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German East Africa AAR!

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The battle is won at Dodoma, the last enemy unit there collapses in defeat, and fighting continues to rage at Kilosa where the 130th Baluchis are nearly destroyed!


It is amazing how well our Levies at Bagamoyo on the coast have been doing in holding up Smuts’ advance on Dar-es-Salaam. Their stiff resistance is extremely valuable as it’s helping us to keep up our extremely successful campaign further west at Dodoma.

The Graf von Gotzen is now fully repaired, and Major Wahle’s forces at Ujiji stand poised to receiving the coming attack. If it's anything like the previous one, we can't wait!

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It’s best that we rest our forces after our double victories of Dodoma and Kilosa, rather than push our troops too hard. Otherwise we could succumb to enemy counterattacks, and we do need our Askari to be ready for action again very soon.

But that doesn’t mean that we have to be quiet at Neu Langenburg, and there’s no better way to defend our positions here than by destroying another enemy Regiment!


Our forces at Ujiji are getting stronger all the time, so the British and Belgians would be wise not to delay their attack too long. It is a little surprising that they are still in strength here, and that they don’t appear to be threatening our positions to the south of Lake Victoria.

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The only action this week occurred at Neu Langenburg. Despite the loss of a regiment, the Entente forces launched a counter-attack on the town itself, using the very fresh and highly motivated South African Brigade. Having fired off most or all of its artillery shells, it remains to be seen if the Germans will try another attack, or simply replace their losses and dig in.


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It’s time to give our unit defending Neu Langenburg a rest, as it has been in the front line for sometime now, and the enemy’s attacks are increasing in strength.

Near Dar-es-Salaam, Major Kraut goes on the offensive, cutting off the 1st South African Cavalry at Morogoro in a two pronged offensive from both the east and west. Van Deventer stands just to the north, with the 130th Baluchis, but they look shattered from the recent fighting.


The Belgians are on the offensive again in the northwest, but their troops look distinctly unhappy, undoubtedly tired after their long marches and then upset at the warm welcome they receive from our artillery!


Meanwhile, the Goetzen remains safe in port, awaiting its next set of operational orders…

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Morogoro is liberated!

The South Africans defending Morogoro have been destroyed, and the best part is that our Askari who came from Dar-es-Salaam to join in the attack have managed to return to Dar-es-Salaam before the enemy realised that we’d left it empty! :)

Kraut also sends forces to the north, to attack the 1st Cape Corps Regiment. Meanwhile our cavalry return to Dodoma as the enemy are advancing once again on the town, but it looks as though there is only one British unit here so we don’t need to worry too much, yet.


Shall we hang on to Morogoro, or retire from it and keep the fighting mobile?

At some point soon the fighting is going to get more difficult for us, as no doubt both the British and Portuguese are building up in strength, despite the setbacks the former have suffered.

Keeping our forces compact and on the move will help us to retain the initiative, so sacrifices will have to be made and don’t be surprised if we evacuate some places in order to better defend others.

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We took a bit of a risk last turn and nearly lost a Detachment. But it survived, and rather than withdraw, let’s see if we can keep up the pressure around Morogoro for a bit longer. The enemy’s Indian 130th Baluchis regiment takes the brunt of an attack from both the west and south on the Nguru Mountains. Ouch!


In the North West, General Tombeur’s decision to place some Levies in the front line was not his best, as these are destroyed very easily!

The only other fighting takes place at Neu Langenburg where we launch some probing attacks to test the enemy’s defences and hopefully disrupt their offensive preparations.


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We smash the African Levies defending Handeni but don’t follow this up, preferring instead to remain concentrated near Morogoro, as our soldiers are really going to need a rest before the next campaign.


It looks as though Dar-es-Salaam is safe for the moment, but things don’t feel quite so rosy elsewhere. Especially not on Lake Victoria, despite our artillery superiority here!

We end the turn with some good news, as a blockade runner has just sailed into Dar-es-Salaam and is offloading military supplies at this very moment. The fatherland hasn’t forgotten us!


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Today's London Times carried the headline "From Boer War to Bore War?"

In the article, the writer wondered whether Smuts, who so brilliantly led his troops in hit and run tactics during the Boer War was now finding himself helpless when confronted with those same tactics being used by the German foe. With tongue in cheek, the Times even suggested that Smuts had transitioned from the "Boer War" to the "Bore War" and was perhaps under the illusion that he could defeat the Germans by boring them to death.

Certainly, there has been a distinct lack of action on the part of the Entente forces in East Africa, but sources close to General Smuts have indicated that the long spell of seeming inactivity has in fact concealed the fact that the British and Belgian forces, now largely equipped with more effective weaponry than at the start of the war, have not been wasting their time. The troops are well rested, morale is increasing and soon the Germans will be presented with the problem of how to defend against a general offensive on ALL East African fronts.

