our forces in the south causing moderate casualties.

Production- Replacements in units along the front

Tech- None

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08Oct42 Turn 5


Enemy actions- A German sub surfaces in the Norwegian sea and engages our cruiser. German armor and infantry pull back to the Egyptian frontier in North Africa.

Orders- We send our carrier air against the German submarine but it dives from our torpedo attacks. Russian surface ships assist in the attack. In North Africa we move our tanks up to the frontier and attack the German Africa Corps with air support but show little effect. We defend Port Moresby as the Japanese have called off attacks for the time being.

We advance in North Africa


Production- The Quickmatch destroyer is operational near Brisbane. The Hotspur destroyer is operational near India with orders to sail full speed for the South Pacific.

Tech- None


Enemy actions- The Japanese fleet appears with 2 battleships and sinks one of our battleships near Midway.

Orders- We send our aging cruisers forward to contact the enemy battleships with success. Admiral Spruance orders the fleet into action as our battleships and cruisers engage along with air support. The Wasp carrier arrives to sortie its dive bombers as Japanese Zeros from the Zuiho carrier engage our Hellcats and Dauntless dive bombers. We report a major success as 3 battleships, 1 carrier, and 1 destroyer are sent to the bottom!!! However we took heavy air losses and we have no air cover to defend our damaged fleet. Gen Eichelberger embarks with Marines and US Army Rangers with orders to take back Midway. Our Marines on Guadalcanal hold the line as Gen MacArthur embarks to provide supplies and support. USS Enterprise receive new aircraft. Two more battleships head to the Pacific through the Panama Canal.

Battle of Midway a major victory (so far)


Marines await for Gen MacArthur


Production- Gen. Patton arrives on the US east coast

Tech- None


Enemy Actions- German armor breaks through on the southern front. Heavy attacks and reinforcements against Leningrad.

Orders- Gen Konev surrounds the German armor with relentless infantry attacks in the mud and rain. 2nd Guards Tank corps overruns a German SF group and isolates the German 10th Army west of Stalingrad. In the north we push on Smolensk and attack to form a solid front south of Leningrad.

Pushing the invaders back


Production- The 3rd Army deploys near Leningrad

Tech- None


Enemy actions- Sporadic attacks against our lines with little effect.

Orders- We attack in the south forcing the SNLF group to retreat. Replacing losses

Production- None

Tech- None

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05Nov42 Turn 6


Enemy actions- The Afrika Corps goes on the attack hitting us with tanks, infantry and air support overrunning our armor and wiping out the 7th Armor! Italian battleships attack us causing heavy damage to the Warspite.

Orders- Our Med fleet strikes back sinking the Littorio battleship and causing heavy damage to the Andrea Doria also. The 8th Army digs in at El Alamein. We divert forces in India going to the Burma front to do a 180 and head to the North African theater with all possible speed. General Smuts in South Africa has orders to mobilize his troops for future operations.

Heavy fighting and losses in North Africa


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- None against our forces.

Orders- Movement to contact against Japanese naval elements near Midway and only the Fubuki destroyer group is spotted in port. Moving our amphibious troops forward as two more battleships come into the theater for support. The Yorktown limps to port having lost its entire air wings in the battles. Enterprise will sortie within the month after heavy repairs and upgrades. Gen MacArthur comes ashore at Guadalcanal to coordinate the Marines and take the islands. East coast troops prepare for future operations.

Moving on Midway


Gen. MacArthur comes ashore!.....at Guadalcanal!?


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- Attacks slacken as blizzards and mud descend across the whole front. German armor fights it way out of Gen Konev's trap and they seem intent to hold the Maikop oilfields in strength.

Orders- Minor attacks to stabilize the front. Gen Konev prepares to attempt an offensive to take back our oilfields before more snows fall.

Our troops push forward despite fatigue and heavy snows


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- Minor attacks as heavy rains and fog slow down operations.

Orders- Attacks in the south with little effect. Attempting to reinforce and replace losses with bad weather providing cover.

