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Spotting while in cover/hiding

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Hi all! I have a question regarding spotting while in cover or hiding but first:


I'm sure most of you have played Barkmann's corner but those who haven't played it yet read on at your own risk.

So, here we go. I'm just starting to really dig into the game and starting to grasp the more advanced mechanics, for example I've learned to take my time and SPOT the enemy before committing to an attack and to try and get eyes on as large a part of the battlefield as humanly possible at all times. Even though I have learned some hard fought lessons I am still very much a noobie and something strange happened to me when playing this battle and I thought maybe someone here could explain it to me.

This is about three quarters into the scenario, Barkmann has dispatched a platoon of Shermans that came down the main road and has repositioned so that he covers the approach between the buildings in the centre and a hedgerow running along a wheat field. So far the battle is going well for me, the allied forces are stuck in the field on the other side of the buildings and my infantry is holding good positions and are for the most part still hidden. I have taken some losses (I guess it's a good idea to give your landsers fire arcs if you don't want them to open up on a tank crew while 3 other tanks provide overwatch...) but overall I am in control and the battle has a nice "realistic" feel to it.

My left flank is protected by an infantry platoon supported by 2 'schreck teams hiding behind a stone wall running along the short end of the wheat field. Earlier I spotted some Shermans running across the map and navigating into the wheat so I strongly suspect that they will try and flank my position. I have my teams hide behind the wall except for 2 scout teams that will look for the tanks and when they see them everyone will jump up with 'faust and schreck in hand and there will be a hail of projectiles smashing into the Shermans and the day will be won. Well, things didn't exactly turn out like that...

It turns out no one was able to spot the Shermans moving at full speed through the wheat, not even when they were at the other side of the stone wall and plastering my poor troops was a single one of them spotted. I don't know, it feels to me like at least one soldier out of an entire platoon should be able to see three tanks blasting away with everything they've got a few metres away. I wish I had a screenshot to show 'cause it was really weird watching it happen.

I don't know, you've probably seen stranger things happen but I'm new to this and still learning the ropes. Should I have kept my men hidden or should I have kept everyone at the ready and pray the tanks don't spot them until they are in range?

Meh, I guess what I really want to know is how spotting works when your troops are hidden behind cover. I guess they don't have much of a view when hiding but I did have sentries up...

Oh well, I did win in the end :D


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If you take an 8 men squad and give them a hide order, only one of them will occasionaly pop out his had and observe the battlefield while the others hug the ground, so the chances of spotting somthing are much smaller than with all 8 pairs of eyes observing.

Given the situation as you described it, i think the best solution would be to have everyone hide except the shreck and panzerfaust teams (sslpit AT teams of your squads). They should be positioned in a way however that they wont need to hide because as soon as the shermans spot them, they will already be within firing range. The reverse slope of the field on the left flank of the map is perfect for that. Put some infantry men in the building opposing the reversed slope so your shreck teams have covering fire from small arms when teh tank crews bail out. troops in a building will be much harder to spot for a tank than troops out in the open, so you wont necessarily have to hide them.

But yeah, sucessfully ambushing an enemy in turn based mode can be hard to do. I use the edges of buildings, curved roads or anything else that physically obstructs view like wrecked vehicles for that and position my troops in a way that they will not need to hide because when the enemy comes around the corner he will already be within shreck or faust range. I only use hide for ambushes when catching the right moment to open fire is not of prime relevancy due to a slow moving enemy or a wide kill zone.

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I'm learning the ropes, too, and am occasionally aggravated by invisible tanks.

I understand the spotting mechanism. I even like it. It makes sense that I can't see what my units can't, and that a unit doesn't see something just because others do.

But it often feels like my troops are blind, especially with armor. It seems way too hard to spot a tank in an open field, or even blasting at you with its machine gun. If a tank's driving across open terrain even a couple hundred yards from you, you ought to see it bar extenuating circumstances.

Too many firefights come down to which side magically pops into existence first.

It's not a huge thing, and I'm having a blast. I just think tanks not in cover, or firing, should stick out more. Other units, too, to a lesser extent.

Maybe I'll get used to it. Maybe a veteran will educate me on why my thoughts are invalid. Either would suit me fine.

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I'm learning the ropes, too, and am occasionally aggravated by invisible tanks.

I understand the spotting mechanism. I even like it. It makes sense that I can't see what my units can't, and that a unit doesn't see something just because others do.

But it often feels like my troops are blind, especially with armor. It seems way too hard to spot a tank in an open field, or even blasting at you with its machine gun. If a tank's driving across open terrain even a couple hundred yards from you, you ought to see it bar extenuating circumstances.

Too many firefights come down to which side magically pops into existence first.

It's not a huge thing, and I'm having a blast. I just think tanks not in cover, or firing, should stick out more. Other units, too, to a lesser extent.

Maybe I'll get used to it. Maybe a veteran will educate me on why my thoughts are invalid. Either would suit me fine.

Recently a shrekteam ordered to defend an intersection in a town, didn't notice a Sherman that drove by and stopped about 5 m. behind them. Yes, earlier they were facing the other way, but not noticing an enemytank, blazing away with all its weapons, seems really, reallly unreal.

Even if they would have been totally deaf, the vibrations had to make 'm look behind them.

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Meh, I guess what I really want to know is how spotting works when your troops are hidden behind cover. I guess they don't have much of a view when hiding but I did have sentries up...

It's tricky, indeed. If your troops are Hiding behind a wall, faghedaboutit. They'll show 'peeking' but won't react. If they retain some LOS, for example facing downhill, you're good to go. A non-hiding HQ in command range should help but not sure that works in CM2.

Steve has mentioned refining the Ambush sequence in the future. The solution seems clear- to this user: Hiding troops have X concealment value. Hiding troops endowed with a Cover Arc have Y concealment value (slightly more exposed). The latter will spring into action when the arc is breached.

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Thanks for the replies guys!

I guess a big part of it comes down to refining my tactics to better fit the WEGO system (wich I'm beginning to like alot), I come from the Close Combat series so I'm used to instant acces to my troops.

Steve has mentioned refining the Ambush sequence in the future. The solution seems clear- to this user: Hiding troops have X concealment value. Hiding troops endowed with a Cover Arc have Y concealment value (slightly more exposed). The latter will spring into action when the arc is breached.

This would be an excellent feature IMO wich would add a lot of flexibility. In the scenario I mentioned above I had issued Cover Arcs to my AT assets but since they were in hiding I guess the arcs were overridden by the hide commands.

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