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God (BTS and Fionn) knows smile.gif

Anyway, I would love to see CM going platinum or something. The guys at BTS are making a hell of a big job, and I would love them to be rewarded for it. Is there a way we could know how many sales of CM have been placed? We could throw a big party for each, let's say, 500 (100 if we feel a lot party-like!) smile.gif

P.S: long live Fionn, too! And, related to another topic I saw rummaging around...

'The right of free speech is not the right to be stupid' wink.gif Keep the good job, Fionn. I'm still looking for a way to help you out with CMHQ. If you need somebody to contribute to any of your sections, please let me know!




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I read an interview from Wargamer where Charles really gave an impressive humble impression of Battlefront, the kind of interview where you really want them to succed. I particularly liked this:

The Wargamer: Talking about your website, it features an impressive discussion forum about Combat Mission and a lot of the ideas from there seem to actually make it into the game. Was this the idea behind creating this forum?

Charles: We started up the Combat Mission forum to bounce ideas off of gamers and to field questions about how we plan to treat various aspects of warfare in Combat Mission. The feedback, questions, and debates we have had are a significant reason for Combat Mission being as good as it is right now. It's like having a large beta pool and design team all rolled up into one. The best thing is that we are addressing issues in Combat Mission now that would certainly have come up later in testing. Several suggestions have gone in as-is, others have simply sparked our creativity. Overall it has been a lot of fun kicking around ideas with so many knowledgeable and caring gamers.

Most developers wouldn't admit they'd gotten help from fans. That's one of the things with these guys. You really want them to have success.

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The gold demo will feature new scenarios etc...

I haven;t asked BTS about this but that's just the way it will be done I'm certain.

Ps. With the freedom to speak comes the RESPONSIBILITY to speak productively and responsibly.

That's a little something I came up with after seeing usenet.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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If the freedom to speak has to include speaking“responsibly” and “productively” as defined by OTHERS, than that’s no freedom at all. Those are exactly the kind of terms they used in the Soviet Union to restrict speech. Same China and Cuba.

Fionn, I don’t think you are really a fascist, but your instincts are.

Why don’t you just stick to the game, and we can all get along.

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Alright everybody!

This constant sniping has got to stop! If any of you want to get into a pissing match about who is right and wrong - DO IT SOMEWHERE ELSE!

STEVE! This is getting ridiculous! I come to this board to find out more about CM and inquire and debate questions on my favorite subject, WWII. NOT to have to swim through crap that has NOTHING to do with WWII/CM!!!

YES, I have preordered and am looking forward to this game. But I do not want this board ruined by people who cannot abide by the board's guidelines and stick to the subject.

A now thoroughly disgusted Paul frown.gif

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As far as I know, the game will go 'gold' when the master is finished, right?

Then, what are we going to enjoy first? The Gold Demo or the real stuff we have already pre-ordered?

P.S: CM is surely a good game, since I would still take the time to download the Gold demo even if I knew the full version would be shipped next day! I just can't wait to see a new unit... Just one.

P.S2: Fionn, how about one or two flamethrower screenshots in CMHQ? Yours died far too quickly in your Alpha AAR! smile.gif




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Sorry lad, didn't mean to do any harm. I just wanted to show Fionn and the other guys my support, I didn't expect to start another firefight... Anyway, you've got to agree that there are no offensive words but defensive listeners. You can have 'friendly fights' if both posters are friendly...

For example: Steve, you're ugly! smile.gif

Don't worry anyway, I'm ugly too! (and so the argument is solved, without spilling any blood)

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Oh, I almost forgot:

I've been thinking about how important the release of the GOLD demo will be. What I mean is that it isn't only 'a couple of new scenarios to play with without having to pay for the full version', but the fact that the full version is finished.

We all want CM to expand, right? We want more and more people to know about this. Well then, we SHOULD kind of advertise it... So:

I would love EVERYONE who has a keyboard (if somebody in this forum doesn't just raise a hand smile.gif ) to start posting some ideas about the CM community. We could run some web pages about it, we could add links to CMHQ, we could add custom scenarios, icons, desktop pictures, tactics, AARs, PBEM lists... whatever.

So, who's planning to do something like this? I would LOVE to contribute to CM's success. I already bought it, but I would like to do something more... wink.gif




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As i understand the process, when the game is finished (thus the gold version) it'll take something like 7-14 days for the first production cd's to be done, so like if the game is finished on say tomarrow the 15th, the actual game could in fact not be shipped untill like the 30th.

So the gold version of the demo could keep you in awe untill the cd burning is completed.

And hopefully there will be like 2 or 3 scenarios in the demo smile.gif

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Please stop being unprovokedly abusive. I made a post in response to Reverendo's quote with my take on that issue. I didn't allude to you in it, I didn't invite you to join in the discussion.

To say "Fionn, I don’t think you are really a fascist, but your instincts are."

Just shows how thin the ice you are skating on is. Please stop trying to test the limits of BTS'patience and simply stop posting to threads when you have no reason to post except to hurl another piece of abuse or find some smart way to call me a fascist without saying it bluntly.

FWIW I'd ask everyone else to not post anything abusive to Schrodi. I certainly feel that he has posted unprovoked abuse etc etc BUT I think, for whatever unknown reason, that he is just trying to provoke us all at this stage.

I think he is so clearly just being hurtful for hurtfulness sake after so many warnings that anyone who wants an "unprovoked attack-free" board would be best to simply bite their tongue. I think it's better to let his own hate condemn him. It does so FAR more eloquently than I, or any of you, ever could.


Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

[This message has been edited by Fionn (edited 12-14-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

To answer the question: yes, the demo scenarios will work just fine with the full version. We'll most likely ship with 'em. No reason not to.

Everybody, drop the rest of it. If you find yourself going to post a snipe, stop, take a deep breath, and move on.


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