Production- 41st Army deploys near Lanchow

Tech- None

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03Dec42 Turn 7


Enemy actions- The Africa Corps moves on El Alamein but our tough 8th Army holds off their attacks. The Italians send another battleship and seriously damages the HMS Queen Elizabeth. Japanese attack on Port Moresby are sporadic but enemy dive bombers are spotted landing on the island.

Orders- The Royal Sovereign battleships deploys to the Med from India to help support the North African theater. Moving troops from India to Africa via the Mid east. Upgrading and mobilizing more of our commonwealth forces for future operations.

Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- None against our forces.

Orders- The Marines with motivation and supplies from Gen MacArthur take Kukum and our tanks move on Buin and the enemy airfields located there. The main fleet with amphib troops surround Midway as we begin naval bombardment. The American Expeditionary Force embarks on the east coast for a future invasion with the hard charging outspoken Gen Patton taking charge.

The Marines take Kukum


Lt. Gen. George Patton, CinC, American Expeditionary Force


Production- 12th Air Force fighters are deployed on the east coast.

Tech- None


Enemy actions- German attacks soften as the mud and rains take their toll.

Orders- We attack all along the front destroying a German and Bulgarian Army and a German panzer corps.

Production- We deploy a new tank army, rocket artillery division and the Moscow corps is reformed to defend our capital.

On the offensive during the Soviet winter


Tech- None


Enemy actions- Minor attacks of no significant results

Orders- Replacements fill our ranks

Stalemate in China


Production- None

Tech- None

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31Dec42 Turn 8


Enemy actions- A German cruiser and aircraft carrier engage a Russian cruiser in the Norwegian sea sinking the Russian ship.

Orders- We sortie the fleet into action led by the HMS Rodney and the carrier Formidable causing heavy damage to the German ships. We hold our positions across the theater and attempt repairs on our damaged ships in the Med and in the home ports. We move the RAF coastal bombers back to the UK.

Naval actions in the Norwegian Sea


HMS Rodney shortly before engaging enemy ships.


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- 2 Japanese cruisers emerge near Midway and engage a submarine and a destroyer group.

Orders- As we bombard enemy defenses on Midway, US Army Rangers come ashore. Heavy rains prevent our carrier air groups from going into action. The rest of the main fleet engages and sinks the Sendai and Mogami cruisers.

Invasion of Midway


Production- USS Essex is deployed on the west coast giving us 5 aircraft carriers in the Pacific.

Tech- With the help of the British we develop new improved depth charges against submarines(ASW lvl 1)


Enemy actions- The Fascists deploy more armies and tanks against us in the south. Italian troops and bombers are also spotted deploying to fight us.

Orders- Despite the freezing cold and blizzards Gen Zhukov attacks in the central front in an attempt to surround and take Kursk. Gen Konev in the south fights doggedly to take the oil fields of Maikop back but is not successful.

Heavy fighting in the snows and blizzards


Production- Gen Konstatin Rokossovsky takes command of the Northwest Front.


Tech- Massive lend lease aid in the form of half tracks, trucks, and jeeps arrive(motorization lvl 1)


Enemy actions- Nothing to report.

Orders- Nothing to report.

Production- None

Tech- None

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28Jan43 Turn 9


Enemy actions- The German navy attempts to flee but their cruiser runs into our fleet west of Scapa Flow. Two Italian battleships with air support from Crete attempt to engage our ground forces in North Africa. The Japanese seem to be pulling back along the Kokoda Trail after a failed offensive on Port Moresby.

Orders- The newly arrived Royal Sovereign battleship along with ground based dive bombers attack the Italian navy sinking the Andrea Doria. Near Scapa Flow our battleships send the German cruiser to the bottom and our own aircraft carrier pursues and sinks the battered German aircraft carrier. It seems we have broken the back of German naval power. Although their submarines remain ever elusive. Gen. Blamey arrives on New Guinea to take command as we feel the time is right to commence offensive operations.

Gaining the iniatiative.


Gen. Sir Thomas Albert Blamey, Commander of Allied Land Forces, South West Pacific, inspects positions outside Port Moresby


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- Negative contact against our forces.

