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Weird Central Powers AI after Brest-Litovsk

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I am just playing a single-player match with the Entente against the CP AI on expert difficulty. So far, is was a nice and for my mediocre playing skills quite challenging game, and the AI defeated my Russia by the end of 1916, signing Brest-Litovsk. Its now september 1917, and I am waiting for several months for the great German offensive in the West. But it doesnt come, and the german western front seems quite weak.

Curious, I disabled fog of war and took a look.

I found most of the german and austian-hungarian armies clogged up in the Alps against Italy, about 70 units in all, including 5 german HQS and several artillery, five or six rows deep.

Historically, the CPs conducted an offensive in 1917 to weaken Italy before the Ludendorff offensive in the west, and the scripting of the AI was probably done with that in mind, but thats a bit overdone, dont you think?

I would have included a screenshot, but I seem to be to stupid to get it work. My normal keyboard button doesnt work and the screenshot folder of the game remains empty. Is there a hotkey for a screenshot?

Anyway, as the Ai cant break through my defense in Northern Italy, I am afraid this massive deployment of enemy troops wont change and an otherwise fine match will end quite boring with me taking Belgium easily and reducing german morale quickly.

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