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The Fleeting Moment WARNING SPOILERS

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Hey guys,

I have been really struggling with this campaign so I wanted to make a thread where I might get some help. I also think it is a really amazing and fun campaign and think the campaign deserves a thread here.


Does it seem to anyone else that this is kind of a mission impossible scenario? that the mission as planned had close to a zero chance of actually working? It seems like a kind of poorly planned bad idea... like the first level, I only managed a Draw after a couple tries and computer crashes, but it seems like its not enough time to do the job properly. Like why didn't they just wake up half an hour earlier like they would nowadays? Anyway I like that aspect of it, its cool being in the shoes of a commander with bad higher level commanders, does anyone else feel like that is some of what this campaign is about?

Anyway I'm looking for tips on the 3rd mission, the bypass one. I beat it once with a minor victory but I used my armor almost excursively to clear the way down the highway and I lost all but two in the process. The 4th and I assume the 5th seem too hard to beat without substantial armor support so I feel like I need to do the 3rd again without losing the tanks. But I haven't yet been able to do it with a good combined arms approach, I lose too many men and/or run out of time. All the wheat fields and walls and the flat terrain , and their mortars, are making it really hard. The flat terrain is very hard for me to make sense of. I feel stumped and frustrated, any input would help.

Edit to add

Oh and anyone know why you can get a draw on the first mission but then the second mission briefing makes it sound like you succeeded?

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Woot! I finally beat the bypass mission with my armor and infantry in good shape!


I thought I would only get to use the troops I exited, but it turns out that you just get points towards the minor victory you need, you can win without exiting all of them and you will still get to use them all. not only that,

Extra play effecting spoiler...

You get fresh ammo for at least your tanks and artillery but probably infantry too. Surprising luck is on your side just like mission impossible.


The next map still looks intimidating but I feel ready to tackle everything now with all this stuff I kept alive.

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:D yeah and they need it they got DIRTY! It'll have to wait for tomorrow for the swim tho, didn't try it today, just felt really stoked all day about finally beating mission 3 in good order.


Yeah sure, I guess this is a spoiler thread after all. SPOILER ALERT! Firstly I knew from my previous minor victory, where I lost all my armor, that my artillery would be resupplied, so by then end of it I had shot almost all of it. I also ended up doing it from saves, so by using two saves I was able to do it pretty ninja style. I started with a preplanned bombardment with a big smoke mission across their front between and covering the first two buildings. While the smoke came down I moved up some tanks up the field left of the highway. once the smoke was set I raced a platoon down the highway and the fork in the road over to the bridge, where I had em run up with the most advanced making it to the little dirt road to the two story building. For the other building I sent one of the engineer teams to blow a hole in the near side. In the middle between the two I moved up another platoon to the walls. When the smoke cleared my men behind the walls started shooting and the engineers had blasted through and taken the building by the freeway with little losses, and I made my first save. shortly after that (around minute 39) the fully clears and I start taking heavy losses from their mortars. I think it was a bad idea or at least I needed to bring my engineers for the building on the left too, cause I have hell taking it. I give up on the attempt and try some other stuff that doesn't work. I get frustrated. I decide to try again from that save and just do it super good. I thought it was a stylin start even if I did not blast the building on the left with enough HE and forgot the engineers. So I reload and this time I send the furthest back squad of my left most platoon along the creek and up to get a good view of the windows on the left side of it, and be able to run to that wall. and I had a renault go the same way and shot the building from that side. and then I had the previously most advanced guy by the road run left a bit to help too, then ran up to the wall them ran up to both doors and ran through both doors at once, and I had a tank shoot the other side of the building a bit. the squad hqs off the two building assault squads were shooting the mortar guys from the wall and once the rifle teams got in the building the shot em up too. While I was moving the squad and tank to assault the building to get the FO and mortars I moved up tanks to where my infantry in the middle is and move some tanks up the road around the captured building by the highway. I had the infantry in the middle run away from the walls into the grass to try to protect them from the mortars that cause some much damage before. Oh I also drive up some MG gunners to the end of the orchard but hidden by trees and had em run to the wall just after the orchard. and then another mg platoon or section further down the wall. These guys found what I think was the last remaining antitank gun, so I called down my artillery again with the 105s on the anti tank gun, my 100mm in a ling on the wall/orchard enemies my the orchard by the highway near the end, one 75 on the anti tank gun I got intel on and had shot once already with a preplanned strike, and the other 75 somewhere else all on harass with all tubes. At minute 19 I was whooping em and had tanks and infantry occupying their forward positions and a little past, was shooting at em all over the place had artillery coming in on them, but I was running out of time. I saved. then I went to slow and got a minor defeat for not exiting enough. I tried again and this time I started pulling back my guys with the longest way to go, the ones in the second story building and around it. I had them book it backwards even though they had just recently gotten to their objective and were putting the hurt on. they ran to the road behind them to where the trucks who left the island were waiting. I also moved the guys hiding the the grass up to some walls farther up but didn't keep em there long cause they had to book it to the freeway to get picked up. I ordered the mass of embarked infantry still in at the staging area to book it for the exit zone, one down the right side one down the freeway.I had the MG trucks stop to pick them up. I rushed my tanks down the road but to cover the big rush and had some of the lead trucks disembark to give security on foot. If I had a few more minutes I would have gotten all but a few off but when it

sorry that wasn't a lot clearer.

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Swept through with the German armour (which you would apparently lose anyway) plus lots of light/harass arty fire. Result = enough suppression to allow my light tanks to surge up the road and create a MG screen for the trucks. Got everyone off map before the end, minus a couple of trucks with holes in their engine blocks.

Honourable mention goes to the MkIV who pushed up the left flank, around the walled fields and rushed straight into a field of mortars. +40 enemy kills to that one tank alone...

My problem is with the next mission. My computer can't handle all those buildings. Chug chug chug. So unfortunately have given up the campaign for now which is a shame.

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My problem is with the next mission. My computer can't handle all those buildings. Chug chug chug. So unfortunately have given up the campaign for now which is a shame.

Have you tried toggling shadows off? I get a good 20 very much needed extra FPS that way.

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JonS, LOL it sure was but probably not as chaotic as my writing :D

Ridethe415, Im pretty sure you cant just ignore them, beside getting shot up too bad by them while trying to go past, I think you actually need some points from killing them. However it really is a bypass mission, unlike the destroy mission before that, because you dont have time to destroy them, at least it would be too hard, you just have time for the finding fixing maneuvering parts, not the final destroy step. A short description of how i did it was I used my arty to get my infantry up close to find them, then I hid them while my takes came up, then I blasted them till they were weak and running, while expanding my front down the road and up the right, and then once they started running it was time to move on further down the road. I ended up killing over 200 and wounding some more but they still had over 200 guys left at the end.

Fetchez, Im I a little surprised you managed it with just the tanks and artillery, you must have used your arty better than me, cause thats about how I got my first victory but I lost almost all my armor in the process. What ended up taking out the AT guns for you? sounds easier than my way tho. I ended it with around 50 casualties and I think no tank and two trucks lost.

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