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Okay Fionn, where the heck are they?! :(


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Fionn, you made the mistake of fessing up that you were the one dragging the AAR flow to a halt. Now that Steve and Charles are dropping out of site for a couple of days, this place is getting REALLY BORING! When the only thing to read is my past gaming experience, you know it's SNORE CITY BABY.

You aren't still sick are you? Unless you are undergoing an anesthesia free amputation as you read this, health issues are no excuse (that's particularly cruel to say to a Dr. isn't it? wink.gif).

I know you are busy coordinating a team of journeyman writers, programmers, proofreaders, etc -- but that's no excuse either.

We are patiently (and I use that term loosely) awaiting the next AARs. In the famous words of some overpaid athlete -- Just Do It! (please smile.gif)

I have a rusty hacksaw in my hand,



The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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Hey Pix, I understand that your anxious, but I also understand you posted in the 'Before CM' thread. The reason I posted the thread is because I knew that BTS was taking a Furlough, and I thought it'd be interesting to read where this game; that we'd all be dreaming about, started. It started with each and everyones own gaming experience.

So take a chill pill the AARs will be back soon enough.

"Relax, man. Have a smoke"

Playing God.


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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You wouldn't say that if you'd seen me over the past few days. I really wasn't able to type anything or even read... The last time I couldn't read was when I was so hepped up on painkillers in a hospital (as a patient wink.gif ) that I had triple vision. After I got off them it took me close to 36 hours before I actually got single vision again. Powerful stuff !

Anyways, as it is I've sent Pat up to Turn 33. He might be having his own troubles putting them up. So, I suggest everyone just takes it easy for a little while. From Saturday to Thursday I didn't write anything so that delay is my fault but I'm sure Pat will post those I've just done soon enough.

FWIW I hadn't been this sick for well over a year since I managed to get pneumonia in an old TB treatment hospital (a horrid and depressing place).



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Oh okay. I stand rebuked. frown.gif My tongue was poking through my cheek when I posted that. No offense intended. I just figured some AARs might tide us over while the boss men are on R&R. Fionn had written that he was the hold up and said he would complete some AARs yesterday. I guess he stuck to his word and is no longer the bottle neck.

Yeah, I posted in the "Before CM" thread. That's why I commented that reading about my past gaming life was "snore city". I almost nodded off writing it, lol.

Seriously, I'll be fine. My mother-in-law just arrived from California. She'll be here a few weeks. So I have my own "combat mission" to deal with now. You'll find out soon Fionn!! By the way, in my opinion, it's not really the mother-in-law that's the problem. It's the way the wife acts when the mother-in-law's around that drives me batty. Different woman.


See ya round fellers. Gotta go sandbag the den.



The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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Ahhhhh, Pixy old boy, I do feel sorry for you. Nothing worse than the Monster-in-Law coming to pay a visit now is there? wink.gif Of course, Fionn is going to find out about that soon enough himself now isn't he. smile.gif As far as sandbagging the den goes, you mean you havn't already converted it into a wife/monster-in-law proof bunker complete w/ months worth supply of food and beer along w/ computer and internet connection????

Mike D

aka Mikester

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OH I sympathise...

The 70some year old granny from hell came to stay in Dublin for two weeks last x-mas.. She almost drove me mad I kid you not...

FWIW the wife (or soon to be wife at least) isn't the problem for me. She knew I was a wargamer when we first met and is used to all my net-related wargaming and history work by now. You just gotta train them I tell you wink.gif



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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SOB! THAT WAS CLOSE, ALRIGHT SOLDIER JUST LIE STILL... Where is that damn, Forward Observer When you need'em!?




Goodluck man, take Fionns advice try doing a cease fire or surrender, You usaully can't win with Mom.


Sgt. Rock Says " War is Hell, but games are fun "

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Fionn wrote:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>FWIW the wife (or soon to be wife at least) isn't the problem for me.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ah but that's just it, Fionn. She's not your wife *yet*. And then give it say 6 months for the wheels to get into motion. Pretty soon you'll join the ranks of the bitter, ever-complaining husbands.

And yet, and yet, we single men will ultimately envy you.


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"a horrid and depressing place"

I am with you there Fionn, I don't know how you do it. I used to work in a hospital and we all use to say: this would be a great place to work if it weren't for all these sick people! The only way I would be practicing medicine would in sports medicine!

Marko, your deep and abiding cynicism shows you are well equipped for the world. In my experience it's kids that have the most impact on my gaming (ie no bloody money!). Anyway there is always the computer at work: "Have to work a bit late tonight" smile.gif

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I don't believe it Kevin. Neither of those guys are that magnanimous! Speaking of magnanimous, HOW ABOUT THAT RYDER CUP!!!! Do I hear "Yankee Doodle" playing in the background? smile.gif

I once worked as a temp worker in a hospital -- IN THE LAUNDRY! The most disgusting experience of my life. I saw AND SMELLED everything that can possibly escape from the human body. I did it for a week and then said NFW (email me for interpretation).

By the way, when I was talking about the mother-in-law/wife quandry, I was not referring to their impact on my gaming. My wife is very cool about it and her mom could care less. I was just talking about how the little girl tends to come back in my wife when mommy is around.

The plus side is that they keep each other occupied and there is less pressure on me to "entertain" the wife. wink.gif



The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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