Orders- Marines come ashore to assist the Rangers against Midway as we destroy one SNLF force. Slow moving on Guadalcanal as supplies start to arrive in bulk.

Production- USS Washington battleship is deployed on the west coast along with the newly formed 4th Marine Division.

Tech- None


Enemy actions- The Germans attempt to attack in the blinding snows and freezing temperatures to relieve their comrades at Kursk but to no avail. More weak willed Italian troops arrive on the front in a vain attempt to stop us.

Orders- We push forward on all fronts despite limited gains keeping the pressure on the invaders. Marshal Timoshenko is attempting to envelope Kharkov.

Slow gains on the East Front


Katyusha rockets in action


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- Nothing to report.

Orders- The New 4th Army relieves the 115th Corps at the Yenan fortress complex. Our engineers complete more defenses east of Chunkging as a reserve defense line. There are rumors coming from over the “Hump” that an American Gen by the name of Chenault will arrive soon with more fighters!

Production- None

Tech- Industrial tech lvl 1 achieved

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- Kokoda trail is lostTime for Tokyo Express in New Guinea ! Is there someone to replace drowned general Horii ?

- I see an isolated german army in the lower Don area, would it happen to be the sixth by any chance :) ? Axis needs Manstein in the Donets asap !

- I suppose Benito sent Messe to deal with the mess at Kharkov, would be appropriate huhu. Will Germans even be able to launch a summer offensive in 1943 ?

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25Feb43 Turn 10


Enemy actions- German armor attacks our troops in North Africa but gets severely repulsed.

Orders- No major actions as we repair various ships in our fleet. Replacing losses in New Guinea and redeploying troops for the spring/summer offensives.

Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- The Japanese navy shows some fight as 4 destroyers and a carrier are spotted northeast of Wake Island engaging and sinking the USS North Carolina. Another destroyer penetrates our blockade of Midway.

Orders- We destroy the Japanese air fleet and liberate Buin bringing the Solomons campaign to a successful conclusion. Near Midway we go after the Japanese ships engaging two destroyers but unable to locate the enemy carrier as heavy storms keep our air power on the decks.


Production- USS Iowa battleships deploys on the west coast and the 3rd Army on the east coast.

Tech- None


Enemy actions- German attacks are sporadic as they pull back from Leningrad.

Orders- Gen Konev attacks in force again but with modest gains as the snows and terrain limit the effects.


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- Minor attacks.

Orders- Minor attacks

Production- None

Tech- None

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25Mar43 Turn 11


Enemy actions- Italian battleship appears near Alexandria and engages our fleet. Minimal damage. Two Japanese Submarines surface north of Lae and engage the Australian destroyer Vendetta.

Orders- We engage the Italians in the Med but the naval action is indecisive. 1st Australian Corps moves up the Kokoda trail on Lae. Our allied ships move to intercept the Japanese submarines as they dive from depth charge attacks. More movements and deployments as we prep for future operations.

Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- Japanese ****s attempt to flee out of the Midway area but our screen of ships and depth keeps them in the battle.

Orders- We complete the destruction of the Japanese destroyer flotillas but their spotted carrier manages to escape. We consolidate on the Solomons as the Marines rest and refit.


Production- Gen Chennault and the 14AF is operational in China. The 4th Armored Corps is operational on the east coast.

Gen Claire Chennault, Commander 14th Air Force.


Tech- Our factories roll out the new standard battle tank. The M4 Sherman.


Enemy actions- Limited German attacks as heavy rains and mud slow down operations.

Orders- Despite the weather we press the offensives on all fronts destroying two armies and liberating Kharkov as the 1st Shock Tank Group is in Stalin's Order of the Day for this heroic action.


Production- Gen Meretskov and his staff are operational.

Tech- None


Enemy actions- Minor attacks.

Orders- Minor attacks

Production- The Dare to Die SF group is operational near Kunming.

Tech- None

The situation in China and SE Asia.


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22Apr43 Turn 12


Enemy actions- No actions against our forces.

