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PBEM Issues

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Is anybody else having this issue? My friend and I are patched to version 2.0. We chart our moves, save it in the outgoing folder, and send to each other. When we run the turn, loading from Incoming Email, there is no 60 second timer.......instead, the turn ends where the units would be located at the end of a 60 second move without showing us the move itself? Its very frustrating, and I'm hoping this is an easy fix. The game runs fine when he plays, or I play solitare; its the PBEM that is giving us issues. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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Is anybody else having this issue? My friend and I are patched to version 2.0. We chart our moves, save it in the outgoing folder, and send to each other. When we run the turn, loading from Incoming Email, there is no 60 second timer.......instead, the turn ends where the units would be located at the end of a 60 second move without showing us the move itself? Its very frustrating, and I'm hoping this is an easy fix. The game runs fine when he plays, or I play solitare; its the PBEM that is giving us issues. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks!


I'm not sure whats going on here but In suspect its has something to do with when and at one point you are saving the game.

Not seen this problem myself or heard of anyone reporting this problem on these board. You might have better luck posting this in the support forum. Also make sure you read the manual on how PBEM works and pay close attention to turn sequence and when to save the game to send to your opponent.

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Ι m afraid that either you or your PBEM buddy is doing sthing wrong,i ve just made another couple of tests red vs red both ME and Assault battles(i ve renamed the map files adding a letter at the end ) and it is working perfectly fine....

Are you sure that both of you are playing using the same version of the game???

PS i have the game files stored so if anybody want to check them feel free to ask.

You may actually be experiencing two different issues. The first sounds like something going on with the file naming that CM does automatically in the process of running a PBEM game. I have not experienced anything like that. The second Ian is referring to in the linked thread is a confirmed issue and has been reported. It is specific to using QB maps.

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