The Portuguese have increased their numbers greatly, and in fact have been pleading with their superiors to launch an attack. However, they have learned recently that De Castro is on his way to join them, and then, under his leadership, will launch an offensive northward.

At the same time, the British and Belgian forces in Urundi will attack Ujiji. There will also be an attack on Neu Langenburg, and the British forces on the coast will push back against Kraut's forces.

If successful, or even partially so, the Germans will have a real dilemma on their hands. While they can partially replace their losses, the Entente forces have a much more generous supply of men and material to draw upon, and ultimately they will prevail.

So says General Smuts.


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It’s time to take a little risk, and so, rather than wait for the enemy’s offensive at Neu Langenburg, we launch a little one of our own. Bang goes an enemy regiment!


At the same time, we are busy collecting troops to form a new field force. This will be in addition to those we currently have at Neu Langenburg, Ujiji and Morogoro.

The enemy will be attempting a push shortly, and we must be prepared to give them a few surprises. Von Lettow-Vorbeck has a few ideas, but he’s not letting on yet.

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So, it’s May 1917 and the enemy’s big attack has finally begun!

But they won’t have everything their own way, especially not at Neu Langenburg where yet another British unit bites the dust.

It looks as though the situation will be tough on the banks of Lake Tanganyika, so we bring up an Askari Detachment onto the flank of the enemy’s advance at Usinge. Could it be a sign of more units to come?


Major Kraut is withdrawing at Morogoro, so hopefully the enemy will be advancing here again soon. The sooner the enemy get out of supply, the quicker we can kill them.

Meanwhile, we’d better reinforce our positions facing the Portuguese as even they are joining in the grand offensive. Will it go the same way as Nivelle’s offensive in France just last month?


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Again, a wonderful AAR.

But as far as reality, is it correct that the Germans have the upper hand? I thought they were to be fighting a fighting withdrawal, but they seem, at this point, to be going almost toe to toe with the Entente.

Can you remind us of the victory conditions?

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Hi Rankorian

The Germans have only had the upper hand in some areas, particularly as Happycat has been biding his time before launching his big offensive.

There are also some choke points which are fairly easy to defend, either due to the terrain or the poor supply the invader will have when attacking them, and I've been fortunate in being able to take advantage of some of these.

There are also missed opportunities, undoubtedly for both sides but I can only see my opponent's.

In reality the Germans steadily lost large sections of their colony after the invasion began in March 1916, but disease, logistics and their actions enabled them to remain in the field, and within German territory for much of the campaign.

Von Lettow-Vorbeck did enter Portuguese territory towards the end of the war, and I've done that a few times myself in previous games, and might yet do so in this one too. It all depends really on how the defence of the colony goes, and up until this last turn it felt like it was going very well, but I can sense a change in the wind now.

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It’s all kicking off now, and the 4th King’s African Rifles are destroyed in a counterattack at Ujiji!


Even the enemy forces in the north east seem to be in greater strength now, despite the trouncing that Kraut has given them.

The progress of the Portuguese has so far been limited, and hopefully we can keep it that way for some time.


Meanwhile, we have forces on the move ready to deal with one of the enemy’s incursions. We hope to inflict a decisive defeat on one of them, and then regroup and assess the situation afresh.

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Well, things are certainly looking a bit risky now in some quarters, and even those Portuguese are pitching in, though not without suffering heavy losses.

At Ujiji we are struggling to maintain our positions, almost destroying the enemy’s Baganda Rifles in a counterattack. This is really going to be touch and go here, and losing the Goetzen is a bitter blow.


Neu Langenburg rings to the sound of bullets and shells once more, as the 1st King’s African Rifles are reminded that von Lettow-Vorbeck is not a man to be trifled with.

Lots of our troops are on the move, but we cannot yet reveal where to.


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This may be the most critical stage of the campaign. We have lost track of the majority of the German troops most recently seen near Morogoro. Since it is clear that von Lettow-Vorbeck is following a strategy of hit and run, and utilizing his mobility to the greatest extent possible, those units could now be almost anywhere.

Smuts believes that they are heading west to help at Ujiji, but Tighe is convinced that they are coming north. And Northey has suggested that he may well be the recipient of the next visit by Kraut's very mobile soldiers. Who is right?

Until something is known for certain, we need to prepare for all eventualities.






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The enemy lose another unit at Ujiji, one at Neu Langenburg and yet another near Kilosa further east. The action is intense and we are severely outnumbered and under pressure, but once again our superior leadership and mobility pays dividends!


In the south east, Wintgens takes command of our forces defending Lindi from the Portuguese. This should raise our potential here rather considerably.


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