Orders- With clear weather our heavy bombers take off hitting the sub pens at Brest and Brussels. Our destroyers lay in wait but no German submarines have been spotted. Casualties are heavy among our American counterparts in the 8th Air Force. But our low level attacks knock out Brest and severely damage Brussels. Heavy sandstorms in North Africa conceal our preparations for opening another front in the Med shortly.

British bomber crew including future Olympian Bill Davies(back row far left).


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- A Japanese cruiser and destroyer appear and sink the Juneau cruiser east of Marcus island.

Orders- The main fleet moves forward spotting the destroyer and cruiser. With heavy storms grounding our air fleets once again our surface ships prove their merit as we surround and engage the Japanese ships. In the South Pacific despite heavy rains and swells the 1st Marine Division lands to take Rabaul engaging airfields and encountering heavy resistance. In the west our troops land on the shores of North Africa and overrun Casablanca in Algeria.

American troops come ashore in Algeria.


Invasion of Western Africa


Production- The Baltimore cruiser and two destroyer groups deploy on the west coast. Gen Eisenhower becomes operational on the east coast.

Tech- None


Enemy actions- No actions against our forces.

Orders- Attacking on the central and south fronts we liberate Kursk and Rostov destroying two German armies and corps in the process.

The German 9th (not 6th) Army in dire straits.


Production- The 5th Guards Tank corps is operational.

Tech- None


Enemy actions- Minor attacks.

Orders- No attacks ordered as we replace losses. The Dare to Die SF group takes over the defense of Kunming.

Production- None

Tech- None

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20May43 Turn 13


Enemy actions- No actions against our forces.

Orders- In the Atlantic our destroyers and cruisers go after a German Sub that attacked an American destroyers. We damage it heavily before it dives to escape. In the Med , our fleets goes after the Italian Pola cruiser with mixed results. The Syrian corps lands on Crete attacking Italian airfields in preparation for our push into the Med. General Blamey continues his attacks on Lae despite heavy rains and tough terrain.


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- The Japanese fleets continues to hits us hard near their home waters sinking a cruiser and destroyer group.

Orders- Adm Nimitz pulls the main fleet back to Midway to regroup and bring our ships under carrier air cover. Our troops consolidate in Algeria and start to push on Algiers.

Production- 20th Tactical bombers in deployed on the east coast.

Tech- None


Enemy actions- No actions against our forces.

Orders- Smolensk is liberated and we destroy a German tank group and Romanian Army.

Production- None

Tech- New heavy tanks are rolling off the production line (armored warfare lvl 3)


Enemy actions- Minor attacks.

Orders- We hold in place replacing losses.


Gen Zhu, Commader of the Chinese Central Front.


Production- None

Tech- New weapons for our troops are getting to the front lines. (inf warfare lvl 1)

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17Jun43 Turn 14


Enemy actions- No actions against our forces.

Orders- Heavy actions in the Med. The Italian navy is fighting with spirit giving as good as they get. We are sailing reinforcements from our Atlantic fleet to the Med post haste to continue our naval dominance. 8th Army mixes it up with the Afrika Corps giving them a good wallop while our commonwealth allies continue to attack Italian airfields at Crete. More help is on the way!

Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- The IJN backs off and does not attack us.

Orders- We continue to subdue Algeria as our main tank groups lands along with Gen Patton and a tactical bombing wing. General Bradley assumes command of US Air Power in England while reinforcements are sailing there to begin preparations and training for another offensive. In the Pacific, we take Rabaul. The main fleet shuffles south and hammers enemy positions in the Marshall Islands and prepare for amphibious landings. Maybe the IJN will take the bait and come to their helpless defenders assistance. The Bunker Hill carrier and a destroyer groups are operational on the west coast. Our carrier power continues to grow.

Battle of the Marshall Islands


The Marines take Rabaul


Production- None

Tech- Inf warfare lvl 2!


Enemy actions- No actions against our forces.

Orders- A truly victorious month for the Russian armed forces. We destroy two German tank corps, two Italian armies and a German corps as we break the Southwest front wide open! Newly promoted Marshal Zhukov is bringing the full weight of Soviet armor into this area.

