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ground objective question

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I'm trying to modify one of the QB maps (096) for 2 vs 2 play.

The original has one setup zone per side in the NE and SE corner and one objective for both. I'd like to have two setup zones per side (one in each corner), 2 objectives each on the (respective) other side of the map and one common objective smack in the middle (similar to how a 5 looks on a dice). All objectives should be visible to everyone.

The setup zones work, no problem. But the objectives don't. Only the allied objectives can be seen (from both sides). I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. Could someone please give me a tip or take a look? Thanks!


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I just grabbed the file from Dropbox - there is only one German Terrain Obj. The reason you can't see the other two is because they don't exist :D

The German one that does exist exactly overlaps the equivalent US one, and has exactly the same name, and therefore you can't see one for the other. It does have a different ground-shading colour compared to the other two US ones, which is a slight hint that something out of the ordinary is going on there.

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Now I'm confused. I can't check right now but I'm pretty sure I have created all five objectives.

In the editor I click on ground objectives (Axis). I've used Obj 1 - 3 (same numbers as the allied objectives - is that a problem? I assume that objective numbers are seperate for Axis&Allies?). These objectives are on the lower left and right and have different names than the allied ones. The central one has the same name.

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I just grabbed the file from Dropbox - there is only one German Terrain Obj. The reason you can't see the other two is because they don't exist :D

In the editor you have to look at the full map. The opening screen is on medium resolution and only shows part of the map. Both sides have three objectives each, one overlapping.

In-game, only the allied objectives can be seen by both sides. The axis objectives are missing.

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Now I'm confused. I can't check right now but I'm pretty sure I have created all five objectives.

In the editor I click on ground objectives (Axis). I've used Obj 1 - 3 (same numbers as the allied objectives - is that a problem? I assume that objective numbers are seperate for Axis&Allies?). These objectives are on the lower left and right and have different names than the allied ones. The central one has the same name.

The file I dl'd from DB, I checked all 8 terrain obj slots. Only slot no 2 (or 3?) has anything for the Germans. It's the Bridge area (Guado Palossi, or sumfink) worth 100 points. The other 7 slots are 'not in use'.

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;1404976']In the editor you have to look at the full map. The opening screen is on medium resolution and only shows part of the map. Both sides have three objectives each, one overlapping.

In-game, only the allied objectives can be seen by both sides. The axis objectives are missing.

Thanks, I know how to use the zoom :) But regardless of the zoom, the panel on the left only shows Obj 2 in use for the Germans. That's why the other two are missing.

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This is really weird. I tried to delete and do the axis objectives again. I chose objective 7-9. Again, no luck in the game.

Then I read JonS comment and wanted to take a look at the original again. Copied the file back from the dropbox because I had changed the file. Surprise - the axis had only one objective!

Ok, try again. Added two objectives, started a quick battle (Italians vs US) and still no axis objectives. :(


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I'm pretty sure I've put in a file in the box with 5 objectives but **** happens.

I've put another file in the box which is the exact same file I've used for making the screenshot above. No changes, tests whatsoever. Please take a look and tell me what you see in the editor and what you see in a QB (medium size ME, US attacker, Italian defender).



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poesel - I've downloaded the latest file and can confirm the following

1. Each side has 3 terrain objectives set up in the editor, all are know to both sides

2. When going into the map (as a scenario) I can see 5 objectives at elite level when viewed from both the axis and allied side. (the 6th objective being the same for both sides.)



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OK running this as QB does indeed reduce the objectives to just three.

Having looked at other QBs and the manual I think the issue here is that both sides must have matching objectives, so in the case of this map the Axis objectives are in effect being deleted from the QB game.

Both sides use the same objectives and gain the same points, so in effect a game of capture the flag, regardless of what type of QB, which does make sense.

In addition the game seems to allocate it's own values to the objectives regardless of any number input in the editor. I've just hotseated this QB to establish that the Axis forces do indeed get points for occupying what according to the editor are the US objectives.


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