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Unit swapping

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I have 2 questions on unit swapping

1. 4. I have often seen 3 units attacking from the same tile, I have not yet managed that, how is that possible? As far as I know units cannot move attack and then move again.

2. Why is it that sometimes units swap but the swapped in unit cannot attack, otherwise it is allways possible to attack after movement?

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Hi Sharkman

I've not been able to replicate the 3 units attacking/swopping from 1 tile. Have you seen it in Multiplayer games or against the AI?

The only reason I can think of would be that it has already attacked and swopped. At least, I've not seen any exceptions to that.

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My .02:

3 units can and do attack. Hold shift THROUGHOUT the entire process. once to move it in, while attacking, and then to swap with another unit that has not attacked, as well as while the 3rd unit attacks. I have done this, it does work sometimes. Of course it will not work all the time, depending on ap and terrain and weather.

I would respectfully disagree with Bill101. Sometimes I have swapped a unit in and it has been unable to attack, i guess it's movement points were expended differently than if it had moved without a swap, not sure. At any rate, I have done it enough to confirm that it does happen.

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