On the attack


Our battle hardened Comrades advance against the Huns


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- The enemy is quiet on all fronts.

Orders- We hold in place replacing losses and upgrading our troops with new weapons.

Production- None

Tech- None

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15Jul43 Turn 15


Enemy actions- Possible German Sub groups astride our convoy routes to the UK.

Orders- We continue our offensive in the Med with another corps coming ashore at Crete as the Italians start to withdraw their fighters. Our fighters and tac bombers arrive from India to give us more airpower. The 254 Indian tank group also arrives taking over the defenses from the tired 8th Army. Our Atlantic fleet ships start to arrive in the western Med as well. No actions taken in Burma and the South Pacific.

254 Indian Tank Group in North Africa


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- The Musashi battleship and two cruisers stumble on our submarine picket and engage east of Marcus Island.

Orders- We capture Algiers and prep for another attack. With fighters, tac bombers, and tanks we feel confident as our green troops gain valuable experience. In the Pacific, we got after the Japanese battle group and launch air and surface ships. We sink the mighty Musashi and the Tone and Kurataka cruisers!! We continue hitting the Marshall Island with dive bombers as more troops arrive in the area to begin amphibious landings.



Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- No actions against our forces.

Orders- With clear weather we advance on all fronts. Arriving near Odessa and surrounding Kiev in the south and pushing towards Riga in the north. A lot of enemy air power but not many enemy troops now.


Production- None

Tech- Aerial warfare lvl 3


Enemy actions- The enemy is quiet on all fronts.

Orders- No change as we continue upgrading our troops with new weapons

Production- None

Tech- None

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone sorry have been off the net for a little while. I will get going again with this campaign in a day or two. Myself and the Allies apologize as work and war conferences called a halt to operations. No fear the war against evil Axis will continue!

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12Aug43 Turn 16


Enemy actions- The Italian cruiser Pola continues to be a thorn in the side of our Crete landings attacking our amphibious ships.

Orders- Two corps are on Crete with another corps and General Platt still awaiting offshore while the Royal Navy attempts to keep the beaches open. The 254th Indian Tank corps attacks from its defenses and inflicts considerable casualties on the enemy.

The battles for the Eastern Med


Production- The 1st Australian Army is operational at Brisbane.

Tech- None


Enemy actions- None

Orders- Gen. Patton preps for his next offensive action in Western North Africa. More troops sail for England as Generals' Eisenhower and Bradley assume command there. In the Pacific, with heavy carrier air support, Army Rangers secure the Roi-Namur fortress and the 3rd Marines are close to taking Wake.

American operations in the Central Pacific


Production- The USS Texas battleship is deployed at LA.

Tech- None


Enemy action- None

Orders- Odessa and Sevastopol are invested as we prep to assault both objectives. The German 11th Army is surrounded in the Pripet Marshes north of Kiev. General advances along the whole front and upgrades of our armies with mechanized and motorized capability.

Eastern Front situation


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- None

Orders- No offensive actions.

Production- None

Tech- None

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09Sep43 Turn 17


Enemy actions- No actions

Orders- In the East Med and North Africa we make advances with the 254 Indian tank corps finishing off German armor west of Alamein and advancing along with the 8th Army. The Sudan Corps secures Heraklion on Crete and the Rhodesians land on the south tip of Greece attacking Italian airfields. The Royal Navy finishes off the Pola cruiser and spots the Caio Duilio Battleship in port at Tripoli.


Production- None

Tech- None


Enemy actions- None

Orders- AEF in Africa blitzs into Tunisia and secures Tunis. In the Pacific we secure Wake and begin air bombardment of Tarawa.


Production- The 5th Marine Division is operational on the west coast.

Tech- None


Enemy action- Air attacks against our Rocket units.

Orders- Our tank corps assault and secure Kiev. The German 11th Army is destroyed. We shore up the front lines and slow down our offensive tempo to maintain unit integrity.


Production- 455th Tac Bombers is deployed near Kharkov

Tech- None


Enemy actions- None

Orders- We attack to the northeast of Changsha and southeast of Chengchow. 41st Army advances on the north front.


Production- None

Tech- None

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