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I am new to the game, started to play a couple of PBEM games and I know I am doing things badly. Playing as Entente my opponent keeps rotating units on the attack and they seems to be always at a high readiness, how do you do that? Is that a typical tactic in the game?

Another question, I would need some advice as how to deploy troops in the Italian front, both CP and Entente, what should I expect from Italy?

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Hi Aryaman

He's possibly swopping units after they have attacked. This is described in this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=107356&page=3

But he will be paying a penalty in terms of unit effectiveness for doing so.

It can pay off for a while, but once his units have taken casualties and swopped and/or force marched then they will generally be noticeably less effective for a while until they have had a few turns rest and been reinforced.

Entrench your units, don't force march unless necessary, rotate out of the line those that are really battered, and research Trench Warfare like crazy. Also buy back destroyed units and keep your HQs fairly near the front line, but no closer than 2-3 tiles of the front line. Losing them would be a powerful blow.

As to Italy, there are some starting units on the map, and more will mobilize when it enters the war. These should be enough to defend the north eastern border, possibly even going on the attack depending on how many units the enemy fields against them.

But their HQs start off at half strength, and the Italians lack artillery, so be careful not to overextend them. A defensive posture is safest, but it might miss out on one or two opportunities. A factor here would be how much pressure Russia and Serbia and putting on Austria-Hungary when Italy enters the war. The less well they are doing, the better it might be to sit on the defensive.

The Italian navy will also deploy, and its deployment locations vary from game to game, but the good thing is that it will give you a distinct superiority in surface naval vessels in the Med.

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